Thursday, January 31, 2019

Timothy And Epaphroditus: Great Examples Of Doulos, Bond Servants

Philippians 2:19

Now, I hope, in the Lord Y’shua, to send Timothy, to you quickly, in order that I likewise be of good cheer, learning of the condition of you.

By this verse, we find that Paul's main source of information, about the Philippian fellowship, has been by Timothy traveling back and forth. This makes me wonder how long has Paul been in the custody. According to some scholars, while deducing from scripture, Paul visited the city on two other occasions, in 56 and 57. Since this letter to the Philippians is dated around 61-62, it is possible that Paul could have been in custody, for up to six years, which explains a lot about his disposition, in this letter.

Regardless, he longs to hear good news, in order to cheer him up. I would too, if I had been in Roman chains, for that long and not being able to do the Lord's work.

Philippians 2:19-21

For having no other of equal soul faithfully caring about your interests and for your care, for all seek for themselves, not the Messiah Y’shua.

This is an interesting comment, which shows that the life of a missionary is very lonely and sometimes sad. Of all things Paul had done over the last 25-30 years, you would think that there would be someone, who would care for the Remnant of God, at Philippi, in the same way that Paul did. Apparently not. But why? What is the litmus test for this life of missionary work?

To be a missionary, it requires a person that has a heart and commitment for the people, they are administering. Far too many people attempt to do missionary work, but fail, because they seek their well-being over the people. When you are a missionary, even a minister of a local fellowship, you can't think about yourself more than the people your are administering to. You are like the parent. They are like your children, until they are off the milk and eating meat, for themselves. How long? It's different for every individual. It takes a strong and dedicated individual to have an Agape love and commitment for the fellowship. Apparently, here, Paul only had Timothy, to rely on, for this work.

Philippians 2:22

Moreover knowing his experience since serving with me for the good message as a child with his father.

Even though Timothy was the only one that Paul could rely on, for this mission, it appears that Paul felt the need to reassure the Philippians that Timothy would be a good replacement, for the time being. Why? Some say that it was due to Timothy's age. I doubt it, because he was somewhere around 43, at this time.

Some say that it was possibly the fact that Timothy was always getting sick. Talking about being sick, another reason for Timothy's departure could be to accompany Epaphroditus home, because he also died. We read about that in a few verses.

It is also possible that since Timothy, being from the area, (Lystra was only 600 miles away from Philippi) Paul feared that Timothy could be subjected to the same treatment that all prophets encounter, that he would be rejected. Y'shua even said,

"Be assured, I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his own country." Luke 4:24

Regardless of the reason, Paul felt the need to remind the Philippians of Timothy's experience with the Gospel and that Timothy was with him and was very knowlegable of God's message as a son would be with his father, a very high commendation.

Philippians 2:23-24

This being so, I hope to send him straight away when I set his attention away from concerns which are presently towards me and having confidence in the Lord that I also will come shortly thereafter.

Showing his love for Paul, Timothy is really worried about Paul and his present predicament. He's probably wondering who is going to take care of Paul. However, Paul is confident that he won't be too far behind Timothy. With all that said, does this show a little immaturity on Timothy's part? Shouldn't he be doing God's work and letting God take care of Paul? Honestly, I don't know if I could leave a love one behind in a prison.

Philippians 2:25-30

Also, I deemed it necessary to send to you, Epaphroditus, my brother and companion and fellow laborer for the cause of the Messiah moreover your apostle and minister of my business (Life Needs), because he desperately desires and longs for you with a heavy heart because you heard the news of his sickness, for indeed his sickness was almost death but the Lord showed him mercy. Not him only, but also on me in order not to have mourning upon my pain. This being so, I am sending him promptly where, in that place you see him again gladly. I, in like manner, would be free from pain and grief. Receive him accordingly in the Lord with all joy and hold such men honorable, noble and in high regard, for approaching death for the sake of the Messiah, disregarding his life so to fulfill what is lacking in your service to me.

In addition to Timothy, Paul is sending Epaphroditus, who also turns out to be an apostle to the Philippians. Philippi appears to be his home. Epaphroditus means "lovely", which means that he was a baby devoted to Aphrodite, a Pagan God, a common practice to the Greek world.

It also appears that Epaphroditus possibly didn't leave Philippi, on the best of terms, due to the fact that Paul tells them to receive them gladly. Otherwise, why wouldn't they receive him gladly?

We find that Epaphroditus fell sick, while with Paul and Timothy and he almost died. Along with the sickness, he appears to be homesick also. Therefore, Paul is sending him home. Epaphroditus appears to be worn out and more than ready to go home. With all that said, Epaphroditus did almost die for the service to the Lord, which is a reason to honor him. How many of us would disregard the comforts of home to go out on the road for the Lord?

Finally, could Paul, being old and ready to die, have been making it somewhat easier on Timothy and Epaphroditus, not making them see Paul in misery and possibly being put to death by the Romans? In the end, Paul does make it out of there and sees the Philippians again, before he dies.

As a side note, there are some who teach that Paul was in a Philippian jail here, as documented in Acts 16. I don't think so, because when Paul and Silas was in the Philippian jail and were happy. It's a good story, check it out. The Paul, here in the Book of Philippians, has a total different disposition. Could've been in Caesarea or Rome. Don't really know.

All the time, during this letter, Paul has been praising the Philippians. However, Paul lets something slip, in verse 30. He obviously thought that the Philippians kind of dropped the ball, when it came to helping me, during this time. He tells the Phillipians that Epaphroditus made up for their shortcomings. We'll have to ask him, 'What did he mean, by that comment?'.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

If We're Wrong, That's OK. I'd Rather Live A Life With Godly Virtues, Than With All The Hate, That Is Around Me.

Philippians 2:12

Therefore, my faithful and devoted family, just as you always heeded and conformed to God’s commands and authority, not as in my presence only but presently in my absence, fashion yourselves as one fit for salvation with reverence and as one who religiously does his utmost to fulfill his duty.

As Paul finishes with his fire and brimstone theological lesson, in verses 5-11, he compliments the Philippians on their faithfulness. Believe it or not, there are some that say you shouldn't compliment, praise or be boastful in the church. Obviously, Paul had no problems with it. Honestly, it depends on why you are boasting, having pride or praising the behavior of someone. If it's for a good thing, then praise and have some pride in godly people. As long as it doesn't lead to sinful practices, like envy, lust, wanton behavior, etc. Keep in mind that the litmus test is conformation to God's commands and authority. Otherwise, be obedient as the Messiah, giving allegiance to God alone.

Here, Paul also reminds us to act like you belong to the Messiah. So many Christians think that we have a freedom to do whatever we want, no consequenses. In reality, whatever we do, we are covered by the Blood of Y'shua's sacrifice. In the previous verses, remember he tells us to have the mind of the Messiah. Therefore, even though our sins are covered by the Blood of Christ, it doesn't mean we should live our lives haphazardly, with a total disregard to what the Law says. No, we are to live according to the Law of God, having the Blood of Christ to cover our daily mistakes and to remind us of the price of our freedom. Freedom is not being allowed to do what we want, it is the freedom from the ramifications of our choices.

In our daily lives, we are to allow the Spirit of God to conform us to God's Will. It is this desire and the outwardly actions that shows that we are fit for the salvation that God has given to all the Remnant, through the sacrificial Blood of his Son, Y'shua.

Philippians 2:13

For God, who works for and in you indeed takes delight in you working for his pleasure and satisfaction.

If we are the Remnant of God, through the Messiah, then we should be making the daily commitment to allow God's Spirit to work in and for us, for we are allowing ourselves to be an extension of God, working to fulfill his Will. There is nothing that makes God more happy than when we freely allow him to work through us.

Philippians 2:14-15

Do everything without grudging or dispute that arises from doubt, in order to become blameless and innocent children of God, without moral faults, amongst a perverse generation, who has turned their backs on the ways of God, among whom you shine as lights in the world ... 

Most commentators say that this is a daily physical struggle within our daily lives, as we live our lives with each other. However, this goes much deeper. This is also reveals the struggle within us and against the spirits that constantly badger us to do the will of Satan, instead of the Will of God. The external battle, within this world is won within the Spiritual Realm, in which resides our true selves and where God Reigns supremely. If we allow the Spirit of God to reign supremely within us, we will automatically be that shining beacon of light, that the Messiah wants us to be and we will not turn our backs on the Ways of God.

Philippians 2:16

… holding onto, applying and observing the Word of Life, so in the day of the Messiah, I can boast because I did not run in vain nor work in vain.

I know I sound like a broken record, but how do we allow the Spirit of God to conform us. It's quite simple, we allow the Word of God to manifest in our minds, in the same way that the Word of God manifested into the Son of God. When we receive the gift of salvation, by receiving the Word of God, which is Y'shua and step out in obedience, by baptism, the Holy Spirit takes over and begins to conform us to God's image. This is what God had designed, when he first created to first Adam.

Also, when we help edify each other, we can spiritually boast in the Lord.

Philippians 2:17-18

nevertheless even if I am a drink offering upon sacrifice of taking an office at my own fruition, all of your faith rejoice and rejoice with you all. You should also rejoice and rejoice with me.

As I read this, I'm reminded of the thoughts that Satan and his evil ones occasionally put in my head. Every once in a while, our of the blue, Satan puts the thought of, "What if I'm wrong?" in my head. This is easily squashed by the Spirit of God, but the fact remains that Satan used this type of spiritual with Paul and he continues to use it today. It's usually followed by "Is there really a God?". This cracks me up.

I usually shout out the same things, to Satan and his evils one,

"If there wasn't a God, then why do you keep bothering me."

"If there isn't a God, then why does the Spiritual Battle constantly rage within me?"

"Satan, You do realize, that by the simple fact that you are constantly tempting me with things I definitely don’t want to do, it actually proves that you exist and if you exist, then God exists and with each battle, My Faith Increases."

But, back to the verse. When Paul says that even if I am a drink offering, he saying that even if we are doing all these things for our own will or for ourselves, not God's, then that's ok. Rejoice, because we are better human beings, as a result. Rejoice and Rejoice with each other. I'd Rather Live A Life With Godly Virtues, Than With All The Hate, That Is Around Me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What Does The Bible Really Say About God And Hell?

With words like Hell, Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus, the Grave flying around, it can be really confusing about what Hell is and what is God's relation to it. This is especially true, when man decides to blend pagan and traditional folklore beliefs with biblical truth. Then, when you add western theologians and scribes, who try to put English meanings to the Hebraic words and concepts, into the mix, you get 2000 years worth of chaos.

As with most confusion, concerning the Bible, it all comes down to perception. The concept of Hell is no different. When attempting to perceive Hell, from a biblical point of view, one must go to the roots of it all, the Tanakh, the same words that Y'shua used, during his time of earth. You can go on the internet and find bunches of posts and articles explaining Hell. Well, this post will try to eliminate the confusion and reveal what the Bible says about Hell and how did the Jews, at the time of Y'shua and before, view Hell.

I would like to make this as concise as possible and get down to the bottom line. Therefore, I will not bring in anything, other than the Bible, into this discussion. Let's get started.

Within the pages of the Tanakh, the Old Testamemt, we find only three Hebrew words directly reflecting Hell or its effects. That is Sheol, Abaddon and Gehenna. As we go through the pages of the Tanakh and the Talmud and Mishnah, we find the following facts:

1. In the same way as the Heavens, Sheowl has different levels, as referenced in Deuteronomy 32:22, where it eludes to Tachtiy Sheol, the lowest parts of Sheol or Hell.

Fire burns from my nostrils. My Anger burns to the lowest parts of Sheol, consuming earth ever increasingly, scorching the foundations of the mountains.

2. Supporting the different levels of Hell or Sheol, we have Job 11:8. Also, here Job tells us that God presently watches over and takes care (extends his coalescing force) of everything from the unsearchable depths of Sheol to the highest Heavens.

High as the Heavens. Creating. Unsearchable depths of Sheol, you intimately know.

Colossians 1:17 drives that point home.

And he is superior to all things and by him all things are bound together.

3. Even though not named, Song of Solomon 8:6 gives us our first fiery reference of Gehenna, the lowest part and the fire and brimstone level of Sheol.

Set in place a signet seal upon your heart and soul. A signet seal of mighty arms. A love, fierce and mighty was with the penalty of death, severe as Sheol’s fiery coals, firey coals of fire, the flames of Yah

Once again, this verse also shows that God is in control of Sheol and Gehenna.

4. Many Jews and non-believers will tell you that Y'shua made up the concept of Gehenna, as the fiery punishment section of Sheol. However, the actual history of the name of Gehenna goes back to Jeremiah 7:31 and 19:6

After this manner, watch and see, a day will come, declares Yahweh, this very place will no longer be called a place of fire, a valley of the son of lamentation, but GehHaregah (Gehanna), valley of slaughter.

5. Before the time that Y'shua walked upon this earth, the Talmud revealed the name of Gehenna as the place where the young children of Israel were tossed into flames, as a sacrifice to Baʿal, signifying the future place of the dead beneath the earth and the place of punishment, where they will feel the residual effects of Abaddon, which we'll get to, in a few seconds. Generally speaking, the wicked inherits the punishment of Gehenna, while the righteous inherit the Garden of Eden or Paradise or the life of the world to come, after going through the resurrection. So, no, Y'shua didn't make up the concept of Gehenna. God revealed it in his Word, before the incarnation of Y'shua.

6. For those who follow the significance of numbers, within the Bible, amazingly or "coincidentally", the word, Abaddon, appears only six times. Six is the number of the unrighteous man and Abaddon is the "destiny" of unrighteous man. Also, Abaddon is a Hebrew word that could be a noun or verb. That's why you find Apollyon, the Greek equilivent, in the B'rit Hadashah, the New Testament, as The Angel of the Bottomless Pit.

Who And What is the significance of Abaddon? 

Throughout the Tanakh, Old Testament, Abaddon is destruction. The actual word means to destroy, is the manner of deconstructing, break apart. The acts associated with Abaddon are described by the Hebrew word Moog, which means to dissolve, fall apart from one form to the small parts that make up the whole. So, unrighteous man will be casted out from the presence of God, go through the boundary of the last level of Sheol, pass Abaddon, the gatekeeper of Gehenna and be totally separated from God. Going through this process, the unrighteous man will feel the effects of being dissolved and their soul will feel the effects within their separated reality. 2 Thessalonians tell us about this punishment of Abaddon and the resulting separation.

When the Lord is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might.

Now, as for Hades and Tartarus, they are the Greek words for the same thing. Hades is the same as Sheowl and Tartarus is the same as Gehenna. However, there are myths and folklore concerning Hades and Tarturus, which I won't get into. In the end, all of Sheol (Hades) will be cast into Gehenna (Tartarus) Rev. 20:14-15. This means that, at God's command, Adaddon will close the door on the unrighteous chapter of man.

How About When We Die And Are Judged?

When we die, our souls will be in God's dimensionality, Again, there is no time. Our physical bodies go to the Sheol, which are restricted to time and this dimension, to wait out the end of time. You see, the amazing thing about God's dimensionality is that the events of our conception, birth, death, rapture, soul destination, all coexists because God's reality is not constrained by time. We can't fully fathom that reality, yet. In our minds, we see things in a linear form, one thing happening another. We see a glimpse of this in Isaiah 46:10. In God's reality, we are, in the same way as God is. He tries to tell us and Moses this, when he responded to Moses' question, "Who, shall I say to the Israelites, sent me?". God responded, "I AM." We are eternal. We existed before we were constrained to the limitations of our bodies.

How About The Supernatural Aspect Of Sheol And Gehenna?

Presently, within our Space-Time Dimensionality, Sheol is the only thing that is in existence. It is the grave, plain and simple. It is a holding place for the dead body. There is no Gehenna. Within our Space-Time, we have a model of Gehenna, just as Jeremiah 7:31 and 19:6 says and Abaddon is guarding the door of Gehenna, in the same way as the Cherubim, with flaming swords, are guarding the gate to the Tree of Life, within the Garden of Eden.

However, within God's dimensionality, God has prepared Gehenna, an isolated dimension, which has no bottom or no end. It is supernaturally and physically connected to Sheol, the physical grave, which is a place of confinement for the dead body. Gehenna is reference the lowest part of Sheol.

In God's reality, the Spiritual Realm, where there is no time, where the beginning and the end are nothing but a time construct. Gehenna does not contain Satan, his angels and all the unbelievers and the wicked....the anti-God. They are allowed to run about the Spiritual Realm, according God's Will. As Job 1 tells us, Satan still has limited access to God's presence.

In our reality, Gehenna has been reserved for Satan, his angels and those who refuse God's salvation. Satan, some of the Fallen Angels, Demons and Evil Spirits have been stripped of their physical dimensionality and are allowed to try and convinced us to join their ranks, from the Spiritual Realm. The one exception are those who left their God given positions and originally rebelled with Satan. These Angels and Demons are kept in the darkness, in eternal chains.

At the conclusion of the Judgement, the multiple levels of Sheol will implode into Gehanna. Amazingly, modern quantum physics tells us that if our physical universe would implode, like some models predict, it would spread out in one dimension. If such condensation occurs, that reality would be immensely hot. From God's point of view, it would look like a lake of fire.

"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." Revelation 20:14-15 "Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.

In Luke 16:22-31, Y'shua gives us a glimpse into this reality. In the end, it appears that only Abraham will have separated access to the lake of fire, to remind the occupants of their life, choices and the separation. He will be able to talk to the inhabitants of Gehenna, nothing else. Notice that even God is not present anymore.


With all this said, God's presence is everywhere and at anytime, even in Sheol. Psalm 138:7-8 tells us that. He holds all things together. Colossians 1:16-17. In Psalm 75:2-3, we find that there will be a time, in our reality, when one of God's dimensions, we believe that to be Y'shua, the Messiah, will fetch the assembly, the church. He will judge them, Satan and his evil ones, fairly and justly and the earth and rest of it's inhabitants will dissolve, in a feeling of immense heat. Peter reiterates this in 2Peter 3:12.

In the end, their soul will be completely separate from God and will feel the pain, suffering and desperation, Y'shua felt on the Cross and until his resurrection. How can this be, since we will be desolved? Because the soul is eternal and will always exist. It can and will exist with or without God. That's how God made us. We have the choice, right here and now, to choose. Will you spend eternity with God or separated from God and his power that holds all things together.


Friday, January 11, 2019

A Fully Obedient Human With The Fulness Of God, Now Sits At The Right Hand Of God.

Philippians 2:5

Exercise your mind with the same mindset in yourselves, which also is in Messiah Y’shua...

Now, this is not earth shattering, but it blew me away, to read this verse, in the NIV. The NIV actually adds the words, "In your relationships," to the beginning of this verse. Again, not too dramatic, but it drives the points home that most interpreters have an allegiance to their beliefs and put them before God's Word. Starting in this verse, Paul is beginning to state a very important lesson, How to become one with the Messiah. Instead the NIV interpreters take it on themselves to change the object of this lesson. I know this is a small thing, but if they were willing to change this small part, what else have they changed???

OK, Back to the real Word of God, the Word for Word translation reveals that Paul is telling us and the Philippians that we need to exercise our minds, in the ways of the Messiah. Make our minds Echad, one, with the Messiah. We do this by allowing God's Spirit to lead us into God's Word and transform our worldly minds to the Minds of God. Get into His Word, everyday. It will amaze you how fast God's Spirit will work the change. Like a favorite song, we need to sing it everyday, to make God's Word our own.

Every moment of our day reveals that we are on the precipice of our future. We need to stand against the false and allow the Truth of God's Word to guide our future.

Philippians 2:6-7

...who came into existence in the figurative shape or form of God, not thinking or regarding equality with God, who as to be presented or seized as a prize, but laying aside equality with God, with himself taking the form of a bond servant, being made in the form of mankind, discovering having been comprised of everything which strikes the senses habitus like mankind, humbled himself, obedient as far as death (separation of the soul from the body, enduring the miseries of hell) moreover death on the cross.
This is theology time. We are about to get into some heavy stuff. Y'shua, who is the Word of God incarnate, came into existence, in the figurative shape or form of God. Think about what this says. Many say that Y'shua is God alone. Others say that he is only a man, a creation of God. What does this verse really say? It says that Y'shua, the Word of God is equal to God. This is absolutely true.

All aspects of God are equal to God, because they are of God. Whether it be his Word, his hand, his finger, his presence, his mind, his Spirit, ect., they are part of God. They never stop being part of God. If a hand is removed from the body, does it stop being the body's hand? When you remove a living cell or organ from a body and it continues to be nourished, whether in a petri dish and transplanted into another body, does it stop having the original characteristics of the original body? No, of course not. In another aspect, when you say something original, does that original saying stop being your statement? Again, the answer is no.

Y'shua, the Messiah, who is the Word of God, momentarily left the immediate presence of God, who inhabits eternity, left his rightful place and came into our existence. That's what John 1 says. The actual Word of God, who created our Space/Time was infused into a small human egg, within a virgin woman. This egg was nurtured by the humanity of Mary and the Spirit of God and allowed to grow into a human being, who could exist within our Space-Time. This human possessed humanity, with fullness of God. I honestly don't know how his human form, with all its frailty could contain the Fulness of God and not explode. But, with the presence of God's Holy Spirit, he not only existed, but grew into a man, that would be obedient unto death for the sake of mankind's ultimate sacrifice in the form of the blood covering of their offenses toward God.

During his time on earth, this verse tells us that never once did Y'shua use his equality with God, to give himself an unfair advantage. Y'shua lived as a human and totally within the confines of his humanity, he lived a perfect life, so we are not burdened with the stringent requirements of the Law. Do we have that same capability to live a perfect life? Yes. Do we utilized the Spirit of God, in the way Y'shua did? No. Why? Because, every day, we choose to live our lives, in opposition to God's Word. We are weak but Y'shua, having the same trials and tribulations as we do, chose to be a obedient bondservant unto death.

Notice in verse 8.

"...having been comprised of everything which strikes the senses habitus like mankind..."

This is where we are told that Y'shua were the same as all humanity.

Even more than that, the verse goes on to tell us that the Messiah endured the miseries of Hell, after his death on the cross. We don't have the capacity to fully understand what that means. For the first time in a life of any human being, Yahweh, our God, withdrew himself away. Again, we don't have any capacity to fathom the agony and pain, Y'shua went through on the cross and afterwards, until his resurrection.

In 2 Peter 3:10, Peter gives us some insight as to what total separation means to an individual. When God removes himself away from this reality, gone will be the coalescing force, of God, that holds all things together. At that point, even the elements will melt away, in a fervent heat. Paul tells us in 2 Thessolonians 1:9, that the unbelievers will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might. In the words of Y'shua, Matthew 24:41, we are told that nonbelievers will be commanded to depart from his presence, be cursed and be casted into an existence, that will be as an eternal fire, in the presence of Satan and his angels.

Why? So, we, who place our faith, allegiance, obedience, in Yahweh, through dedicating our lives to live as the Messiah, unto our deaths, will have everlasting life with him and not be casted with Satan, his angels and nonbelievers, into an existence that will be as an eternal fire.

Philippians 2:9-11

Wherefore, on his account, God exalted him to the highest rank and power and graciously restored to him the one name above all names, in order that in the name of Y’shua, each and every knee will bend in worship, in heaven, on earth and those who dwell in the infernal world below and all tongues will acknowledge openly and joyfully to his honor, to celebrate and give praise to the fact that Messiah Y’shua is Lord and Master, to the Glory of God, the Father.

Now, what did Y'shua get out of this? By living the perfect and obedient life, God raised the human part of Y'shua, to the same level as his Spirital side, the highest rank and power possible. That is, the Word of God, on the same level, as God, even to the right hand of God. In addition, in the end, this position will cause everyone, on earth, in heaven and in the infernal world below, that is Hell, to not only confess that Y'shua is their master and Lord, but to joyfully, openly acknowledge the same. They will even celebrate the fact and Praise him openly. All these things will be done, not only for Y'shua, the obedient Son, but to the Glory of Yahweh, our Father, because he was the one to make it all possible. He is our salvation. To this effect, Y'shua's name, the name above all names, will be forever proclaim it's meaning, Yahweh Saves or Yahweh is our Salvation. Amen and Shalom.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Satan's Methodology Repackaged As Tribalism And Is The Church Embracing It?

Wow!!! Recent studies show that over 90% of humans beings have Identity-Protective Cognition Disorder, where they put their tribal recognition and emotions ahead of the truth and well-being of the whole. Great examples of this, here in the US, are our beliefs concerning Climate Change, President Trump, Religion, Politics, etc.

While the evidence shows that:

- Climate Change is a natural occurring cycle

- President Trump has done an above average job as president, even though he may suck as a person.

- The Bible clearly shows supernatural traits.

- Both Republican and Democratic leadership are out of touch and out for themselves, not the people.

- Etc. Etc. Etc.

Most people will cling to the evidence, that supports the collective ideology of their group, rather than what is true and best for society. In a concerted manner, they actively and cognitively disregard the evidence that goes against their collective thought. They will even lie and search out to discredit non-supporting evidence. Their collective thought is that it's truly the right thing to do. The problem is that it isn't really their own 'thought', because, in reality, they don't think for themselves.

Within the church, this tribalistic disorder is very prevalent. Examples are:

-Not Recognizing The Pagan Roots Of Christmas And Easter.

Even though it is clearly shown and proven, within the Bible, mainstream Christians continue to celebrate not only celebrate on the day of Saturnalia, they celebrate, using the pagan customs.

-Taking Man's Word Over God's.

Many Christians believe in a way that is contrary to the Word of God. We were in Bible Study, the other night, and we were reading the Word For Word Translation, where we look at the actual meaning of the words and it amazed us that the NIV and ESV translators ignored the meaning of the original words and translated it according to traditional thought.

-Discrediting Biblical Thought In Lieu Of Tradition Or Humanism.

Examples of this is rampant, from allowing same sex marriage, abortion, etc. within the church.

The more and more we see this mental disorder, within the Church, it shows that we are indeed in the End Times. If these percentages are correct, then the Remnant of God makes up only 10% of the Mainstream Church. In contrast, 90% of the Church have abandoned God's Ways, in lieu of the Ways of Satan and the World. No surprise. This was prophesied. Also, the tribalistic methodology of distorting the truth has been used by Satan from the beginning. Again, no surprise. The key for the Remnant of God is to recognize it, shun it and put the truth out there. God's Holy Spirit will lead the Remnant to himself.
