Sunday, November 18, 2018

To Live Or Die, Do It Worthy Of The Grace Of God.

Philippians 1:19-21

For seeing with my own eyes that this will result in my deliverance through your prayers and the supply of Spirit in Y’shua Messiah in my anxious and persistent expectation and hope because without shame but in all free and fearless confidence as always to presently give the Messiah glory and praise in my body by life or by death. For me to live a life worthy of the Messiah and to die is gain.

Amazing to see the words that Paul uses, when he writes. Here in verse 19, he uses the Greek word 'eido'. Eido is normally interpreted as 'to know', kind of like seeing with your mind, which is true, but it also can be used convey as 'literally seeing with his eyes'. This verse gives us the allusion that Pauls faith is so great, that he could literally see the Philippians faithfulness. Knowing that God moved Paul to write this also for you and me, could Paul also perceive the Remnants faithfulness, throughout history. I don't know the answer, for sure, but it is amazing what we can do, with the help of God's Spirit, if we only engage.

Now, did Paul literally see a future meeting with the Philippians? Did he see the future Remnant's faithfulness. For me, I honestly think so. That is how God rewards the faithful...with eyes to see the future of his Kingdom.

Notice, also, how Paul describes our prayers, through the Spirit. He writes in verse 20,

"in my anxious and persistent expectation and hope because without shame but in all free and fearless confidence..."

In modern day lingo, we should pray with such an assurance that we can literally taste it. Let's reach out and Eido (Literally See) that our prayers are already answered. I think that we sell God short sometimes. If we are of the Remnant and in the Will of God, then our prayers should be a statement of what the future will be. I have to admit, I am weak and lack the faith sometimes. However, the power is there. We just have to tap into it and use it for the edification and well-being of the Remnant and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

I also love the last statement. So many people say that it is great to die for the Messiah, but Paul tells us that living or dying for the Messiah is equally advantageous. I hear that it's so great to die for a cause, but I honestly feel that it's easy to die. But to live for God, by the Messiah's example, in his Spirit, is hard and lot more rewarding. However, whether you die or live for the Messiah, it is for his and God's glory, not ours and will have the same outcome.

Philippians 1:22-25

Nevertheless, if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labor, but what is chosen, I know not.
For I am besieged by both, having desire for what is forbidden to depart from life and be with the Messiah, by far, much better. But, persevering, in the flesh, is necessary because of you (Agape)
and with this confidence, I believe I will remain and continue to live for you all for your progress and joy of Faith.

Every time I read these verses, I wonder how many people actually see what is going on.

Paul is wondering whether God is going to allow him to live or die for the cause. Then he tells us that he is contemplating suicide because, in his old age, it would be so much better to be with the Messiah. Please think about that for a little bit. Here we have a man of God contemplating taking his own life, to go home with the savior. Now, I'm not advocating suicide. However, if you have thought about suicide, you aren't alone.

Many have contemplated suicide.

With that said, notice verse 24 and 25. It implies that suicide is selfish. To persevere through the suicidal times is to show your agape, your committed love to God and to your brothers and sisters in the Messiah. You should also have confidence that God has a plan for you and that plan includes edifying your brothers and sisters and furthering the Kingdom. This will surely result in the Joy of Faith.

What is the Joy of Faith?

The Joy of Faith is the assurance that you gain, whenever your Faith is increased. This happens in so many ways. The Proof of God is out there. All we have to do is step out on Faith and open our eyes.

Philippians 1:26

In order that your rejoicing and boastful glorifying be exceeding to the greatest extent in Y’shua, the Messiah, with me, by my coming to you again.

So many people have interpret this as an example of Paul's arrogance. He is saying that you'll be so happy to see me, that you will praise the Messiah to your upmost. Your praise will be greater than it ever has been or will be in the future. Now, to be honest, if we are echad, one with each other, then we should be extremely happy to see each other, all the time, that we would praise God, to the fullest extent. Paul is just stating the plain facts of the family relationship, within the Kingdom of God.

Philippians 1:27-30

But, behave as a citizen worthy of the grace of God, through the Messiah whether I come and see you or am absent, hearing your accounts that you’re standing firm in one Spirit, only one mind, striving together, faithfully in God’s Grace through the Messiah, and in nothing or no one, God Forbid, be terrified by those who present opposition or earnestly demonstrates heresies, moreover your salvation and that which would separate you from God, because your forgiveness, on your behalf, is by the Messiah. Nothing Else!!! Only by committing yourself unto him, moreover also feeling the passion or suffering with him, having his battles, such as what you have seen in me and now hearing by me.

Paul kind of switches gears, but not entirely. He reminds them that, whether God allows him to come to Philippi or not, they should act as though they are worthy of God's Grace. Don't be arrogant in the Spirit. Unfortunately, many Christians act as though we are special human being, when in reality, we are the same as everyone else, the typical human that has faith in a God, that has saved us. At the end of everyday, we should ask ourselves, if we are acting as if we were worthy of God's Grace.

He wants to hear that they are standing in the Spirit, with one mind, acting as one. This is one of the many verses that shows that there is only one true way to interpret the scriptures. With so many Christians believing something differently, real Christians continually search out for the real scripture, the real life, the real God, while the luke-warm Christians do not.

Now, that doesn't mean if we believe differently, that some of us are not real Christians. No. However, when you don't continually search the scriptures to see if your beliefs are in accordance with the Full Counsel Of God, it does reflect where your true allegiance are, God or Man or Satan. It will also restrict your access to the throne room of God and your ability to tap into His Spiritual Power.

Again, the Remnant, the Real Christian, will search the scriptures daily to see if what they believe is according to God's Word and his Will. Doing so will allow you the ability to live "faithfully in God’s Grace through the Messiah."

Notice that Paul goes on to say that if your beliefs are in opposition to the Book of God or the demonstrative Book of Nature, you are supporting and demonstrating heresies. However, he also tells us that even these destructive heresies cannot separate you from God's forgiveness. This is due to your forgiveness, salvation, is based on the Messiah, nothing else.

Finally, he reiterates that your life should demonstrate a passion or suffering that reveals that you are engaging in his battles not yours. I hate to sound like a broken record, but you should live a life worthy of the Grace of God. You should live your life according to God's Will, His Word and His Truth. A slight deviation, from God's Will, His Word and His Truth, prohibits full access.

Finally, I don't understand the average Christian, especially in these times. We have access to the original writings, amazing tools, literary access and science to reveal the intricacies of God, but we continue to cling to what the local minister says, while ignoring God's Truth. God is crying out to you. Answer his call. Seek him out.