Thursday, April 25, 2019

Before Reading This, Can You Find John 7:38 In The Old Testament?

There are many people out there, that spend a lot of time, attempting to discredit the Bible. One great example is John 7:38, where Y'shau/Jesus quotes from the Tanakh, the Old Testament. However, a cursory search reveals that it's not in there. It is one among many verses, through which the Atheist and other Non-Beleivers attempt to lead us and our children from the faith.

Is it a misquote and translational error or what?

Well, let's start off by understanding that God’s Word clearly says to consume his Word. Why? Because God’s message is here a little, there a little, line upon line, with wonderful nuggets hidden, rewarding the faithful consumer of his Word, when they are dug out. This is the only way, to gain a full encompassing vision of God’s ways.

For example, Proverbs 10:28 says, 

“The Hopeful Expectations of the Righteous and Trusting is Joy; The Expectations of the Ungodly is destruction.”

Also, Isaiah 12:3 says 

“Joy draws forth water from wells of salvation.”

Together, we can say that the Joy of a Righteous and Trusting Person, one who is right with God, will draw out a flood of water out of the God’s salvational depository. Salvation is life. Life everlasting. Therefore, wouldn’t the water be both living and undending and abundant? The answer is obviously, Yes.

What we have done here, is taken the Word of God, consumed different parts and spoke a truth, which is not word for word, from the scriptures, but a truthful concept gained from the Whole Counsel of God. This is how the Remnant of God, the Faithful of God, the ones who are right with God speaks out for our Lord and God.

So, when the Apostles do the same thing, in their Gospels and letters, it shows that they has consumed the Word of God and made it thier own, a model for you and me to emulate,in order to be true B’nai Elohim, knowing the Machashabah Elohim, the Thoughts of God, not just regurgitating his Word, word for word, without any meaning.

Now, I drugged you through this exercise to show what we have gained from knowing the whole counsel of God, the Machashabah Elohim, reveling that John 7:37 is indeed in the Tanakh, not a butchering or misquote, as the naysayers would say.

Now, Let’s read John 7:37, from the Word for Word Translation.

“Place your trust in me. According to the scriptures, it says, “From out of wells, flows a flood of living water.”

Doesn’t that sound exactly what we just gained from the Whole Counsel of God? Be a consumer, not a reader. Shalom!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Is This Truly A Great Day?

Truly, this day marks a Great Day in the History Of Humanity. This is the day when the Salvation of Humanity became a reality for all who will trust in God, that he provided the true Passover Lamb, thereby causing the Angel of Death to pass over us, giving us Life Everlasting with God.

This Passover Lamb committed himself to us and freely and obediently went to the alter of God and gave his life, as a ransom for all.

Then, three days later, on the Feast Of First Fruits, he raised our Messiah from the Grave validating the Word of God and Y’shua/Jesus as the Promised Salvational Lamb Of God and setting us up as Joint Heirs in the Kingdom of God. Truly, a great day!

However, let us commit ourselves to celebrate everyday, as this day, for our Messiah is the Passover Lamb and God is our Savior everyday. Amen!

Friday, April 19, 2019

This Day Was Foretold From Before The Beginning Of Time, Before The Foundation Of The Earth.

As Passover arrives, it's important to realize that our Father had preplanned the whole event surrounding the crucifixion of the Messiah. The details are amazing. 

Every year for 1,500 years Israel unknowingly went through the dress rehearsal of binding the Passover Lamb to the horns of the altar at 9 a.m., the very time Y'shua was being bound to the execution stake. 

The Jews began to sing and continue to sing today, 

“God is the LORD who has showed us light, Bind the sacrifice with cords even to the horns of the altar.”

At noon, as the Messiah was lifted up from the earth and as the sun went dark for three hours, the Jews were singing and as they sing today, 

“The right hand of the LORD is exalted; the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.”

Then at 3 p.m., the time of the evening sacrifice, the Messiah dies and the people again sing from Psalms 118: 

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever.”

God dictated that this event had to happen on the 14th day of the first month, or Nisan 14, as this was to be the day on His calendar that the fulfillment of prophecy would happen.

Before his death, the Messiah ate the Last Passover Supper with his disciples and told them that this day is to be forever remembered.

“And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.”