Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Echad With God!

Philippians 4:8-9

Finally, brothers whatever is true, whatever honorable, whatever is righteous, whatever pure from carnality, whatever pleasing and acceptable, whatever sound and of good report, if anything virtuous and praiseworthy, take an inventory of these things learned and received and heard and seen in me. Regularly and consciously perform these and God’s peaceful rest will be present with you.

Here, Paul begins to finalize his letter to the Philippians, attempting to consolidate what he has said or implied in the letter, up to now. These two verses are a generalized statement on how a Messianic Centered life should be, which begs us to define a few terms. 

-True: in accordance with fact or reality, accurate or exact, no gray areas.
-Honorable: bringing or worthy of honor, to be morally correct, honest, moral, ethical, principled, righteous, right-minded, full of integrity
-Righteous:morally right or justifiable; virtuous
-Pure from Carnality: Free from the pleasures of the flesh. Those normally associated with addiction.
-Pleasing and Acceptable: satisfying or appealing, able to be agreed on
-Sound and of Good Report: based on reasonable, sensable, or judgment, high standing among others.
-Virtuous and praiseworthy: having or showing high moral standards, deserving approval and admiration.
At first, this appears to be a high standard, but in reality, it reflects the "Golden Rule", Y'shua gave us. 

In all things, therefore, be an innovator, start the spark, to bring about things to all humans, without distinction to race or order, after the same manner you desire others , to bring about things for yourself, for this is the Torah and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12

Paul is reiterating what he said earlier in the text. Take an inventory of these values, within you life. Whatever you lack, step it up and fill that gap, because if we are truly God's People, the Remnant of God, we should exert a conscious daily effort towards these values. In the end, our lives should reflect that these values are not only 2nd nature, but indeed our primary nature. As a result, we will know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are the children of God, having his peace and resting in him. Can I get an Big O' Amen?

Philippians 4:10

Now, I rejoice in the Lord greatly because now, as in the past, allowed to sprout again concern for me even before your mind possessed the opportunity.

Here Paul is rejoicing and thanking God, for the continuous level concern, that the Philippians possessed, from the beginning, even though most people would have not given his situation any additional thought. Isn't that how we are to treat each other.

Philippians 4:11-14

Not though I speak from my want, for I have an understanding of contentment in the circumstances I am. Knowing how to live humbly. Knowing how to live prosperously. In any and all, becoming intimately satisfied, acquainted with and seeking, with eager desire, both excellence and humbleness. Being strong in all things in what strengthens me. Anyway, making this known, speaks well of you to allow us to become partakers with our tribulation.

Paul goes on to say that he has no wants or needs that has not been satisfied, by the Lord and the Love of the Philippians. He is content and satisfied in all things, all the time. How? By being strong in the previous values, that he mentioned. You, too, can be content and satisfied, by living a life, that is humble, prosperous, with an longing desire for the same values, having the peaceful rest in the Lord, through our Messiah. Exhibiting these same values and their unwavering support and concern for Paul shows that we are or becoming Echad, One, which is the ultimate goal of the Remnant of God.

Philippians 4:15-17
You also know Philippians, where I preached first the proclamation of the grace of God manifest and pledged in Christ, when I came out of Macedonia, no church communicated in word, giving and receiving, but you alone, for even in Thessolonica you sent a gift more than once, for my needs. Not that I seek gifts, but I seek the increasing fruits of your words.

Even though Paul appreciated all the concern, love and gifts, the Philippians gave him, he seeks their continued living, in the Lord and ultimately, their presence, with him, at the Throne of God, above all earthly things. These verses shows how the Philippians are a model, of how to live Echad, One in the Messiah and One with each other.

Philippians 4:18-19

Moreover, received everything, received and beyond measure from Epaphroditus, these in full what you sent, a fragrant aroma, acceptable sacrifice, pleasing and acceptable to God and our God will complete all your needs according to his riches, in glory in Messiah Y’shua.
Our edifying gifts towards each other, regardless of what they are, are a pleasing sacrifice to God and as a result, God will complete you by appointing us joint heirs with the Messiah Y'shua. Romans 8:17

Philippians 4:20-23

Moreover, towards our God and Father, Glory forever and ever, Amen! Salute every holy one in Messiah Y’shua. The brothers with me salute you. All holy ones salute you, especially those of Caesar’s household. Grace of Lord Y’shua Messiah with your Spirit. Amen!

Be friendly, Salute, say hi, greetings, to everyone, in the Messiah Y'shua. Having a family like love for all who are in the Messiah.

The rest of Verses 20-23 are self explanatory.

To God, our Father, be the Glory, through Messiah Y'shua, forever and ever, Amen! The Grace of God is in the Spirit, not the flesh.


  1. Reminded me of the Sh'ma!

    Sh’ma Yisrael,
    Adonai, Eloheinu,
    Adonai echad.
    Baruch shem k’vod
    Le’olam va’ed.

    Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God,
    The Lord is One.
    Blessed be His glorious Name
    Whose kingdom is forever and ever.

    Bless you!

  2. Hi Keith,
    yes, we must always endeavour to treat others with no discrimination, and this is what the Word of God will teach us to do as long as we act upon that Word. What comes into my mind is 'do unto others as you would have done unto you.'

  3. Hi Sandi, Isn't it amazing how God's Word is consistent. It's like line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, but interwoven as an integrated supernatural message to mankind. Yes, our Lord God and his Word is Echad.

    1. Yes, It is amazing! So amazing and true.

      Bless you, Keith.

  4. Hi Brenda, last night during our small group gathering, we discussed that exact same thing. It's amazing how Christianity gets blamed for things, when in reality, the Word of God speaks against discrimination. Yes, it also amazing how Matthew 7:12, when expounded upon from the original Greek, actually says that. God's Word is Amazing!!!

  5. Hi Keith,
    isn't it lovely how we can be like minded in Christ through the Spirit even though we can be separated by thousands of miles. We are joined together as one in the Spirit. Looking forward to more discussions.

  6. Yes, Brenda, I’ve been a firm believer that when the Remnant of God actually gets into and studies God’s Word and allows God’s Spirit to lead them into all Truth, we will be of one mind, just as Paul says in Philippians.

  7. My latest thoughts on Phil 4: 8 are at
    What a wonderful list of themes it is!

  8. Thanks, David. I encourage you to take a look at David's blog, where he does a great job with verse. Very nice. David, I tried to follow the link to your thoughts on Philippians 4:8, but it went to one of your latest entries on the Tabernacle. However, I did a search and found the following entries. Very nice. Thanks

    David's Grace Notes On Philippians 4

  9. Wow! I leave for a month and you're changing books on me. ha ha

    You know what I like most is the fact that our acts of Echad towards each other are like a pleasing aroma unto Yahweh.

  10. Hi Chris, I agree with what you said. It is lovely to interact with love, not hate - and Who do we learn that from? Our loving Saviour Jesus Christ. May we continue to look to Him as we interact.
    God bless all of you with mercy and grace.

  11. Hey Chris, are you back from the Bahamas? Are you actually going to move there? Yes, we started the book of Esther last night. We actually got through the 1st chapter. I totally agree with you about the ability to please God with us acting as one, Echad.

  12. Hey Brenda, I know that it is Satan that causes us to act to the contrary, but it still amazes me how people within the church won’t treat each other with an agape love, in the same way we treat ourselves or want to be treated. I guess I always choose to see or expect the best out of God’s people and that’s not always going to happen.

  13. Do not forget the parable of the wheat and the tares. We must all endeavour to be the wheat by staying in Christ through acting on that Word. It is no good being a 'tare' that 'appears' to be 'wheat', because 'as a man THINKS so he is'

  14. We are in agreement, Brenda. 😎

  15. Hi Keith, so nice to “meet” you and thank you for visiting my little corner with a comment. Philippians is one of my favourite books of the Bible. The love of God is from Him, who is an eternal spring of fresh nourishing water and a healing balm to our souls. We see things growing worse and worse, and I see many Christians trusting Donald Trump more than they do Jesus to set things right. I agree with conservatives more than I do liberals but I say that with caution because I know that satan’s arrows of deception are mainly pointed at Christians and although in the end His true disciples won’t be fooled, many who claim to be Christians will fall away and fall directly into satan’s trap. Jesus said to watch and pray, and continue in love for the brethren. Thank you for this reminder of how important that agape love for each other truly is. Greetings from Canada 🇨🇦

  16. Amen, Keith, praise the Lord that we are all one in Christ Jesus, male or female, bond or slave, Jew or Gentile. May we feed our mind with the truth and beauty of God's Word so that we can become more like Him and practice agape love toward one another.

  17. Hi Susan, Thanks for coming. Yes, I totally agree that the Love of God is from him. That is why we must become Echad, one with him and with each other, in order to become intimate with that Love.

    As for trusting Trump, true Christians, the Remnant, trust in God alone. God is in control. In the same way that Saul, David, Ahab, Solomon, Hezekiah, Nebuchadnezzar and others were flawed individuals, God uses leaders to fulfill his will.

    As to your last point, yes, Satan is alive and well in this world, especially and unfortunately within the church. Watch and Pray and continue in the Love of our God, through our Savior Y'shua. Thanks again for coming over. I hope to see you in the future. Shalom.

  18. Hey Laurie, once again, we are in agreement. I especially like your comment, "May we feed our mind with the truth and beauty of God's Word so that we can become more like Him and practice agape love toward one another." Amen, Sister!!! Amen!!!
