Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
The Message Of The Season Of Light
In This Season Of Lights, We Are Reminded To Shine The Light Of God’s Truth, Into The Darkness, Of This World, To Reveal The Salvation of Yah Ehyeh, Found Only In Yah Ehyeh Shua, YahShuah, Jesus, The Messiah.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Coincidence Or Another Milemarker?
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Monday, November 30, 2020
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
What Kind Of Faith?
Last night, we continued our Wednesday Bible Study in John chapter 4:43-54. As most of you know this section is about a Royal Official coming to Jesus for the healing of his son.
Most preach and teach, from the pulpit, about this section, concerning the Royal official’s great faith. However, a closer look at the text reveals that it may not be quite the point, Y’shua (Jesus) was trying to teach.
To set the tone in this section, John reveals that Y’shua (Jesus) made two distinct statements.
1. “Prophets do not receive honor in their own country.”
2. “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe.”
I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like a prelude to an example of great faith, especially since he said the second statement, immediately after the Royal Official came to Y’shua (Jesus), about healing his son.
Before I go any further, let me say that the Royal Official did have faith to believe Y’shua (Jesus), at his word. However, the scriptures show that he didn’t truly believed, until after he received validation, from his servants, that his son was indeed healed.
That, my friends, is called, “What have you done for me lately?” faith and unfortunately, the faith of most believers fall into that category. That kind of faith is short lived and increases doubt and causes many to fall away, from the faith.
The scriptures are quite clear that true faith comes by “Hearing the Word of God.” Only by diligently digging into God’s Word, on both the literal and spiritual levels, with the Spirit of God leading you, can you achieve a lasting, loving and intimate relationship with our creator.
Only with that godly, scripturally based, relationship, can you achieve a lasting faith. A faith that will support you through the good times and bad...a faith that will allow you to see God as our savior...a God that gave his only Son, as the ultimate sacrifice, for our sins...the only sacrifice wholly acceptable to satisfy God’s righteous requirements of the Law. That sacrifice...that Son is Y’shua ha Maschiach, (Jesus the Christ).
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Our Ultimate Life Coach.
After A Few Weeks, It Was Good Getting Back To Our Wednesday Night Bible Study. Tonight, We Covered John Chapter 4:4-14. Though There Is A Lot Of Meat, In These Verses, One Verse Stuck With Me, John 4:6.
Y’Shua (Jesus), being worn out, from his journey, sat down by the well.
Even Though The Son Of God, Being Filled With The Fullness Of God, Y’Shua (Jesus) Had The Frailties Of His Humanity, To Deal With. He Got Tired, Hungry, Angry And Even Had To Fight Back Against The Temptations Of Sin.
We Have Problems Getting Through One Day, Without A Hiccup. Y’Shua (Jesus) Spent 32 Years, Without Skipping A Step, Which Uniquely Qualifies Him As Our Ultimate Life Coach.
So, When The Things Of Life Get You Down And You Grow Tired Of This Life, Remember Y’Shua (Jesus) Is There To Lead Us Through. He’s Been There And Done All That. All We Have To Do Is Follow Him And Lean On Him, Until That Day, When God Says, “Go And Get Your Bride.”
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Search The Scriptures
Monday, June 15, 2020
Because God Takes Care Of His Own
So, I Prayed For Rain. Now, Keep In Mind, There Was Absolutely No Chance Of Rain, Over The Next Few Days, According To The Weatherman, So I Smiled And Said, “I Love You, Lord” and Went BackTo Work.
As I Closed My Eyes Last Night, I Told Karrin, “I Prayed For Rain.”
Honestly And Shamefully, I Went To Sleep, Thinking I Would Have To Get Up And Lug The Water Over There.
The Next Morning, Karrin Gets Up And Makes Breakfast And Brings It Into The Bedroom And We Both Ate.
Getting Up And Looking Over To Karrin, I Said, “Oh Well...I Guess I Better Get That Water Over There And Water The Garden.”
Just Then, We Hear That All Too Familar Sound.
“Is That Thunder?” Karrin Asked, Smiling.
We Look Outside And There, On The Edge Of The Sun, Was A Rain Cloud Approaching. Radar Confirmed...85-100% Of Rain, For The Next Few Hours.
It’s Like God Was Saying, “That’s Alright Son, I’ll Take Care Of This.”
Thank You Lord And Praise God!!!
It Brought A Tear To My Eye, Because God Takes Care Of His Own.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020
I Don't Know If It's Coincidence Or Not, But It's Time To Be Kingdom Minded.
Brothers and Sisters, Jew and Gentile, It's Time To Stop Being A Democrat, Republican Or Independent.
It's Time To Be Kingdom Minded.
Coincidence or Not????
Last Night, I screen captured this New York Times link around 4pm EST. I also had the whereabouts to also capture the actual link address. Here it is.
Praise God That He Led Me To Do So, Because, Lo and Behold, It Is Gone This Morning.
What makes this so important?
Well, let me take you through the possible timeline and let the Spirit lead you.
-May 2019: Democrats vote to boost the UN Budget, with significant earmarks for the UN Peacekeepers.
-March - June 2020: Caronavirus Pandemic Hits and Peaceful Protests turn into Race Riots. Lockdown and Extraordinary Social Restrictions Begin.
-June 2020: Democrats Call For Defunding Of All Police Departments. At this time, five US cities, all Democratic strongholds, have initiated the defunding.
-June 2020: Democrats Suggest That UN Peacekeepers Replace Our Police, While Law Enforcement Is Reformed.
Is this a Globalist One World Coup happening right in front of us or a simple mistake by the New York Times or Did God Reveal This To us, to make preparations?
Is this exactly what is foretold, within the scriptures?
Haven't you ever wondered, why the Scriptures don't mention a mighty nation called the United States, in the End Times?
Could it be that it will be taken over through a peaceful coup and become part of the Globalist Community?
It's time to be servants of God and be Kingdom Minded.
Shalom And May God Keep Your Safe!!
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Calm, That God Gives Us, Through The Storms, In Our Life.
Cool Picture From Yesterday's Weather News.
With the devastation of the twisters, in the background, in contrast to the calm and contentment, in the area of the Rainbow, in the foreground, I'm reminded of the calm through and protection from the storms in our life, by standing firm in the Covenant of God, through Y'shua, the Messiah. Amen!
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Begging The Same Question.....Who Do You Say I AM?
"First of all, the first chapter isn't about Israel." I responded to a Rabbinical Jew, concerning the first chapter of Isaiah. "It's about Judah and Jerusalem and what it had grew into and how it grew into a sinful people, to the point of being referred to, by God, as Sodom and Gomorrah." He disagreed and continued to insist that the chapter was about Israel and God's attempt to reconcile with them. I thought I would share this summary of Isaiah, chapter one and would like to hear your thoughts.
God continues to inform Isaiah of what he will do to Judah and Jerusalem, including giving up on them, not listening to their prayers and not accepting their sacrifices, which appears to continue until this day.
God even says, "Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations— I cannot bear your worthless assemblies. Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals I hate with all my being. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening."
Please notice that Judah and Jerusalem were doing what they were supposed to be doing, according to the Law, but God was shunning their attempts of self righteousness and meaningless worship, as he is today, with the descendants of Judah, the Rabbinical Jews.
This begs the question, "Why?". Why would God reject his people, to the point of shunning them, even though they were performing the rituals of going through the paces and/to the letter of the Law?
In chapter two, he gives that reason.
"Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in your nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?" Who are these mere humans, that Judah holds in higher esteem than God? I think we all know the answer to that question.
Even through his speech, God tries to reach out to the Remnant, but he knows it's fruitless.
Two very telling verses, 25-26, reveals that God knows they won't turn away from their evil and wicked ways, by telling them that he would take care of wiping away their impurities, himself. Again, it begs the question, as to how. How would God, not Judah and Jerusalem, but God, himself, "thoroughly purge away your dross and remove all your impurities.", especially since he’s shunning their worthless attempts to the sacrifice and to faithfully follow the letter of the Torah?
God then goes on to tell Judah and Jerusalem that a Mighty Man will become a flax, to be shaken out as refuse, but his work would be the spark, both burning, where no one, no, can quench.
This begs the final question......Who was this Mighty Man? This Mighty Man, shunned and thrown out, as refuse? The Mighty Man that meets this demise, but with his works, starts a spark, that will start a fire, that no one can quench. Who was he? There was only one man that fit the bill. That one man poses the same question to the descendants of Judah today, as he did to one of his students, so long ago......"Who Do You Say I Am?" Up to now, there has been no response, from my Rabbinical Jewish Friend. Your Thoughts? Shalom!
Monday, April 13, 2020
Wait For Jesus - God
Bible Scholars have Laws of Interpretation, which have proven out to be true, more times than not. One of those is the Law of First Mention, where the first time a word appears, within the scriptures, it will result in a message or very important theological statement.
In a recent poll, Christians were asked, “When you think of Jesus (Y’shua), what word comes to mind?” In an amazing response, over 90% of Christians responded with the word, Saved or Salvation. So, I went and searched out the first place, the word Salvation shows up. It turns out that Salvation appears, for the first time, in Genesis 49:18.
Now, most Jews and Christians are quite familiar with the chapter, because this is where Jacob, at the end of his life, gathered his 12 sons and prophesied over them and told them what would happen to them and their descendents, in the days to come and one by one, Jacob tells them, in detail, the coming events.
As you read this chapter, you’ll find one verse, that doesn’t quite fit and that is our verse 18. In the both the Jewish and Non-Jewish English translations, it is translated as, “I will wait for your salvation, O Lord.” or “For your salvation, I will wait, O Lord.”
First of all, please notice, that in different translations, the words “Wait” and “Salvation” are switched. That’s because there is a disagreement, as to what order, the two words appear. Most scholars agree that the oldest and most reliable manuscripts have the Hebrew word “Kavah”, first, followed by “Yeshuwah”.
You might ask yourself, “Why does this matter?” Doesn’t both say the same thing?
Well, let’s look at the verse, a little closer.
It turns out that Genesis 49:18 consists of just three words, Kavah Yeshuwah YHWH, even though the English Versions add additional words. Kavah simply means "Wait For". Yeshuwah is the Hebrew Name of Jesus. Of course YHWH is the eternal name of God.
If we believe most scholars, when they say that it’s “Kavah Yeshuwah YHWH”, not “Yeshuwah Kavah YHWH”, then amazingly, dead in the middle of Jacob prophesying over his sons and their descendents, he changes gears and says, “Kavah Yeshuwah YHWH”,
“Wait For Jesus. - God”.
Did God inspire Jacob to stop and basically say, “Even though all these things will happen to you, don’t worry, Wait For Jesus”? And even appearing to sign his eternal name?
Or is it just another amazing coincidence?
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Moshiach Chayah!! The Messiah Lives!!
5:59 PM
Silence and Darkness were the body’s only companions.
Possessing an eerie secluded existence, the figure laid motionless, looking forward only towards a decay that would accompany anyone else in his position.
Three days and three nights have passed, since his beating and the subsequent taking of his life.
Passed are the three days and three nights of ministering unto the spirits, who had gone before him.
Slowly, the ticking of the seconds that only Time and God are fully cognitive of, obediently and dutifully marched onward.
Then, within the darkness, a small but ever-growing light appears. The light grows, only noticed by the small inhabitants of such an abode. The shroud, which laid upon the beautifully hewed burial stone, began to rise. The light brilliantly and beautifully encompassed the figure underneath. And as soon as the Tower watchman cried out the beginning of a new day, within the walls of Jerusalem, the shroud fell flat to the stone.
The earth began to shake and the large stone, in front of the tombs sole opening, rolled back, to the astonishment of the startled garrison of Roman guards, who were there, guarding the tomb. Afraid, the guards scattered, leaving the spectacle to be viewed only by the purest of all creation.
From the innermost and deepest part of the grave to the highest heights of heaven, a voice rung out.
Moshiach Chayah!!
The Messiah Lives!!
B’ruch Attah Y’shua, B’nai Elohim, Bikkurim Qeber.
Blessed are you Y’shua, Son of God, the First Fruits of the Grave.
The Day Was
The Resurrection Day of The Son Of God.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Happy Passover/ Chag Pesach / What Did Y’shua Die Of?
At approximately 2-3pm, Jerusalem time, the order came down for the soldiers to break the legs of Y'shua/Jesus and the two thieves, in order to expedite their deaths, to get them off the crucifixion stakes, before Pesach / Passover began. However, when they came upon Y'shua/Jesus, he was already dead. They pierced his side, with a spear, to ensure his death.
When they pierced his side, water flowed out the wound. Modern pathologists indicate that this proves that Y'shua/Jesus died of a Ruptured Pericardial Effusion. Otherwise, he died of a Broken Heart.
This Broken Heart could have been a result of the stress of his Beating and Crucifixion or it could have been the fact that his people rejected his Father’s Scriptures and him as the Promised Moshiach Nagai, Messiah the King, therefore enacting the Suffering Messiah/Pesach/Passover Lamb Clause of the Torah Covenant.
By the way, the Roman Soldiers ended up not breaking his legs, thereby fulfilling the Pesach/Passover Lamb Covenant Requirement, found in Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12 and the Prophecy in Psalm 34:20.
Between 3-6pm, Y'shua/Jesus was laid to rest, in the grave of Joseph of Arimathea, as prophesied in Isaiah 53:9. Passover began at 6pm, sunset, on that day.
B’ruck Attah Y’shua B’shem Adonai Pesach Seh Elohim.
Blessed Are You, Y’shua, who came in the Name of the Lord, The Passover Lamb of God!!
Shalom and Chag Pesach Sameach!!
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Today Is The 10th Of Nissan, The 1988 Anniversary Of The Triumphant Entry.

Saturday, February 29, 2020
DId Y'shua (Jesus) Disrespect Or Dishonor His Mother, In John 2:4???
One of the more difficult passages, for the average Christian, is John 2:4, where it appears that Y’shua, Jesus, disrespects his mother, by what appears to be a rude and curt response, to his mothers request. Most readers of this text pass over this verse, ignoring the possible negative connotations, taking it on faith that that he did not disrespect her, thereby missing out on a very important lesson and promise.
As a side note, unfortunately, this verse is used, by Atheists and Non-Believers to delegitimize Y’shua's Messianic claim and lead others to doubt the Word of God. However, more avid readers get excited and dig in to determine the true meaning of the passage.
Now, let’s take a look at the verses leading up to John 2:4 and see if we can gleam the actual truth of the text.
Most English versions translate the text of John 2:1-6 like this:
Jesus’ mother said to him,
If was at this point, most versions imply that Y’shua responded in a disrespectful and curt manner.
How could this be? To show disrespect or to dishonor to your mother would be a violation of the Law and thereby disqualify Y’shua as the true and perfect Lamb of God. Did Jesus violate this commandment and actually sin?
With that said, now, let’s now look at the Word For Word Translation, which gives us look at the actual Greek, word for word, which is used in this passage. I think you’ll find a slightly different perspective revealing what actually conversed between the two.
The Mother of Y’shua happened to be there
and also Y’shua.
Also, his disciples
were invited to the wedding celebration.
To reiterate, almost every single English translation has Y’shua, Jesus, responding abruptly and curtly with, “Woman, what has this got to do with me?...My time has not yet come.“, but in reality, the text doesn’t reflect that tone.
If you will let me, let’s expound on this a little. I can see the wine running out and Mary feeling sorry for the wedding couple. She most likely thought that Y’shua could help with the situation.
In this ancient culture, it is the governor of the celebration who is responsible for the wedding feast and it is the governor and the wedding family, who basically gains or loses respect, based on how the feast is conducted. These strict protocols are a matter of pride, within the Israeli culture and rightly so, Y’shua, maintaining the Law, indicated that it was not their responsibility.
Now, also notice that the English versions, for some reason, leaves out the words, “the same”, in verse four. Why? This is the reason why there is so much confusion. However, The Word For Word Translation includes the words, “the same” showing that the word, “Woman” is not in Y’shua’s actual comment, but actually indicates to whom he was speaking. If the English versions left in the words, “the same”, it would have been translated as:
“The Same Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”
Which makes absolutely no sense, therefore, they left it out, which resulted in implying that Y’shua abruptly and rudely, for no reason, reacted like a total jerk and worst of all, showing a total disrespect to his mom and would have Y’shua violating the commandment, “You shall honor your mother and father.”. Bottom line is that the English Versions have Y’shua, Jesus, sinning, which he did not.
Again, in reality, Y’shua, responded to the same woman, his mother, and asks a simple straight forward question, “Why?”. “ Why are you involving us and possibly dishonoring the family?”, being very conscious of his sinless nature and cognitive of the leading of the Spirit, Y’shua then states, “Anyway, my time had not come for me to overtly use the Power of God.
Now, what happens next, is the most intriquing part of this story. Clearly, Mary had no doubt that Y’shua could change the water into wine, for she clearly ignores the fact that it’s possibly not in God’s Plan and turned to the servants and said the following.
Wow!!! If anything, Mary shows a total disregard for how the Spirit is leading Y’shua and continues on with her plan, telling the servants to do whatever Y’shua tells them to do. In my book, that takes some audacity, given her previous experience with God. Big Question Here….Did Mary Blatantly Sin??? From where I’m standing, that’s a big, “Yes”.
However, what did Y’shua do? According to the Law, he honored his mother, by fulfilling her wish. This is amazing!!! What a Great Lesson into how God operates in this sinful world. Even though we don’t always follow God’s Plan for our lives, he ALWAYS has our backs, even giving things to us, which aren’t according to the Plan.
Not that’s the Lesson to Take To Heart.
…and that’s what you’ll find, When You Search For The Truth.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Balancing The Scales-The Reason For The Torah
God’s pure nature requires perfect balance. Another way of saying balance is rest, justice, righteousness, a fulfilled purpose.
When we think or do things contrary to God’s perfect will, then we offset that perfect balance. To reset the scales of balance, we must submit an act of counter balance. That is what the Law is all about.
God was perfectly clear that if Man disobeyed, their life would be required. The Torah is perfectly clear that the life is in the blood. Before Man sinned, he was perfect. Afterwards, he was not. Therefore, a perfect man’s life Or blood could not be offered to counter balance the scales.
Friday, January 3, 2020
A Messianic Glimpse into the Future?
Most know the story or Ya’qob (Jacob), at Beth'El, which means the House of God. There, while asleep, Ya’qob (Jacob) dreams of a ladder, stretching from the Earth to the Heavens. Even though this incident truly happened, it is also prophetic. Ya’qob (Jacob) see the only access to God, that is the Gate to God, by which the Angels of God ascend and descend upon.
The following is a paraphrased section from the Word for Word Translation giving this account.
At Beth’El, The House of Yah,
Ya’qob Dreamed,
Dreamed of a Ladder
Standing on the Earth,
the Top touching the Heavens.
He beheld the Angels of Elohim
Ascending and Descending….
“Amen! Amen!
I say you will see the Heavens open
and the Angels of Yah
Ascending and Descending
on the Son of Man.”
Y'shua (Jesus) is the Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through him.
Amazingly, once you start looking at the scriptures, with Y'shua(Jesus) in mind, it becomes amazingly crystal clear that the whole book does begin to paint a picture, a picture that was revealed to Ya’qob (Jacob), all those years ago. The picture of the Messiah and the Salvation of Humanity.
No other book makes the claims of the Bible and Nowhere Else, do we see such clarity and fulfillment.
Isn't it time to get into the Word for yourself?