Saturday, January 4, 2020

Balancing The Scales-The Reason For The Torah

God’s pure nature requires perfect balance. Another way of saying balance is rest, justice, righteousness, a fulfilled purpose.

When we think or do things contrary to God’s perfect will, then we offset that perfect balance. To reset the scales of balance, we must submit an act of counter balance. That is what the Law is all about.

God was perfectly clear that if Man disobeyed, their life would be required. The Torah is perfectly clear that the life is in the blood. Before Man sinned, he was perfect. Afterwards, he was not. Therefore, a perfect man’s life Or blood could not be offered to counter balance the scales.

To start man’s path back to God, God gave them an object lesson to show them true Torah, True Balance. When man sinned, they attempted to cover their shame with natural things, God showed them that an innocent and perfect entity will need to be sacrificed for their shame to be covered. 

Therefore, he gave them skins of an animal to show that innocent blood was required, to cover. That is what the Law is all constantly remind mankind of God‘s perfection and that it is naturally unattainable.


  1. That's right Keith, man born of the flesh could not acquire eternal life, it had to be man born of God's Spirit. The sin is in the flesh. I have two sets of scales just like the ones in your picture.

    1. Hey Brenda, Isn't man self centered? God has given mankind a free gift, but mankind shuns the free gift and wants to go it alone. What is in us that thinks that we can equal God's perfection or righteousness?

  2. I would say pride and self-righteousness.

  3. Thank you, Keith. For this post.

    1. Thank You Aritha. May God Bless you in all you do for him. Shalom.

  4. Keith, I know I don't put posts up very often but I have missed reading your posts. Hope you will put one up soon, as I love the info in them. you are probably very busy right now.

    1. Hi Brenda, I appreciate your encouragement. Yes, I am super busy. By the way, I'm surprise and I praise God for the everyone who is wanting more. I guess you don't know how much you'll be missed until you're gone. :-) I am working on a post and will post it soon. Thanks again for your love and encouragement. I hope and pray that you and your family are doing well. Shalom!

  5. How did I miss this one?

