Sunday, February 24, 2019

Be Ready To Present Your Victors Wreath!!

Philippian 4:1

Finally, my loving and committed friends, whom I long to see gleefully in my victors wreath. Therefore, stand firm, in the Lord, friends.

As we can see here, Paul is addressing his friends and family in Messiah, in his final remarks. Most. English translations translate the word adelphos, as a brother and or brothers, but it means more specifically, friends and family, whom you love as family.

He goes on to say that he longs to see them in his victors wreath. Most English translations have this as a crown. Most people think of a kingly crown, on top of your head,. However, this wreath is not a crown but a wreath to go around your head or sometimes around your neck. The kind you get, when you have been victorious in the battle or the colosseum games. They would put emblems on these wreaths, in the same way as our military puts ribbons. So, in reality, Paul is hoping to see them as part of his final testimony before God. That’s why he tells them to stand firm in the Messiah.

Philippian 4:2-3

Admonish and encourage Euodia (Fragrent One) and Syntyche (Fate) to be of same mind, in the Lord. Be assured those who are genuinely yoked together, I beseech you indeed help them who strive together my struggle in the proclamation of the grace of God manifested and pledged in Christ, with Clement also, and the remaining of my fellow workers whose names in the scroll of life.

Notice the difference here between the English versions and the Word for Word translation. Most English versions has Paul pleading with Eurodia and Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. Even though that is consistent with what the rest of his Philippian letter has said and there is nothing wrong with that translation, other than the Greek doesn’t say that. What it says is that the Philippian church needs to admonish and encourage them to be of the same mind in the Lord. 

The English translation tells the Philippians to plead rather than take an active and personal action to admonish both of them and then encourage them to be of the same mind in the Lord. Too many churches have shied away from correcting the flock and this is led to the many splintered factions within the church, which has overjoyed Satan, because it is exactly what he wants to happen to the church. So to be consistent, there is only one frame of minedand that is the one that is consistent with God’s Word.

How do we admonish and encourage the flock? By coming together as one and teach and groom each other with the Word of God alone. It can be hard at times, but it is what we are commanded to do. Edify and be edified according to God‘s word.

Paul encourages Clement, a predominate and proven leader who has shown that he is one with the Messiah, and the remainder of those of one mind, whose names are assuredly in the scroll of life, to come together and keep the body as Echad, one.

If they are not in one Mind in the Lord, they are to be pushed out. I know that’s harsh, but it is according to God‘s Word.

Finally, I must confess that during our small group, I made light of the meaning of Euodia’s name which means fragrant one. Unfortunately, with a name like Oder, the first thing I think of is a nickname of stinky. :-) LOL I can so relate with her if that was the case.

Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice in the Lord at all times, again saying Rejoice. Let your gentleness become known to all men. Lord is at hand. Seek for your own interests no thing, but in everything by prayer and request with thanksgiving your petition made known to God and peace and harmony with God rising above all understanding , protect your hearts and your minds in Messiah Y’shua.

Over the next few verses, Paul reminds the Philippians with some bullet points.

Rejoice in the Lord at all times. Notice that he emphasizes rejoice at the end of the verse. It doesn’t matter what you are going through, you are to rejoice and praise God, because he is in control of the final outcome of your lives. Be assured that he has your well-being at heart and all things will bring you to God's ultimate goal for your life.

At all times, let your gentleness be the first thing everyone sees. If you need it, the Lord is there to help you.

In prayer don’t ask for things according to your own interests. I know that goes against what most churches preach. However, if we are Echad, One with each other, then others will be praying for you in the same way you are praying for them. We are to rely on others, as we would rely on ourselves. That’s God’s plan, To Be Echad, One.

Always Live in peace and harmony with God, allowing God to give you understanding above what is normally humanly possible. With God, you are capable of doing so much more. Rely on him. Keep him alone in your heart and protect it from anything else and have the mind of Christ, the Messiah. Above all, God will lead you into all truth and be ready to present your Victors Wreath.


  1. Hi Keith,
    it is the desire of my heart always to be admonished and corrected by the Lord, as it is the only way I can learn from Him and become a child of God. The scriptures say that in Him I have peace, and why would I not want that. I like the head dress :-), and green is my favourite colour.

  2. Even though your translation sounds a little disjointed, it does bring out a fuller meaning and interpretation. It does take a little extra time for it to sink in. Thank you.

  3. Hi Brenda, I agree. If we are in the same mind of the Messiah, then we should also welcome admonishment and edification from the Body, if done with a gentle heart.

    As for peace, I agree...Why wouldn't we want God's Peace?

  4. Hi Jerry, Thanks for coming by. I appreciate and totally agree with your comment. It is still very time consuming to translate the Hebrew and the Greek. However, I feel that it draws you draw in and consumes you. I totally enjoy it. I hope that you continue to join us in our study.

  5. Hi Keith,
    I believe all admonishment is done with a gentle heart, and that is because the 'admonishment' I refer to is the admonishment that is done by the Lord through His Word. It is only through that Word we can learn God's ways, and be corrected, and God's teaching is done in love through Jesus, the Word of God.
    John ch. 6 v.45 says:-
    'It is written in the Prophets: ‘And they will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from Him comes to Me'.
    There is nothing I want more than to learn God's ways as I go through life on this earth.

  6. Hi Brenda, I agree that admonishment comes initially and ultimately from God's Word. However, there are some in the church, as you have probably experienced, that don't read the Word, yet they are still part of the assembly. There are also some, who actually read the Word of God and lean on their own understanding, rather than the leading of the Spirit. The last two examples require corralling, thereby admonishment from someone truly guided by the Spirit. With all that said, the Word of God should always be used whether it's admonishment, edification, teaching, etc. I totally agree that the Remnant are drawn by the Spirit to the Word. However, unfortunately, Satan is becoming increasingly aggressive within the Church and requires to be push out, by the Word of God and by those who actively engage with God's Spirit. This shouldn't be anything physical, but Satan needs to be put in his place, in the same manner as Y'shua did in the desert.

    I really like your last comment, which reflects mine.

    "There is nothing I want more than to learn God's ways as I go through life on this earth."

  7. Hi Keith,
    I know I have said this before but it always comes into my mind what my father said when we argued as kids:- 'Let's see what the Lord says'.
    That Word is truth and it does not matter what anyone says, if a discussion goes on and that Word is used as the plumb line for answers, as it should be, then the only reason someone would argue against it is pride.
    I would rather admit that I had learned something than argue against what is written in the scriptures.

  8. By the way, as far as some being in the church and not reading the Word to check if what is being preached is true, the Bible tells us that in the end times the wheat and the tares will be separated, so it is very important to make sure that we are not part of the 'tares' by searching the scriptures to see what is true. If we do this and still follow the false unscriptural doctrines of man, then we are responsible for where we end up. The scriptures say that in the end times many shall fall away. It does not say 'many shall be 'taken' away, it is our choice.

  9. Hi Keith, it seems to me that you are unable to quote the Bible.

    Perhaps the reason is that you don’t believe the Bible to be the Word of God.

  10. Paul, God has given me a mission to lay out the truth of the scriptures. Whether or not, you decided to adhere to the truth is entirely between you and God. My hope is that all will hear the Word of Truth and let it rain down on them, washing their eyes to see his be still and know that he is in this place...allowing us to rest in his holiness. Word of God Speak to us.

  11. Well my friend, we will see. :-)
