Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Who Do You Say I Am?



  1. Yes, keith, water is the symbol of the Word of God in the scriptures.

    1. Hi Brenda, I agree. Y’shua said, “I Am the Living Water...Drink and Thirst No More.”

      What do you think about the meaning of the words spelling out another testimony of Y’shua? Is his Word so dynamic?

  2. I find them absolutely amazing Keith. I was looking at a tv programme last night called the God Code, and it was very revealing. Yet I felt that the people introducing it had amazing revelations but they did not want to reveal too much. I have a book called the Bible code which I have found quite fascinating. There are numerous prophesies found in the code which have already come about. I get tearful every time ore is revealed regarding our Father God and what He has in store for us when we believe in His precious Son.
