Thursday, December 13, 2018

Love The Lord, With All Your Heart, Soul, Mind And Spirit, Likewise, Love Each Other.

Philippians 2:1

These things being so, for whoever is encouraged in Messiah, whoever is comforted by total commitment, whoever communes in the Spirit having an inward affection and compassion and mercy.

As we roll out of the first chapter of Philippians, Paul transitions from what Messiah Y’shua has done for us, to what the natural Messianic outpouring of the Spirit and our outwardly commitment to God, through the Messiah, should look like.

He also gives us an internal litmus test, as to what our Spiritual Self should reflect. Our Spirit should

- be encouraged in the Messiah.
- be comforted by his Agape, his Total Comittment
- have communion with the Spirit of God
- have an inward affection for God, ourselves and others, reflected in compassion and mercy.

These are things that we need to ask ourselves on a daily basis. Otherwise, let’s take a Spiritual inventory every day, before we start our day and end our day.

Philippians 2:2

Fill up my joy completely by thinking the same of yourself, commit yourselves in love of one mind and spirit. Spirit, Mind, One Purpose.

Unfortunately, this is one aspect at which the modern church has failed miserably. We are far from one mind and spirit, little alone, one purpose. We are so fractured from years of Biblical and Spiritual disagreement, that the church no longer reflects the true body of Christ, the Messianic Remnant. We have so many denominations, in which resides so many different doctrines. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the church is sitting exactly where Satan has planned, far from One Spirit, One Mind, One Purpose.

We need to get back to what the Word of God says, not what the traditions and doctrines of man say. It’s so easy, especially in today’s world, to explore the original Word of God. There are so many resources to explore the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Languages and the culture, in which they were written. This generation will have absolutely no excuse not to know what the One Mind, One Spirit should be. Again, as the Bible tells us, so many will perish because they know of Messiah Y’shua (The Word of God), they don’t know Messiah Y’shua personally.

Keep in mind, not only does it fill Paul's Joy to the upmost, when the Remnant of God is of One Mind, One Spirit, One Purpose, we also complete God's Joy.

Philippians 2:3-4

not according to electioneering (a partisan and fractious spirit), nor by groundless, self esteem, empty pride but lead one another with modesty, humility and lowliness of mind holding each other in higher than yourselves, not taking heed to you ownself but after each other.

It’s amazing that Paul, through the eyes of God, saw and forewarned us about people, who would attempt to solicit each other, with their own non-biblical perceptions, based on grounds not supported by the Scriptures. They would do this, based on empty pride and self esteem.

I wonder if Paul knew that empty and self serving pride would result in versions of the Bible, which would skew the original meaning. No doubt that God knew. That’s why he put these two verses in the Bible.

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.     Revelation 22:18-19

Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.     Proverbs 30:5-6

Paul goes on to tell us that we need to lead each other with modesty and humility, while considering the needs of others, before our own. If we do what is commanded here, then our needs will be taken care of, automatically. It reflects the greatest commandment, which encompasses all the commandments.

Love the Lord, with all your heart, soul, mind and spirit and likewise Love each other.

Think about it. We Love God and God takes care of us. Likewise, If We Love each other, we are taken care of.

Amazing, How that works. Shalom!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I chose Jerusalem. My Name is there.

Within the Judaic and the Messianic Jewish community, there is a statement, a pledge of allegiance recited at the beginning of every day and before bedtime. It is also said before daily prayers and when praising God and beseeching Him. It is called the Sh'ma. It goes like this:

Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.

Hear, O Israel, the Eternal is our God, the Eternal is One.

In Devarim, Deuteronomy 6, we are commanded to write this upon our doorstep and gates. Since the beginning, the Jewish people have made small containers, called a Mezuzah, and attached them to their doors and gates. The Sh'ma is written on a parchment and inserted into the Mezuzah. On these Mezuzah, the Hebrew letter Shin is inscribed. Shin is the first letter of Shaddai, the Almighty. Within the Jewish community, the pronunciation of the name of God is prohibited. Therefore, the name, El Shaddai, is held up in great reverence. The letter shin looks like this:

An interesting alternate ancient rendering of Shin is:

Another interesting piece of information is that in 2 Divrei ha-Yamim, 2 Chronicles 6:6, God says, 

"I chose Jerusalem. My Name is there."

God stated this, before Israel was in the land. Yahweh is saying that his name is already there.

Another amazing fact, is that, in a literal reading of Deuteronomy 12:11, God states that he is in that place. Then he states his name, as to stamp his claim, upon the place. Then goes on to say that Elohim chose his name to dwell there, signifying that his name has been there, from the beginning. 

"I am (I exist) in that place. Yahweh. Elohim chose his name to dwell there." 

Now, I am a firm literalist. I believe that God says what he means and means what he says. In his Word, all things are to be taken literally, first, as our anchor to reality. 

So, with all that said, it begs the questions, "Is God literally there?" or "Is God's Name literally there?". I will not go into the first question, within this post, but the answer is "Yes", to both questions.

As mentioned earlier, the Jews, out of extreme reverence, towards God's Name, use the name, Shaddai, instead of Yahweh. They use the Hebrew letter "Shin", as an abbreviation. Is God's Name really in Jerusalem, upon Mt. Zion? I'll let you decide while looking at the following topographical picture of Mt. Zion. I think you know what I think.

Some will say that it's a coincidence. However, after a while, coincidences are evidence of design.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

To Live Or Die, Do It Worthy Of The Grace Of God.

Philippians 1:19-21

For seeing with my own eyes that this will result in my deliverance through your prayers and the supply of Spirit in Y’shua Messiah in my anxious and persistent expectation and hope because without shame but in all free and fearless confidence as always to presently give the Messiah glory and praise in my body by life or by death. For me to live a life worthy of the Messiah and to die is gain.

Amazing to see the words that Paul uses, when he writes. Here in verse 19, he uses the Greek word 'eido'. Eido is normally interpreted as 'to know', kind of like seeing with your mind, which is true, but it also can be used convey as 'literally seeing with his eyes'. This verse gives us the allusion that Pauls faith is so great, that he could literally see the Philippians faithfulness. Knowing that God moved Paul to write this also for you and me, could Paul also perceive the Remnants faithfulness, throughout history. I don't know the answer, for sure, but it is amazing what we can do, with the help of God's Spirit, if we only engage.

Now, did Paul literally see a future meeting with the Philippians? Did he see the future Remnant's faithfulness. For me, I honestly think so. That is how God rewards the faithful...with eyes to see the future of his Kingdom.

Notice, also, how Paul describes our prayers, through the Spirit. He writes in verse 20,

"in my anxious and persistent expectation and hope because without shame but in all free and fearless confidence..."

In modern day lingo, we should pray with such an assurance that we can literally taste it. Let's reach out and Eido (Literally See) that our prayers are already answered. I think that we sell God short sometimes. If we are of the Remnant and in the Will of God, then our prayers should be a statement of what the future will be. I have to admit, I am weak and lack the faith sometimes. However, the power is there. We just have to tap into it and use it for the edification and well-being of the Remnant and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

I also love the last statement. So many people say that it is great to die for the Messiah, but Paul tells us that living or dying for the Messiah is equally advantageous. I hear that it's so great to die for a cause, but I honestly feel that it's easy to die. But to live for God, by the Messiah's example, in his Spirit, is hard and lot more rewarding. However, whether you die or live for the Messiah, it is for his and God's glory, not ours and will have the same outcome.

Philippians 1:22-25

Nevertheless, if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labor, but what is chosen, I know not.
For I am besieged by both, having desire for what is forbidden to depart from life and be with the Messiah, by far, much better. But, persevering, in the flesh, is necessary because of you (Agape)
and with this confidence, I believe I will remain and continue to live for you all for your progress and joy of Faith.

Every time I read these verses, I wonder how many people actually see what is going on.

Paul is wondering whether God is going to allow him to live or die for the cause. Then he tells us that he is contemplating suicide because, in his old age, it would be so much better to be with the Messiah. Please think about that for a little bit. Here we have a man of God contemplating taking his own life, to go home with the savior. Now, I'm not advocating suicide. However, if you have thought about suicide, you aren't alone.

Many have contemplated suicide.

With that said, notice verse 24 and 25. It implies that suicide is selfish. To persevere through the suicidal times is to show your agape, your committed love to God and to your brothers and sisters in the Messiah. You should also have confidence that God has a plan for you and that plan includes edifying your brothers and sisters and furthering the Kingdom. This will surely result in the Joy of Faith.

What is the Joy of Faith?

The Joy of Faith is the assurance that you gain, whenever your Faith is increased. This happens in so many ways. The Proof of God is out there. All we have to do is step out on Faith and open our eyes.

Philippians 1:26

In order that your rejoicing and boastful glorifying be exceeding to the greatest extent in Y’shua, the Messiah, with me, by my coming to you again.

So many people have interpret this as an example of Paul's arrogance. He is saying that you'll be so happy to see me, that you will praise the Messiah to your upmost. Your praise will be greater than it ever has been or will be in the future. Now, to be honest, if we are echad, one with each other, then we should be extremely happy to see each other, all the time, that we would praise God, to the fullest extent. Paul is just stating the plain facts of the family relationship, within the Kingdom of God.

Philippians 1:27-30

But, behave as a citizen worthy of the grace of God, through the Messiah whether I come and see you or am absent, hearing your accounts that you’re standing firm in one Spirit, only one mind, striving together, faithfully in God’s Grace through the Messiah, and in nothing or no one, God Forbid, be terrified by those who present opposition or earnestly demonstrates heresies, moreover your salvation and that which would separate you from God, because your forgiveness, on your behalf, is by the Messiah. Nothing Else!!! Only by committing yourself unto him, moreover also feeling the passion or suffering with him, having his battles, such as what you have seen in me and now hearing by me.

Paul kind of switches gears, but not entirely. He reminds them that, whether God allows him to come to Philippi or not, they should act as though they are worthy of God's Grace. Don't be arrogant in the Spirit. Unfortunately, many Christians act as though we are special human being, when in reality, we are the same as everyone else, the typical human that has faith in a God, that has saved us. At the end of everyday, we should ask ourselves, if we are acting as if we were worthy of God's Grace.

He wants to hear that they are standing in the Spirit, with one mind, acting as one. This is one of the many verses that shows that there is only one true way to interpret the scriptures. With so many Christians believing something differently, real Christians continually search out for the real scripture, the real life, the real God, while the luke-warm Christians do not.

Now, that doesn't mean if we believe differently, that some of us are not real Christians. No. However, when you don't continually search the scriptures to see if your beliefs are in accordance with the Full Counsel Of God, it does reflect where your true allegiance are, God or Man or Satan. It will also restrict your access to the throne room of God and your ability to tap into His Spiritual Power.

Again, the Remnant, the Real Christian, will search the scriptures daily to see if what they believe is according to God's Word and his Will. Doing so will allow you the ability to live "faithfully in God’s Grace through the Messiah."

Notice that Paul goes on to say that if your beliefs are in opposition to the Book of God or the demonstrative Book of Nature, you are supporting and demonstrating heresies. However, he also tells us that even these destructive heresies cannot separate you from God's forgiveness. This is due to your forgiveness, salvation, is based on the Messiah, nothing else.

Finally, he reiterates that your life should demonstrate a passion or suffering that reveals that you are engaging in his battles not yours. I hate to sound like a broken record, but you should live a life worthy of the Grace of God. You should live your life according to God's Will, His Word and His Truth. A slight deviation, from God's Will, His Word and His Truth, prohibits full access.

Finally, I don't understand the average Christian, especially in these times. We have access to the original writings, amazing tools, literary access and science to reveal the intricacies of God, but we continue to cling to what the local minister says, while ignoring God's Truth. God is crying out to you. Answer his call. Seek him out.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

So What???? Either Way, It's The Gospel

Philippians 1: 12

Nevertheless, I want you to understand brothers that things against me occur, to a greater degree, for the advancement of the news of the grace of God manifested and pledged in Messiah. 

Here we have Paul wanting the average Christian to understand that he has experienced persecution, far greater than most Christians at this time. He is not necessarily bragging, but he is setting up an example that all True Believers can emulate.

Philippians 1: 14

As a result, my bond-servitude in Messiah has been made known in all the Roman judgment halls and everywhere else. Also, an increasing number of brothers, in the Lord, has gain an increasing confidence, by my bond-servitude, becoming more bold to speak the Word without fear.

In these verses, we have an example of getting a wrong idea from erroneous English versions of the Bible. On the surface, this example is not bad, but it can be dangerous and shows how the average reader will absorb an erroneous concept and allow the interpreters to build a false doctrine, right under our noses. We need to get back to the original Word of God and allow the Spirit to lead us, not man. Now, back to the verse.

Most English versions of the Bible tells us that Paul has been in palaces. Palaces conjure up a vision of grandiose buildings, in which kings and queens abide. However, the word, translated as palaces, is in reality, praitorion, which means a tent. A praitorion is a movable tent, serving as a judgement hall.  It is where the Praetor lived, while out on the road. The Praetor is the leader of the local Roman Army and also served as the local Magistrate, or judge. Many interpreters also add the word, guard, to this verse. While it is true that guards would most likely be there, the verse doesn't say it.

So what's the problem. The problem is that once you add to the Word of God, the reader could begin to get the wrong idea, about what’s really going on. By not doing their homework, a great amount of scholars and commentators have leapt to the conclusion that it meant the Praetorian Guard, which was an elite unit of the Imperial Roman army, whose members served as personal bodyguards to the Roman emperor. If the Praetorian Guard was there, then your next logical assumption would be that Paul was tried in front of Emperor Caligula, Claudius, Nero , Vespasian or Titus. In reality, he was not, at this time. You see one small misinterpretation could lead to a snowball effect, leading you down the wrong path.

To conclude this thought, by all means, there were most likely guards and most of the time, these guards were actually chained to the prisoners. In this case, Paul. What better way to spread the gospel than to evangelize the guards, who would come in contact with many people, outside of Paul’s immediate influence and thereby continue to spread the good news of God’s Grace, through the Messiah, Y’shua, throughout the Roman Empire. Isn’t it amazing how God moves.

Through Paul’s extreme example of being a Bond-Servitude, many Christians, who have heard of Paul’s hardship and persecution, are now gaining a confidence to go out and spread the gospel without any fear. Don’t get me wrong, there were still plenty of chances for persecution during that day, but it served as a motivator to take the first step and live a full Messianic existence.

This brings up the fact that Christian persecution is just as prevalent today, in many countries. However, there are also many, who are blessed to live in a free society and able to actively participate and spread the gospel on a daily basis, without fear of any retribution. How about you?  No response needed... just think about that for yourself.

Philippians 1:15-17

Also, certain ones indeed preach Messiah, for the sake of envy and controversial debate, even for the sake of good pleasure. Some preach Messiah out of partisanship, to divide, insincerity, thinking to impose distress to my bond and not out of committed love, knowing that we are appointed for the reasoned defense of the good news of the grace of God manifested and pledged in Messiah.

Even  though it is wrong to do so, there were many, in that day and today, that preached and preach the Messiah for personal gain and pleasure, not for the real reason of spreading the gospel of Y’shua ha Mashiach, Jesus Christ, through a committed love for God and mankind.

Philippians 1:18

What then?(So What?) Regardless of the manner, whether a pretense or truth, Messiah is preached. Even so, rejoice in this. Rejoice! Yes, even so, Rejoice!

Now, Paul‘s response to those preachers is amazing. It is not the typical response of most Christians. Most Christians want to judge and persecute those self-serving preachers. However, Paul says, “So what!?“ don’t get bogged down about people doing the right thing for the wrong reason. They will pay for the wrong reason, when they are before the throne of God. As long as the true gospel is being preached, you should rejoice exceedingly.

With that said, it must be the true gospel, not a false gospel. We are warned against following a false gospel, which is not supported by the Word of God. There are plenty of preachers, out there, preaching the wrong gospel for the wrong reasons. Do we need to identify and revealed this to the rest of the world? Yes, we need to put the truth out there and motivate other Christians to learn the Word themselves, through the tutorage of the Spirit of God. Only by this method can those of the Messiah be differentiated from those of the Antichrist. Let God deal with the individuals, based on their own actions. Our responsibility includes only spreading that true Word of God and letting the Spirit work in the lives of those who receive it.

On the other hand, how about the individuals within our local church? The Bible is quite clear on how to approach these individuals to either lead them in the correct way, chastise them or possibly remove them from the church. In the end, their salvation and their actions are to be judged by God, not by us.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Amazing Results Of A True Believer's Agape/True Love

This week, we continued in the study of Philippians, from the Original Messianic Perspective, the original Church.

Philippians 1: 9-11

And for this I offer my prayers, that your commitment exceeds to the greatest degree and more in precise and correct knowledge of ethical and divine things and all perception, not only by the senses but by the intellect, cognitive discernment, so you, can test and discern, to distinguish between good and evil in order, that you may be found pure and without offense until the day/time of Y’shua Messiah, to bring forth fruits of righteousness, which are through Y’shua Messiah, for the glorious worship and praise of God.

The word, translated as commitment, is Agape. Many have already heard this word, for it is used a lot in the modern church. It is considered Godlike Love. However, I believe that Godlike Love is somewhat vague, because many don't understand many true attributes of God. A good example of this can be found in 1 John 2:15-17.

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

In Corinthians 13:2-18, it is gives the true definition of Agape.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

Notice that Paul desired and prayed that your agape, your commitment, would exceed the greatest degree. Yes, there are varying levels of maturity that a True Believer goes through, on his/her quest towards true Echad/Oneness, with God. This maturity could take a moment in time or last your entire lifetime. This is the resulting maturity, that comes naturally, when you place you complete faith, in the work done by God, through his son, Y'shua. This maturity quest is what Paul is talking about in Philippians 2:12-13.

Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good pleasure.

Many interpret this as a list of "Have To's" to fulfill your salvation. No. Working out your salvation is the progress through which you gravitate, by faith, towards being Godlike. Notice, in the above verses, that it says that it is not you doing stuff to obtain or fulfill your salvation, ... it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good pleasure, based on your ever increasing faith. This is reiterated in Ephesians 2:12-13.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by ones own works, so anyone can boast.

Your agape will result in Godly knowledge. What is Godly knowledge? Knowledge isn't just knowing things. It is living it. Making it your own. It's having an inward Godly perspective to perceive the difference between good and evil, which is only possible by having the precise knowledge of ethical and divine things. Is this really possible? Many say, No. But, here in Philippians, Paul alludes to the possibility. How? Again, by living the Word of God, not just knowing it.

Making the Word of God your own, for the betterment of others and especially yourself results in having the mentally knowledge and cognitive discernment to test others and yourself and distinguish between good and evil. This naturally results in you and others becoming pure, which results in the manifestation of fruits of righteousness. What are fruits of righteousness? They are the natural resulting righteous and just actions of the True Believer, when they place an ever increasing faith in God and in God's Word, which was manifested in Y'shua.

These verses also tell us that this quest of Godlike pureness and its resulting acts of righteousness, only through the Messiah Y'shua, the Word of God, will result in being without offense, blameless, at the time of the return of the Messiah, which includes the Day of Judgement.

As a side note, these two events will be the fulfillment of the Fall Feasts of Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur.

As an additional benefit of this quest is that you will have the strongest spiritual armor possible, so you can, as Ephesians 6:10-18 says strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

You will automatically have

...on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.

And after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Finally, if you ask most people to define Godly Praise and Worship, they will begin to describe their music service, prior to a sermon. Even though that is true, here, we are told that living our Agape, our total commitment is Glorious Praise and Worship, through the Word of God, the Messiah Y'shua.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Yom Kippur-The Day Of Reckoning

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the most solemn day of the year, started at sundown. On this awesome day, on a future Yom Kippur, all accounts between Yahweh and His covenant people are settled. And it is on this day that the final jubilee year is reconciled. God's people will be gathered themselves together in a solemn assembly before Yahweh, to present themselves before the final judgement seat. According to Messianic Judaism, Y'shua, the Son of God, the Messiah, along with the saints, will stand in judgement over those who refuse to believe. On that day, the Book of Life will be opened. Therefore, is this yearly day of Atonement a prophesy Of a future day of reckoning? 

Gemar Chatimah Tovah.(May your final sealing be in the Book of Life)

Shabbat Shalom (Sabbath Peace) 

Monday, September 10, 2018

BREAKING NEWS!!! The Tenth Red Heifer Has Arrived. Is The Prophesied Third Temple Just Around The Corner?

On the 17th day of Elul, 5778, (August 28, 2018), a red heifer was born in the land of Israel. The red heifer candidate is being raised and specially cared for under the auspices of the Temple Institute's 'Raise a Red Heifer' program.

One week after its birth, the heifer underwent an extensive examination by rabbinical experts, who determined that the heifer is currently a viable candidate for the Biblical red heifer, as described in the book of Numbers, chapter 19. This is a necessary prerequisite for the renewal of the Divine service in the Holy Temple.

For almost 2000 years, the world has dismissed the Third Temple prophecy, as impossible. However, they said the same about the Israel becoming a nation again for the Jews. Then there was the Jerusalem becoming the Jewish capital and earlier this year, that too became a reality.

The ancient Jewish scribe Maimonides prophesied that there would only be ten red heifers, in the Temple's History, before Messiah come. This would be the tenth and final one. Obviously, the Temple would be built on the Temple Mount, with the Dome of the Rock presently in the court of the Gentiles. This would be very controversial and cause turmoil for all nations. This is also prophesied in the Bible.

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.”

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”

Zechariah 12:2-3

Amazingly, there are people and actual Christians, that say that all Biblical prophecy has been fulfilled, even when the prophecies continue to be fulfilled in front of our eyes. Now, is the time to get into the Bible and check it out. It's time to sit back and see how God makes this happen.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Happy Rosh Hashanah!!!!

Beginning tonight at sundown, Yom Teruah, the beginning of the Feast Of Trumpets begins. Most Christian believers believe that the Messiah, Y’shua, Jesus, will fulfill the Fall Feasts, in the same way, he fulfilled the First Four Feasts, by snatching up the true believers, the Remnant, at the last Trump, of Yom Teruah. If it’s this year, I’ll see you there.

On the other hand, some believe that it will mark the appearance of the Antichrist and start the beginning of the End of Days. Whether you are a believer in pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation or post-tribulation, one thing that the Bible guarantees the Remnant is that the Rapture will occur prior to the Wrath of God. Whatever happens, we’re in for a wild ride.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

We Are Echad. The Natural Flow Of Christ-Like Love And Committment

Philippians 1:7a

In so much, it is right I think this of you all, because I possess you in my heart.

Wow! What love Paul had for the Philippians. He felt this way for all true believers, regardless of the church, assembly, synagogue, etc. they attended or attend. He felt that all believers were his responsibility, to the point that they were actually a possession for which he was intimately responsible. That's a love, a commitment that all the Remnant has for each other. Notice that I didn't say, "… should have for each other.". It's not a forced commitment, but a natural outpouring of love, as a result of the Spirit of God, that is within all true believers. We all belong to each other as a possession of each of our hearts. Let's act that way. Let the Spirit naturally flow.

Philippians 1:7b

Also in my bond/chain and defense of the proclamation of the news of the grace of God manifested and pledged in Messiah, you all are partners of my grace.

Notice the word bond/chain. The Greek word used here is "desmos", which could mean chain or bond or obligation. The funny thing here is that it's also a singular noun. Therefore, to properly translate, it would be chain not chains. Obviously, Paul was in prison at the time of this letter and it is to directly imply his actual chains, but the word also could be used to convey his and our position in the Messiah...our bond or bond-servitude. So, what is the Holy Spirit trying to get across, if anything?

I believe that he is telling us that once we become Christians, Bond-Servants of Y'shua, the Messiah, we have an eternal obligation to his Gospel, his Good News. Why? Because Y'shua has paid that sin debt that we were unable to pay for ourselves. A debt that otherwise would have resulted in eternal damnation. Therefore, our natural obligation is to be grateful and wanting, not willing, to spread the Gospel, the Good News. To make the Gospel your own. As a result, you will defend it like your own, in the same way that Paul did. But, what is the Good News?

** As a quick side note, keep this in mind, the duality of "desmos" (bond/chain), when we get to verse 13.

What is the Gospel/Good News?

As you can see, if you compare this literal translation with others, such as NIV, KJV, etc., you'll notice that the actual Greek word, "euaggelion", actually means, "the proclamation of the news of the grace of God manifested and pledged in Messiah". It is my understanding that it was a new form of a Greek word, "euaggelizō", which means, "Good News". I think it's important to understand the distinction. The word, "euaggelion", actually says that the Good News is about the Grace, the Mercy of God made possible by the act of the Messiah. It's also says that this Grace was pledged. It was promised in the Tanakh, the Old Testament, long before the B'rit Hadashah, the New Testament was written or before Y'shua walked upon this earth.

*** As a side note, in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, the Apostle Paul tells us that the Gospel is the following:

...that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried; and that he hath been raised on the third day according to the scriptures.

Paul also tell us that we are partners, co-owners of his grace, which flows from God himself. This shows that the Grace of God is a Grace that is one within all believers, a theme that is a Jewish concept of Echad, onesness, constantly proclaimed by Y'shua, during his ministry on Earth. This is also iterated within the daily Schma of the Jews.

Hear Israel, Yahweh, Elohim is One. Yahweh!!!

Love Yahweh Elohim with your inner being, mind, will, heart, soul, spirit, understanding with all your might.

Philippians 1:8

For God is witness how I long for you in the compassion of Y’shua Messiah.

Finally, how we are to commit ourselves to one another is through the natural compassion within all true believers. The Compassion of Y'shua, the Messiah, which permeates our body, soul and spirit, by way of God's Holy Spirit, that dwells within us. That compassion comes from a internal yearning to be filled with the fullness of God, in the same way Y'shua was indwelled. We should long to be with each other, teach each other, be edified by each other, as we are committed to the spiritual and physical well being of ourselves.

Remember, We Are Echad, One With God Through His Son, Y'shua, the Messiah.

Finally, notice how many witnesses there are. Two. God and his Son, Y’shua. This fulfills the requirement of the Law, stated in Deuteronomy 19:15.

A matter is established by two or more witnesses. 

I think we’ll be surprised when we stand before Jesus and our righteousness is shown to fall severely short of God’s Law. Praise God for Y’shua being obedient unto death on our behalf.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

How Do We Live Our Christian Lives?

Philippians 1:2

Grace is yours and peace with God our Father and Lord Master Messiah Y'shua.

At the beginning of last nights Bible Study, I asked the question, "What is Grace?", which prompted Ginger to say, "God's Riches At Christ's Expense.", followed by Debbie adding, "Undeserved Riches.". That's it! Grace is getting some kind of favor that we don't deserve. In our case, we get God's undeserved love, resulting in God going to great extremes to reconcile us back to him. We were indebted to him, because of our disobedience. We owed God a reconciliation sacrifice of ourselves, but God gave his one and only Son for us to offer him up to God, for our sins. Jesus said it.

"There is no greater love than for one to lay down his life for another."

That was the greatest undeserved example of Grace, known to man.

How about Peace? We throw words around, without knowing their true meaning. Peace is tranquility. Joe responded, "It's like a little baby nestled in his mothers arms. Not a care in the world, relying totally on his mother's love." That's a sweet and perfect description of peace with God, our Father. Rick responded with, "It's like the assuredness we get when place our faith, as adults, and coming to God, as children." That's a great Biblical connection to bring it home. Again, Jesus said,

"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Again, Sweet!!!

Now, back to the verse. Notice, in the Word for Word translation, it says,

"Grace is yours."

Wow!! What a very confirming statement, instead of the normal translated, "Grace and Peace, to you."

Rick and I both made the point that it sounds pretty presumptious of Paul, to say this. It sounds almost conditional and that Paul was conveying Grace and Peace, instead of God, everytime he wrote a letter. However, in the Greek, it's a resounding confirmation of Grace belonging to those who have given themselves over to the Lord. You are a saint and you have the Grace of God. Claim it as yours and Run with it. It is a very affirming confirmation of this fact.

"Peace WITH God, our Father", not FROM God, our Father. Again, the normal English almost makes it sound conditional, which it is not. Paul is really saying that you are God's children, showered with the Grace, provided by Jesus, now, live a tranquil child like existence with God, our Father.

"...and Lord Master Messiah Y'shua."

Who is the catalyst to this type of existence? Of course, the one and only Son of God, who was obedient unto death, to freely give his GRACE and PEACE providing sacrifice, on our behalf, Y'shua ha Mashiach, Jesus Christ, our lord. AMEN!!!!

Philippians 1:3-6

Thanking my God, at every thought of you. Every time, within all my prayers, on all your behalf, making requests joyfully, for your communion in the good news, from the first day until now.
Confident this entity that begun it's good work in you unto perfection until the day of Messiah Y'shua

Look at the intimate Godlike love of Paul, towards the Phippians. This is the same love that you and I should have for each other, always including each other in our prayers. The type of Agape Love through which:

We should joyfully edify, build up each other intimately, as we would build our own self.

We should joyfully care about each other intimately, as we would care about our own self.

If one hurts we should all hurt, as if it was our own self in pain.

If this isn't the type of love that you feel for one another, it's time for a severe self evaluation. Get back to the love that brought our lord Jesus Christ to the cross, the altar of God.

In this verse, notice the word, communion, which is normally translated as partnership or participation, which falls severely short of the meaning the Spirit of God is trying to get across. The Greek word is a familiar word to most Christian. It is Koinonia. Actually, the word, Koinonia surprisingly means intercourse, which is the perfect word. As in intercourse, two people become one. This is the same model for all true Christians. We are one entity. Koinonia goes perfect with Jesus' commandment to love each other as ourselves.

With all that said, it brings us to the how. How do we love each other as ourselves? Honestly, it's not a natural human response. The answer is a supernatural one. Notice verse 6.

Confident this entity that begun it's good work in you unto perfection until the day of Messiah Y'shua .

Most English versions will erroneous and presumtiously insert "Being confident of this very thing, that he...". Almost implying an external influence on us. In reality, the Greek says it correctly. The one who begun IT'S good work, INSIDE YOU, is the Gift of God, his Holy Spirit. It is God's Holy Spirit that gives us the ability to live our lives as God wants us and perfects us until the day, Y'shua/Jesus comes back for us.

Have you ever notice that the one who inspired the men of the Bible, to write the Bible, goes to great lengths not to get the Glory that is due the Father. Why? Because there isn't a separate entity called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God, himself, that dwells inside of us all, in the same way that his fulness dwelled and continues to dwell inside, the only man, who sits at God's right hand, Jesus Christ.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Philippians 1:1 The True Model Of The Church

Last night, our small group began the study of the book of Philippians. If you want, please follow along with us. The following is a condensed version of our two hour meeting. Please feel free to comment and interact with our group. The version that I will be using, in this study, is a Word for Word Study Version. I will share your comments and/or questions to the group and visa versa. It'll be nice to have an international participation, so let's get started.

Philippians 1:1a

Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Messiah Y'shua, 

Here we have the beginning salutation or greeting from the apostle Paul and his companion, Timothy. 

As you probably know, Paul, formally known as Saul, was a Jew, who was a citizen of Rome and a Pharisee, in Jerusalem. Upon the death of Y'shua, upon the cross, Paul led a concerted effort, to eliminated or put down the growing heretic band of Jews and gentiles, known as Christians, who believed that Y'shua was the Messiah. During a trip to Damascus, Paul was struck down by Y'shua and converted to a bondservant of Messiah Y'shua. Afterward, Paul spent the rest of his life venturing out into the known world doing missionary trips.

On his second missionary trip, Paul met a young and well respected Christian, Timothy, in the town of Lystra, which is in modern day Turkey. Lystra was a small town, just to the west of Tarsus, where Paul was born. Like so many secular Jews of that day, Timothy was a child of a Jewish mother and Greek gentile father. As a result, Timothy was never circumcised, as a Jew. To make him more acceptable to the Jews, Paul circumcised him. Paul became his mentor and together, they changed many lives for the Lord. 

Both Paul and Timothy were bondservants of the Messiah Y'shua. Messiah Y'shua is better known today by his anglicized name, Jesus. Y'shua, who's name means Yahweh is Salvation or Yahweh Saves, was a man created directly, by the Yahweh's Holy Spirit, in the womb of his mother, Mary. Yahweh is the one and only God and Father of Messiah Y'shua. By doing this, Yahweh avoided the curse of man's sinful nature and set a path for mankind's redemption. This man, Y'shua, was to be the perfect sacrifice for mankind's sins, which is required by God's Holy Righeousness, in order for man to be able to present themselves and live in the presence of God.

What is a Bondservant?

Well, first of all, the Greek word translated here as bondservant is 'Doulos'.

There are three types of servants or slaves presented in the Bible. 

1. Slaves: Those of a people conquered by an army and forced into servitude.
2. Servants: Those people who owed a debt to someone and were either forced or voluntarily entered into servitude. Later, after the debt was paid, they were free to leave and live their lives, as they wished.
3. Bondservants: Servants, who after paying their debt, chose to dedicate their lives to the servitude of their previous masters household.

Paul and Timothy were bondservants of Y'shua, because they chose to give their lives to him, after Y'shua paid the cost of their sin debt to Yahweh, on the cross.

This bondservant relationship is the relationship that all Christians have with Yahweh, through his son, The Messiah Y'shua. We live our lives to serve and please God, according to his will.

Philippians 1:1b

… to Saints, in Messiah Y'shua, living in Philipi, with the overseers and deacons.

This greeting or salutation is directed to the Saints, living in Philipi.

Who are the Saints and what does that mean?

Throughout the Christian church history, the word 'Saint' has gone through a metamorphosis. It has become a word to describe super good people, within the church. People who have shown highly religious aspects, in their daily lives. However, the word, 'Saint', doesn't mean that at all. The word means, "a person set apart for a cause". You and I, as Christians, are saints, because we have been set apart of the cause of the Messiah, which is to be reconciled back to the one and only God, Yahweh. Christians are Messianic Saints. We should not be ashamed or too bashful to grab ahold of the title and claim it as ours, for the mere fact that Y'shua gave his life, so you could obtain the title. So, live it.

Philipi was a town, just north of the Aegean Sea, in modern and ancient Greek province of eastern Macedonia. You can still see the ruins in the modern Greek town of Filipoi, which is part of Kavala, Greece.

Overseers and Deacons

Throughout our Church history, two words, that have been dramatically changed, were the Greek words, 'episkopos' and 'diakonos', which is directly translated here as overseers and deacons. These words are synonymous with the modern versions of Elders, Bishops, Ministers, Priests, Shepherds, etc. However, over the years, the church leadership has morphed these words, into what they mean today, in an effort to rule over the laity. 

What makes this preposterous is the fact that the Bible clearly teaches that no one is to rule over anyone, within the Kingdom of God. We are only to have God, through his Son, The Messiah Y'shua, as our one and only shepherd. Y'shua even stated, in Revelation, that he hates the ways of the Nicolaitans, which means, "Those who rule over the laity".

So, what are overseers and deacons?

Well, the first century church was made up of those who were elders. These were the mature people, who clearly had a relationship with God, through the Messiah. Naturally, the church gravitated towards them for teaching, administration, admonishment, mentoring. These were the overseers. There was no one minister or priest, who taught or preached. There was no sunday school or junior church. The small group of believers and their families would be gathered to the overseers, the Elders. The overseers or Elders would not be elected. The Elders would be elders through a natural symbiosis. 

The deacons were the ones who did the outpouring of help and support for the group. They were the ones that would actually took care of the poor, elderly and so on within the small group community. They are the ones that make up the 20% that does 80% of the work, within the church today and usually directed by the overseers. 

A question was posed, last night, what do we do? My response was to leave the worldly church behind and get back to the original first century church model laid out within the Bible. No more impersonal mega churchs. Get back to the small gatherings of believers and get away from the country club gatherings of today. What do you think?

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Yes, Christians Suck At Times. So..Bear With Us. At The Very Least, We Are Committed To You.

To those who wonder why Christians are so adamant about their beliefs and why they don't bend in their beliefs. Well, it all comes down to a committed love, based in the truth of God's Word, towards everyone, including those who are not the most friendly towards them. This committed love is define by the Apostle Paul, in Philippians 1:9-10.

And this I pray, in order that your loving commitment might overflow even more and more, in ethical and divine knowledge and all discernment and perception, that you scrutinize and test all things for authenticity, whether good or evil, so you may be pure and not a stumbling block, until the day of the Messiah.

It's all about authenticity, even though we falter at times. Those who love God and his Word are committed towards spreading the news of God's Love and Truth and his commitment to reconcile mankind back to him through the sacrifice of his Son, Y'shua/Jesus. As seen in the above verses from Philippians, you can see that our love is a commitment and commandment to search out and spread the truth, regardless of your particular set of beliefs. True Christians should receive all the facts and continually check them against God's Word.

They are supposed to do this with brotherly love. If you think about this, the love between brothers can be very frank and perceived as curt and unfriendly at times. As Christians, we strive forward with the thought that it's better to hurt feelings, at times, than to lose anyone to the depths of hell.

Unfortunately, there are also all types of Christians, who are steeped in tradition, rather than the truth of the scriptures. These immature Christians sometimes believe that they possess the truth and don't continually fact check. They believe in a pseudo-truth, which is based in non biblical tradition, self aggrandizing and even a delusional sense of self-worth. Also, along with these impure beliefs, these Christians display tactics, which are not Christ-Like, like ignoring scripture that disagree with their positions, using hate tactics and so on.

So, when dealing with all types of Christians, keep in mind that all true Christians are sinners saved by the Grace of God, through the sacrifice of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, we all suck at times. We may even get on your nerves. So...please pray for us or ignore us, because we are not going away. Whether you believe it or not, true Christians do believe that your salvation is between you and God. We are here only to facilitate the process and are committed to the salvation of everyone, whether you accept it or not.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Is This The Book Of Life?

Everyone knows about the Book of Life. It is one of Seven Books mentioned in the Bible. Every True Believers name and actions are in the Book of Life, which is opened on Judgement Day. If your name is there, you are gifted with eternal life, with the Lord. If not, then eternal life, without the Lord. If you ask most people, they will tell you that the Book of Life is guarded closely, by the angels around the throne of God. However, if you read Amos 3:7, we are told:

Our Lord,
accomplishes his business only 
by first laying out his plans
to his servants, the prophets.

Interestingly, if you take this on the macro level, God does nothing to effect the matters of the nations, Earth and the universe, without telling his prophets first. His prophets then wrote down these plans, within the Bible, before they happen. This is prophecy, the foretelling of things, before they happen. This is done strictly so the readers and the True Believers know that Yahweh is the one and only true omniscient God, who knows all things, from the beginning to the end of time.

Even more interesting, if you take Amos 3:7 to the micro level, God does nothing, with us, on a personal level, without revealing it, to the prophets. Since our individual salvation is the most important thing to him, within our Time/Space, would he reveal our salvation to the prophets? If so, since the prophets wrote down everything told to them by God, would our name appear within the text of the Holy Scriptures?

The plan for our salvation is definitely and clearly laid out, within the pages of the Bible. Why not the results? Since there are many levels of understanding to God's Word, I would not doubt that, on some level, every single name and actions of all True Believers, The Saved, should be written, in some form, within the pages of the Holy Bible. If so, this Book is indeed the True Book of Life. This Book would not only give you the instructions, in order to receive salvation, but also list the outcome of all who would accept this gift. Wouldn't this be just like God, to have hidden the Book of Life, in plain sight and have it passed down in oral and written form, for all to bear witness, since the dawn of man? What do you think?

Friday, August 3, 2018

The 23rd Psalm Revisited

The 23rd Psalm is one of the most well known passages, in the Bible. It has been memorized and restated, by many Faithful Jews and Christians worldwide, as a statement of God's continuing faithfulness and how he give believers rest. However, does the original Hebrew bear witness to this point? A simple revisit of the Hebrew shows that it does not.

Let me stop and say that there are plenty of Biblical passages that testify of God's continuing faithfulness and how he give believers rest. However, here in the 23rd Psalm, we find that it is actually a faithful plea from David, to Yahweh, for Peace, Strength and Assuredness in his personal and public life.

Even though David was known to be a man after God's heart, things didn't come automatically. He always looked for God's approval. In this same manner, Jews and Christians must always be in God's Word and in Prayer, to ensure that they are walking in God's Will and Shadow.

The following is a Word for Word translation of the 23rd Psalm. Please compare it with your translation. Notice how most translators add thoughts to the scriptures. I'm not saying that your translation is a piece of fiction. I only implore you to get back to the original Hebrew, Greek and Sumarian, in order to get back to God's original message, so you can filter out the man made messages in the Synagogues and Church's today.

Psalm 23
A Song of David

Yahweh, a Shepherd/Friend that I sorrowfully desire.
My Restful Compassionate Dwelling,
Sustain me to comfortably rest upon your Word,
Break me down and Rebuild my Spirit and my Soul.
Lead the way to the righteousness of your Name.
Walk me through the
Valley of the Shadow of Death , Fear and Evil.
Your Scepter and Support Consoles and Comforts me.
Prepare my Table to Face my Enemy
Anoint my Head with Oil and Make my Cup Run Over.
Allow your Mercy
To follow me the Days of my Life
and My Dwelling to be within
the House of Yahweh
for All Time.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Where Is The Real Church?

In a recent PEW study, Pastors, Preachers and Priests scored an abysmal 38% in Biblical Knowledge, while small group members scored an 87%. Worse than that, only 14% of Pastors, Preachers and Priests actively engage in evangelism outside of their church, while an astonishing 92% of small groups members involve themselves in evangelism on a weekly, if not daily basis.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Happy 70th Birthday Modern Israel!!!

Happy 70th Birthday Modern Israel!!!

To celebrate, The United States opens US Embassy in Jerusalem.

Pray for peace in Jerusalem!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Peter, Paul and Philip Made It To England, But Were They First?

Did you know that Paul, Peter and Philip were the only apostles to make it to Great Britain, within the 1st century? This is actually supported in 2 Timothy 4:21, where Paul writes,

"Do your best to get here before winter. Eubulus greets you, and so do Pudens, Linus, Claudia and all the brothers and sisters."

This verse contains the names of the British prince and princess who had become Christians, during the 1st Century.

However, they weren't the first. There are some writings that put Cornelius and Joseph of Arimathea as the first ones to spread the gospel to the isles that is now called Great Britain. As a matter of fact, the first church building, Glastonbury Abby, supposedly erected by Cornelius and Joseph, is thought to be the first publically supported Christian church building ever.

The story goes this way... After Joseph took possession of the body of Y'shua/Jesus, he left the Sanhedrin and began evangelizing for the Messiah. The apostle Philip was trying to find someone to go to northern Europe and spread the Gospel. Joseph and Cornelius volunteered to go to France and then cross the channel. However, this wasn't the first time Joseph had been there. He was a tin merchant who had been trading with people of the isles long before Y'shua/Jesus even began his ministry. There are actually many references to Joseph in the early history of the British Isles.

As an added note, did you know that Joseph was most likely related to Y'shua/Jesus, because it was traditionally the duty of a family member to take care of the body of the recently departed. This is most likely the reason Pilate had no reservations about handing over the body of the Messiah to Joseph for burial preparations.

There's also a legend that Joseph had taken Jesus on one of his trips to the isles, when Jesus was a lad.

It's fun to explore the history and the imaginative minds of the early church. Most of the time, there is always some truth in the legends, but it must be tempered by the actual Word of God.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Understanding The Existence Of God

God is one.

There is no other.

In the Hebrew, it says that God is Echad. The word, Echad, is the word for a unified oneness, not a multi personality oneness as commonly taught, within the Christian church today. It simply implies that God enjoys a multidimensional existence. In the same way that we enjoy a four dimensional reality and have would abilities over a lesser dimensional creature, God enjoys a reality that gives him abilities, to act upon, which far supersedes on our abilities. In Isaiah 11:2-3 and Revelation 1:4-5, we are told that God is a sevenfold Spirit. His existence is only comprehended by the spiritually minded and is beyond normal human understanding, which explains the differing views of the make up of God.

The Father

When the Bible references the Father, it is talking about the guiding personality, the thought processing entity that makes up who God is. The psyche of God, if I may. He is all-knowing and can see the beginning to the end, within our Space-Time and beyond.

The Holy Spirit Of God

The All Consuming Fire Of God, His Holy Spirit is his omni-present existing presence, which circumvents the constraints of time itself. It is how God exists everywhere and at every point in time within our time space reality. His Holy Spirit radiates throughout all of creation. In a crude representation, his Spirit is like radiation, able to permeate all things, even changing our physical make up, while doing things according to his will, without circumventing our autonomy and free will. His Holy Spirit is how our Father gives us abilities and changes our heart and souls to his glory.

The Word of God

The Word of God is his creative conduit, speaking all things into existence and conveying his will to all his creation. It can be both audible and non-audible, physical or non-physical, conveying what the Father thinks, to all who will listen. The Word of God comes in many forms, such as a voice from a burning bush, a voice from a whirlwind whirlwind, the inspiration within our minds and my favorite, the theophany, physical appearances of God in human or material form, culminating in the promised Mosaic prophet, our Messiah, Y’shua/Jesus, the Son of God. Combined with his spirit, the Word of God reveals the ultimate power and will of God to all creation.

The Hand Of God

The Hand of God is his physical impression or expression, within our time space, not to be confused with the Word of God, which is strictly physical. The hand of God results in evidence, not of the physicality of God, but clues to his existence. From the complexity of our DNA, to the protective shield around our solar system, as we race throughout our galaxy, to the fine-tuning of our universe that results in the ability for humans to exist, the Hand of God reveals the fathers handiwork.

The Finger Of God

The Finger of God is when he wants that impression to be conveyed in permanent form such as the giving of the Law on stone tablets or the writing on the wall to Belshazzar. It will be the finger of God that will reach into our existence, at the end of days, when Y’shua/Jesus, the Son of God, will hand over the reigns of the Kingdom to his Father.

The Just Righteousness Of God

The Just Righteousness of God is the dimensionality of God’s existence that reveals why one simple act of disobedience creates an uncrossable chasm between a perfect God and an imperfect mankind. It’s not that God couldn’t ignore the sin of disobedience, it’s the fact that his perfection demands a balancing of the scales. God‘s perfection will not allow his existence to be in the presence of an imperfect mankind, without the cost thereof being paid for in perfect life blood.

The Love of God

The Love of God reveals the Father’s all consuming total commitment to all his creation. It is the relational aspect of his personality. When the first man and woman deliberately disobeyed and fell from his grace, he went to great lengths to reconcile mankind back to him. For thousands of years, the Father set up an object lesson, within his Law, showing mankind, that one act of disobedience created a chasm that no human act could bridge. 

In a totally committed act of love, the Father allowed the fullness of his dimensionality to dwell within the perfectly created man, the Messiah, Y’shua/Jesus. This man, with the fullness of God and his Spirit led guidance, would go on and live a perfect life. He taught the will of God to all who will receive it, completely fulfilling the will of God and giving his perfect life blood, as the ultimate sacrifice for mankind sins, upon the altar of God. He bridged that chasm, so long ago created by Adam and Eve. Now that the chasm was bridged, humanity can now have access to the throne room of God, by accepting the act of our Messiah Y’shua/Jesus, as their own.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"My Creed" Is To Go "Beyond Belief" And "Stand On The Rock"!

In 1990, an album was release, which produced three of my all time favorites. They both come to mind, more times than not, especially when asked about my testimony, concerning my relationship with God. One song is where the apostles Creed was put to music. The other is where that Creed should lead us, Beyond Belief. The last one is where I stand, I Am On The Rock. According to most critics, this album also came as the final nail in the coffin, to those who believe that Rock Music was the Devil's music. I have always asked, "How could it be Devil's music, when it glories God?" Below are the links and lyrics to the videos. 

My Creed

Words and music by Bob Hartman

I believe in God the Father, maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ His only son, I believe in the virgin birth.
I believe in the Man of Sorrows, bruised for iniquities.
I believe in the lamb who was crucified, and hung between two thieves.

I believe in the resurrection, on the third and glorious day
I believe in the empty tomb, and the stone that the angel rolled away
He descended and set the captives free
And now He sits at God's right hand and prepares a place for me

This is my creed
The witness I have heard
The faith that has endured
This truth is assured
Through the darkest ages past
Though persecuted it will last
And I will hold steadfast
To this creed

I believe He sent His spirit, to comfort and to reveal
To lead us into truth and light, to baptize and to seal
I believe He will come back, the way He went away and..
Receive us all unto Himself but no man know that day

This is my creed
The witness I have heard
The faith that has endured
This truth is assured
Through the darkest ages past
Though persecuted it will last
And I will hold steadfast
To this creed

I believe He is the judge, of all things small and great
The resurrected souls of men, receive from Him their fate
Some to death and some to life, some to their reward
Some to sing eternal praise, forever to the Lord
And through the darkest ages past
Though persecuted it will last
And I will hold steadfast
To this creed

Beyond Belief

Words and music by Bob Hartman

Based on Hebrews 6:1a, Romans 1:17, Philippians 1:6

We're content to pitch our tent
When the glory's evident
Seldom do we know the glory came and went
Moving can seem dangerous
In this stranger's pilgrimage
Knowing that you can't stand still,
you cross the bridge

There's a higher place to go, beyond belief, beyond belief
Where we reach the next plateau, beyond belief, beyond belief
And from faith to faith we grow
Towards the center of the flow
Where He beckons us to go, beyond belief, beyond belief

Leap of faith without a net
Makes us want to hedge our bet
Waters never part until our feet get wet
There's a deeper place to go
Where the road seems hard to hoe
He who has begun this work won't let it go
And it takes so long to see the change
But we look around and it seems so strange
We have come so far but the journey's long
And we once were weak but now we're strong

There's a higher place to go, beyond belief, beyond belief
Where we reach the next plateau, beyond belief, beyond belief
And from faith to faith we grow
Towards the center of the flow
Where He beckons us to go, beyond belief, beyond belief.

I AM On The Rock

Words and music by Bob Hartman

The earth is shakin'
It's like a bad dream
This world is crumblin'
Comin? apart at the seam but
I am on the Rock
I am on the Rock

Everywhere I'm turning it's only bad news
This bomb is tickin' and we're getting to the end of the
Fuse but
I am on the Rock
I am on the Rock

I am on the Rock, the sure foundation
I am on the Rock, on the Rock
I am on the Rock, His revelation
I am on the Rock

Though the winds may blow
And though the floods may grow
I shall not be moved, 'cause I am on the Rock

The storms approaching, I'm standing high and dry
Firmly planted on the Rock that is higher than I
I am on the Rock
I am on the Rock

Kingdoms failing, they fall around me
Plans eroded, and washing away to the sea but
I am on the Rock
I am on the Rock