Friday, March 15, 2019

The Book Of Esther: The Big Banquet And Oh What A Big Party It Was For All.

Esther 1:3-4

Third year, King produced feast. All princes, servants, Army of Persia, Medes, Nobleman of the Provinces of Persia, were present to see riches, glory of the kingdom, preciousness, great majesty, abundance, a long time, 180 days.

Now, in the third year of King Xerxes reign, he had a feast, to show off the riches and glory of his kingdom. For six months, the king held a feast. 

Notice in verse two that there were 127 provinces. At the bare minimum, there were 127 princes, 127 servants, the army of Persia and so on. That was a lot of people and lot of resources, for a Feast that lasted 180 days. Most Bible versions refer to both the banquet and the feast as the "banquet". However, the Hebrew shows that it was a feast for 180 days, six months and then there was a banquet for seven days, as clearly seen in the following verses

As a side note, please notice that the Medes were mentioned. The Medes are referred, by Josephus, as direct descendants of Japheth, through his Son, Madai. Part of this group of people became the Ashkenazi Jews of today.

Esther 1:5-6

When the time was over, the King provided a banquet for seven days. All people were found Palace Shushan, great and small, court, garden and house. White, fine cotton, and blue, embroidered with cords of linen purple, on silver rods and marble columns; couches of gold silver, on pavement of green, white, shell, onyx marble.

As I said, there was a banquet held, after the Feast, for seven days. Everyone was there, from the noblemen to the peasants. As a quick side note, even though peasant is now considered an ignorant, rude, or unsophisticated person, a person of low social status, in the days of Esther, a peasant was a poor farmer of low social status who owned or rented a small piece of land for cultivation.

Everyone was at the palace and spread out into the court and garden. Everyone!! Now, according to the archeologists, the palace was fifteen hectares in size. Image that... a Palace, the size of 37 acres or 149,733 m².  That was humongous and plenty of room for the people invited to this banquet. The following is a model of the Palace at Susa.

The columns and pavement were extravagantly decked out. To give you an idea of the size of the garden columns, please look at the following picture.

Esther 1:7-8

Drinks offered, served golden vessels different kinds, royal wine plentiful by the king’s hand. Drinking, by decree, lacked not, nor constrained. In this manner the King gave orders , to all the multitude within his house, to make happen to the pleasure of each person.

The historians tell us that Xerxes was the typical over indulgent king. This banquet was no different. Drinking was made available to all and the King gave orders for everyone to enjoy themselves according to their own pleasure. No holds barred, as they say. This was also indicative by the many rooms, within the palace and the garden area. Historians indicated that Xerxes loved the company of women and expected his constituents to act the same way.

It was definitely a big party.

Esther 1:9

Queen Vashti also made banquet for women in the palace of King Ahasuerus.

Even though it doesn't say it, the text implies that Queen Vashti, followed suit and overindulged with a women only style party, of her own.


  1. Just read this, I am interested in what you will see in this story.

  2. Hi Brenda, i’m sorry for not responding sooner, but my silly phone still doesn’t work correctly out of town all the time. Yes, it’s neat how the Lord shows us different things, every time we go through it. I can’t wait either.

  3. No worries at all Keith,
    there is always a time for everything, and I have a lot going on too. It is nice to share.
    Paul has just visited my blog again, and there was even a time for that to happen. Scripture shared is Spirit gained, providing it is done in 'Love'.

  4. Brenda,

    Paul went to you to try and lure you back to his den. No body has commented there in weeks. So he went to your blog to pull you back down his dark and lonely pit. Don't take the bait.

    1. I agree, Tim. Let the Spirit deal with him. We'll be here if he wishes to turn from his ways. Again, I honestly don't mind if we disagree, if he would give a biblically based answer, but he always wants to ignore the scriptures and add or take things away.

    2. I just went over to his site out of curiosity. Some anonymous for some reason keeps answering him. But as I look, it's like no one talks to him until this anonymous person starts the conversation. It almost has to be himself trying to get others suckered back into the conversation. He even answers himself when no one talks to him. He insults people that aren't even there. It's really quite sad. But I am glad you all haven't gone back to talk to him. You feed his emotional disturbance and his delusions when he thinks people are reading/listening to him.

      Yes, you can/should pray for him but dialogue is highly wasted (2 Timothy 2:23).

    3. Tim, for some reason, I can't get my phone to work with my blog. I don't get notifications every time or it won't let me comment. Sorry for taking so long to answer. I've prayed long and hard about this and I believe the Lord has led me to truly dust the dust with Paul, until he agrees to be civil and get off the "Jesus is the Father and nothing else matters" kick." Ever since I put my email address at the top of the blog, I've had people say that they would engage, if it weren't for Paul. I honestly hope that he comes back, but I'm not losing any sleep.

  5. Tim I believe that what you have said to me in your comment is confirmation from the Lord as to what He has been showing me to do and what I must do regarding this.

    1. Brenda,

      See my comment above to Keith. I hope you listen to that confirmation.

  6. Brenda, I agree. Keep showing the Word of God and encourage Paul to read what is actually there. No more arguing. First and foremost, Pray for him!!

    1. Will do Keith, whatever I am led to do by the on-going teaching of the Holy Spirit, I will endeavour to do.
      God bless

  7. Growing up we were taught that Vashti means drunk or drunkard. I like this study so far. I was also taught that the Medes were our distant ancestors. Maybe I'll do a ancestry test. Maybe I'll end up being 1/1024th south American indian. Ha Ha. Also reading about Ahasuerus overindulgence cracked me up. Even that was an unstatement. He was like all kings and leaders of countries including our own. They overindulge on the backs of the people. They use up our wealth and grind the country into the ground. When is this country and others going to wake up?

  8. Hey Chris, I like your EW reference. LOL I wouldn't be surprise if we all had a little American Indian blood, in us. I've thought about getting my blood tested, but just haven't followed through.

    I'm glad that you're enjoying the study, so far. It has been well received.

    I totally agree with your assessment of our national leadership. I have been preaching fiscal responsibility for years. I honestly think it's time for a peaceful revolution and kick the majority of the congress out, during this next voting cycle.

    As to when are we going to wake up, I can see it happening. I hope it's not too late. Sooner, if the left continues to push their radical socialist agenda.
