Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Are Ghosts Real? How About Spirits And Souls? Can Christians Be Possessed?

Did you know that the Bible says that there are ghosts?  Before going on, we need to define a couple of terms associated with ghost. Most dictionaries defines ghost as:

A disembodied spirit or an apparition
of a dead person
that is believed to appear
or become manifest to the living,
typically as a nebulous image.

Furthermore, the Bible goes on to more clearly define that a ghost:

is the spirit of an disembodied individual,
such as a human,
soulish animal
or angel.

I feel the need to stop and define 'soul', because it is quite often confused with the spirit. As a matter of fact, in a recent study, most ministers, priests, elders to the average Christian were found not to be able to differentiate between the two. Quite simply:

A soul is when the spirit combined with a body.

or simply

The combination of the spirit and the body.

To support, this Hebrews 4:12 says,

For the word of God is living and active,
sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing to the

division of soul and spirit,
joints and marrow,

and discerning the thoughts
and intentions of the heart.

As a side note, when the Bible says that God saved your soul, it means that he has ensured the coexistence of your body and spirit, to be in his presence, in eternity.

So, are there ghosts? The Bible says, yes. However, do these ghosts haunt or visit us? Well, again, that depends. The ghosts of human beings do not. Job 7:9 tells us:

As a cloud vanishes and is gone,
    so one who goes down to the grave
does not return.

But, there are non-human spirits that can make themselves known to and even speak to you. As a mater of fact, the spirits, that try to communicate or the spirits, that you actually are able to communicate with, are evil spirits or demons trying to cause you harm physically or spiritually or even possess you. This is the reason why Isaiah 8:19-20 tells us not to engage with mediums or spiritualists.

And when someone says to you,
‘Consult the mediums and the spiritualists
who whisper and mutter.’
Should not a people consult their God?
Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?
To the law and to the testimony,
if they speak not according to this word,
it is because there is no light in them.

Now, a quick comment on possession. Can Christians be possessed? Most, in Christian leadership, will tell you, absolutely not. They will go on to tell you that the Holy Spirit and an evil spirit cannot dwell within the same person. Unfortunately, there is no Biblical support for that position. Check it out for yourself. If you are a Christian and you open the door to an evil spirit, God gives in to your free will. However, God does protect you by giving you a warning and the power to get rid of it. But, if you continue down the path of evoking the evil spirit, God allows you to have your way.

I must reiterate that we must first seek out mediums, such as spiritualist, tarot cards, séances, ouija boards, etc., before we are open to possession. It cannot just happen.

Final Warnings!!!

Any spirit that is not of God is not to be trifled with.

The Bible repeatedly and firmly condemns seeking out the dead.

Diabolical spirits can and do take on kindly appearances. This can mean looking like angelic beings or, perhaps, deceased loved ones.

All spirits are to be tested against what we know from Scripture. That's why it is important to know what the scriptures say. Get into the Word and check it out for yourself.

...and that's what you'll find, When You Search For The Truth.


  1. That's Hebrews 4:12, not Romans 4:12. :-)

  2. Thanks, Chris, It has been corrected.

  3. I always thought that the soul and spirit was the same thing. This made me look into it for the first time. The Hebrew word nephesh means soulish creature that has the breath of life in them. Since all creatures have the breath of life in them, wouldn't that mean that all creatures have souls?

  4. In my opinion, it doesn't take long, if you spend any amount of time in nature, to see that most animals and insects are self aware. Recently, there was this sand hornet that came up to me and kept getting in my face. I swooshed him away, but it kept coming back. Eventually, I realized that the hornet wasn't meaning any harm to me. In fact, it began to hover directly to the side of me, no longer facing me, but literally observing what I was doing. I was putting down decking. It stayed there, for at least 15 minutes, occasionally getting closer to the work at hand. Again, he wasn't being aggressive, but being observant and engaging. Therefore, my answer is yes, all animals have souls. However, it begs the question, 'Does all souls need saving?'. I don't honestly know, but I do know that all of creation is groaning for us to get our act together.

  5. Hi Keith,
    I am not very good on this subject but I believe absolutely that we should not consult 'spiritualists'.

    However, there are a few things that I can tell of that I can only briefly fathom out.
    One was that my sister was living in a house previous to the one she is living in now. She told me she was coming into the downstairs hall and she saw a young man coming down the stairs holding a crash helmet, he went out through the front door. She could not believe what she had seen, and she said he appeared as clear and solid as a real person. When she shared it with a neighbour, she was told that there had been a young man living in my sisters house previously who had been killed on his motorbike.

    Another thing that happened was when my husband and I were coming down a hill many years ago, known as Stormy Down and it was pouring with rain. Suddenly, right in front of the car a 'highwayman' dressed in a red and black uniform (as they used to wear) just stepped off the grass verge in front of our car, holding the front corner of his hat down - as if he was in the pouring rain also. I panicked and crouched down in the front passenger seat, blocking my view of him. My husband slammed the brakes on and yet told me it was as if the car went straight through this highwayman.
    When we got to my husband's parents house and related what happened, his mother told us that a few hundred years ago there used to be a gallows where highwaymen were hanged at the top of the hill that we were travelling down.

    The third incident I shall tell you of was when I was in a post office, about nine years ago. The face of the lady who was serving me suddenly turned as if into pixels which all scattered down behind the counter, and I was looking at the blank wall that was behind her.
    I have had many very strange experiences and the only way I can explain these three happenings is:- as there is no time to God, was my sister, my husband and myself experiencing different time zones appearing to us?

  6. Hi Brenda, Quantum physicists say that there are multiple universes. Some speculate that ghost appear are when two touch. As for myself, I believe that there are far too many incidences to discount it off hand. I lean towards other dimensional entities doing the will of Satan. Honestly, I do not know. I have never had an experience with apparitions.

  7. Keith,

    I think what it comes down to about saving animals (souls) is that with our souls, we have a spirit as well. With our free will, we can choose to live by sight (soul) or live by faith (spirit). Animals do not have the spirit. So they have no choice, innocent in the matter. If that is the case and if God brings them into the heavenly places then animals are innocent and saved for not knowing. Hence...they did not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

    I just don't know it they do go with us. I saw in scripture one time, I can't find it since, that ALL creation can be redeemed. I know Paul wrote it but I can't find it (it's been four years).

  8. Tim,
    when I had my near death experience, there were animals in the beautiful place I was taken to (which the apostle Paul referred to as 'the third heaven and Paradise' in 2 Corinthians ch. 12 vs. 1-4:-

    'It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows;) such a one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter'.

    I believe absolutely that I had the same experience.

  9. Hi Keith,
    Can Christians be possessed ?

    Just look into a mental asylum and see how most of them believe in God and a great number of them believe in Jesus and claim to be Christians.
    In most or all churches of this world, when one of them becomes demon-possessed, they call such a person, mentally imbalanced or mentally ill, or a lunatic etc. but they never say that such a person is demon-possessed.
    Obviously and conveniently they don’t believe that a Christian can be demon-possessed, otherwise they would cast out the demon.

    But then again, a kingdom is not divided against itself, therefore they rather send their brothers and sisters to a mental asylum and lock them away rather than to deliver their brothers or sisters from those demons.
    Perhaps they believe your advice that, “Any spirit that is not of God is not to be trifled with.”

    Because of the great apostasy, which means that they have fallen away from believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His Word to other gods like Jehovah, Yahweh and Allah etc. and for that reason they change the plain written Word of God to suit their unbelief.

    So, when the Scriptures said, “These signs will ACCOMPANY those who have BELIEVED; in My Name they will cast out demons, ….” (Mark 16:15-19), it’s obvious that in their unbelief and in the name of their gods Jehovah, Yahweh or Allah those demons will not come out.
    Not even if they evoke the name of their ‘Jesus’, because their ‘Jesus’ is ANOTHER Jesus than the Jesus we preach (2 Cor. 11:3-4).

    Well it get’s worse; they do not even believe the rest of Mark 16:17.
    Tell me Keith, do those so called Christians speak in new tongues ?

    Well, most of them have a thousand excuses why they don’t speak in unknown tongues and even claim that tongues have ceased, in order to hide their unbelief.
    Not to mention the serpents and the deadly poison and the laying on of hands on the sick etc.

    Well, one must wonder, WHAT do they really believe ?
    Perhaps in Santa Claus ? :-) and in all the doctrines of man and unbelief.

  10. I know it sounds very strange Keith, having 'visions', but I often think of how Moses and Elijah appeared talking to Jesus on the mountain in Matthew ch. 17 vs. 1-3:-

    'After six days Jesus took with Him Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared before them, talking with Jesus.…'

    My fried and I also had an experience of 'transportation', and regarding this I think of how the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away to Azotus. I too believe there are many things we just can not explain, only God knows what it is. I do know, and also my friend thinks the same, that when we were transported from one road to another, it was meant for a purpose which the Lord had set up, but we were too afraid to follow it through and go to the house pointed out to us to visit a person the Lord had led us to. We learned from it. I believe God teaches us the difference between things brought about by His Spirit and things of the enemy.

  11. Hey Tim, I believe we are in agreement. I think the verses that you are talking about are the ones that I reference somewhat earlier. Romans 8:20–22.

    For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

    Is that it?

  12. Hi Paul, we are in agreement about those who are in mental hospitals. I do believe that a number of them are possessed. Unfortunately, it has become politically incorrect to suggest such things.However, I will believers know for a fact that in the end times, these type of things will increase.

  13. Hi Brenda, No, I don’t believe having visions is strange. The example of Moses and Elijah appearing to Y’shua/Jesus, during the transfiguration, is a good one. By now, you should know that I am a big believer of the supernatural. You have to be a big believer in the supernatural, to be a believer in God, since God is a supernatural being. :-)

    1. Absolutely, and all things are possible with Him, through believing in our lovely Saviour Y'shua, Whom God made our Lord.
      It all makes perfect sense to those who have the mind of Christ - the Messiah doesn't it?

  14. Yes Keith, tragically most or all churches of this world are yielding to political correctness talk, perhaps, we here in Australia also need a President like Trump who does not put up with all that political correctness rubbish :-)

    You said, “for a fact that in the end times, these type of things will increase”

    Jesus said, ‘it will be just like in the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking.’
    Well, to me that sounds just like a normal ordinary day :-) eating and drinking :-)
    He didn’t say that it will come to a seven year tribulation etc. like all those Christians say.

    End-time can be tomorrow, or after tomorrow for you and for me and for anyone else. Jesus never said that it will be a seven year period.
    If you think that it is written in the book of Revelation then you greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures or the power of God.
    The book of Revelation is not a future prediction as some may think, the book of Revelation is just as it says, REVELATION, which means REVEALED (past tense) to those who know and (future tense) to those who don’t know.
    And those who speculate, simply don’t know.

  15. I agree with you Paul. Y’shua/Jesus could come back at any moment. I think when Christians reference the end times, they are also taking in consideration the way it was, in the days of Noah. Sin abounded greatly during those times. Therefore, most Christians believe that the end times will resemble that.

  16. We take no thought for tomorrow, for we know not what tomorrow brings, and our times are in the Lord's hands.
    Keith, it looks like I am coming up on blogs as being in Stirling now. I can not seem to put it right, it is ever since we changed our provider. It doesn't matter though, I can still enjoy discussions with bloggers.

  17. Keith, concerning end-times most Christians believe what all of you have posted on your blog. A seven year great tribulation, and the antichrist will appear and causes you to receive a mark 666 etc. and then you hope you will be beamed up before, mid or after the seven year great tribulation :-)

    As I have said a while ago, if that speculation would be true, then the book of Revelation would have been NO revelation to ALL the saints without exception from the time of the Apostle John and throughout the centuries to this very day.

    What’s the point of writing the book of Revelation if it had NO use and meaning to the Lord’s elect throughout the last two thousand years ?

    They will be eating and drinking just as Jesus said.

    They certainly will not repent from believing in their THREE person god the trinity, or from believing in a god called Jehovah or in Allah or in Yahweh and Krishna etc.
    They will not repent from their evil doctrines and practices just like in the days of Noah, just like the foolish virgins, they were eating and drinking and they did not realise that the end-time has come for them.

  18. I agree Brenda that the future in in God’s hands. But I also believe that God has given us insights, prophecies, visions, etc about the future to know that he is who he says he is and to give us warnings concerning tribulation that he doesn’t want us to go through.

  19. Paul, It is a revelation, a messianic revelation from the time of Y’shua till the end of sin.

  20. Keith, you said, “Paul, It is a revelation,”

    A revelation to whom ?
    Is it a revelation to those who preach the seven year tribulation somewhere in the future as I have said in my last comment ?

    Well, I don’t think so my friend.

    That’s speculation as I have said and NOT revelation.

  21. Yes Keith, I do believe that everything that is written regarding the future on this earth will come true, but I also believe that we have to live by every word that is spoken to us through the Holy Spirit as we work out our salvation. I have always said that, to me, the Bible is a vocabulary, not a book. God speaks to all through that Word, different scriptures being highlighted to different people at different times. Just as we do not say 'yes' and 'no' at the same time neither does God through His Word. I love the way He communicates with us.

  22. It’s all speculation Paul. Your interpretation is speculation. My interpretation is speculation. Everybody’s interpretation is speculation. It is the revelation of Y’shua/Jesus. We will know the truth, when it happens.

  23. We are in agreement Brenda. And yes, I love the way the word speaks to us, from the mouth of God to the ears of the remnant.

  24. No Keith, it’s only speculation to those who don’t have the revelation. In other words, to them that the Lord Jesus did NOT revealed it, to them it’s speculation.

    Remember, Revelation is ‘to KNOW’ and if you don’t know and can SEE it, then it’s NOT revelation but ignorance and speculation.

  25. You and how many people in the past have claimed that? You have a lot of company.

    For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

  26. I did not make any claim, I explained the difference between revelation and speculation.
    The book of Revelation was revelation to the disciples of Jesus Christ from the very beginning, to them it was not a so called end-time speculation somewhere in the future.

  27. One pet peave of mine is that when people veer off topic. But I guess I will play along.

    But first,
    @Brenda--thank you for your story about your encounter. I am sure things like this happen more than what we think but many times we disregard them due to scientific arguments and explanations. I have had a few instances as well.

    That is not the scripture I don't think but it is close to it. One day! I will find it again.

    OY! Oops I am sorry, I forgot you don't think Hebrew is a language, I meant to say for you...WOW!

    But in all sincerity I seriously appreciated your answer until you tried to switch topics. I don't think Christians can be possessed, IF they have the holy spirit but can we be obsessed, harassed, or even touched by demons? Oh yeah. Mentally ill people are demon harassed and some may be possessed. Jesus even showed us that when He healed some of them. Physically ill people are touched by demons. Sickness is not from God, but the healing is. I hope we are in agreement. But I did like your answer and your thoughts. That is what I wish you would do more of and talk to us about your ideas. It's ok to have an opinion and share it.

    Even if I don't agree with that opinion such as your end times ideas. First of all, you keep arguing about it but you have never stated what you believe. Do you think the world will go on forever? If so, why? If not, then you have to have some opinion (hopefully based on scripture) of how it will all happen. Again, it's ok to have an opinion. Let us know. Don't just argue that we are wrong and not tell us how you think it will happen. That invalidates your words.

    Revelation does mean reveal. The question is what did it reveal? It revealed the end times. We are trying to interpret it. We are not trying to prophesy because that is what Revelation did. We need to see what the prophesy is.

    I do hold to the thought that we are raptured before any tribulation. There are many references to the other views but I feel there is more evidence to what I believe. Yes, it is speculation...and so is your ideas since it cannot be proven by anything except what comes to pass or by spiritual revelation from God. And even then it has to be weighed. So, please, in all honesty...what is your opinion? How will it happen?

  28. Tim,
    I would love to hear of your experiences.

  29. Brenda,
    Nowhere near dramatic as yours! I have had experiences form both sides of the spiritual world. Was in worship time once and after a time of self-reflecting I fell to my knees, and it was like God spoke to me but without words. It was like I felt the words instead of hearing them. He said don't worry about your past now get up and praise my name like the man I created. It changed who I was. On the evil side I have heard noises from closets that called my name that were unsettling and when I worshiped they went away. I believe in spirits, not ghosts like Hollywood (America's movie capital) does but spirits that are demonic or angelic. I don't believe that family members are walking around or spirits who can't find their way to God are stuck. Although Samuel was raised to talk to Saul, or so it seemed to be him, I don't know.

  30. Tim, don’t say “in all sincerity” when blind Freddy can see that you are not sincere at all.

    You said, “ I don't think Christians can be possessed, IF they have the holy spirit but can we be obsessed, harassed, or even touched by demons? Oh yeah. Mentally ill people are demon harassed and some may be possessed. Jesus even showed us that when He healed some of them. Physically ill people are touched by demons. Sickness is not from God,”

    Well, that is very convenient, if Christians can’t be demon-possessed, then why do you lock them up in a mental asylum and pump them full of drugs to subdue the demons ?
    It seem to me that you really don’t believe the Scriptures (Mark 16:17).

    And where in the Bible does it say that they are mentally ill, obsessed, harassed, and even touched by a demon ?

    I can assure you NOWHERE ! You are making that up just like anything else, you are inventing those unbiblical words in order to give the demon the right to occupy your brother or sister.
    Mark 16:17 only happens to those who believe and NOT to unbelievers.
    Therefore you need to start from scratch. You need to repent of your false gods and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE and in NO OTHER.
    Step 2, you need to be baptized as according to Mark 16:16, and only then the signs of Mark 16:17 will follow.

    And don’t say that you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ when you obviously don’t.

    You said, “I do hold to the thought that we are raptured before any tribulation.

    Yes, it is speculation...and so is your ideas since it cannot be proven by anything except what comes to pass or by spiritual revelation from God. And even then it has to be weighed. So, please, in all honesty...what is your opinion? How will it happen?”

    I take the Word of God the Bible seriously and I do NOT speculate, for the one who knows does not speculate, to him it’s revelation.
    And why do you speculate ? if you would like to have a revelation, then you need to ask the Lord Jesus Christ, providing that you believe that He rose on the third day and is alive today.

    And NO, dead gods cannot give you revelation, and neither should you ask a god called Jehovah for a revelation.

    It was Jesus who said that anything you ask Me I will do for you, if you ask Me for a loaf of bread, will I give you a stone ?
    Therefore you should not ask Jehovah and not even Yahweh for they are NOT God and can NOT give you revelation knowledge.

  31. Paul,

    No. I was sincere. But as I said, it was only until you tried to switch the topics. And as I always state, I want to hear what other people are thinking. I come to these sites to read, listen, and learn. But that doesn't happen when someone like you tries to hogtie every discussion.

    I don't know why I still try and tall to you. Simply put, you're a jerk. You're hateful. You're condemning and judgmental. You're mislead but that can be overlooked if it wasn't for your attitude.

    But to answer your questions: I don't lock anyone up in a mental institution. Doctors do it because they don't believe in the spiritual realm for the most. They believe in the physical realm and they think only physical means can treat people. Body, Soul, Spirit

    Christians do not go around looking for people to lock up in these places. As you always say "YOU MADE THAT UP".

    I believe in all the scripture. But there is a hundreds year argument about the last few verses of Mark since it was not in the original writings found with the book of Mark. I believe it until something proves it wrong. I believe people can have supernatural abilities given by the Spirit. I actually have written a book about the gifts being available today for us.

    As for these illnesses in the Bible: King Saul was harassed by a demon. It came upon him at certain times. It was not there possessing him. This is why David was sent to him, to calm his spirit. Worship can deliver people from these actions.

    As for mental illness: The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results (sort of like talking to you) and Proverbs 26:11 says fools return to their wicked ways.

    As for obsessed, which is a mental illness (sound familiar?) in Mark 5 there was a mind whom Jesus healed who was found "in his right mind", which means before he was healed he was not in his right mind---mental illness.

    He was cutting himself with stones. In the US, we have a problem with people "cutting". They are filled with anxiety and/or depression and many for some unknown reason decide to cut themselves, usually on the arms or legs, to relieve the problems of life. This has been compared to having mental illness since it involves those who have depression. That is almost exactly what the Bible says with this man.

    And now how do I know Jesus healed them? Matthew 4:24, Matthew 8:16, Matthew 12:15, Matthew 14:26, Mark 6:56, Act 5:16.

    As for the end times speculation. I do believe you take it seriously. But you don't know what you're taking seriously. All I wanted was your opinion.

    As for the rest of your garbage...I will leave it in the trash.

  32. Absolutely agree that the gifts are available today Tim. It is the traditions of man that are making void the Word of God, and that is why you do not see the gifts operating as they should do.

  33. Paul, When you make a comment, such as,

    "No Keith, it’s only speculation to those who don’t have the revelation. In other words, to them that the Lord Jesus did NOT revealed it, to them it’s speculation.

    you are asserting (Claiming) that you have the truth and we are wrong. It's clear that there is going to be an end to an era. Just before that era ends, there will be a time, commonly referred to as the end times, which will have the characteristics we are discussing.

    Back to the actual subjects of the post.

    1. There are two types of spirits, one which is of God and one that is not. The ones that are not of God, are of Satan and does not have your well being in mind. To tell the difference, you must test the spirits with the Word of God, which is Y'shua.

    Dear friends, don’t trust every spirit. On the contrary, test the spirits to see whether they are from God.

    2. Understanding the spirit is also instrumental to understanding the term soul.

    3. As to possession, the biggest problem with todays Christian church and their lack of understanding comes from misunderstanding the word, "daimonizomai", which was translated as possessed, which gives the illusion of complete control. However, it actually means, "to be under the influence." This could be anything from the evil spirit constantly nagging and prompting you, up to complete possession.

    Many Christians believe that those who have the indwelling of the Spirit of God could not be daimonizomai or be under the influence of a demon or evil spirit. However, the scriptures are quite clear that God will protect you, as long as you want the protection. If you persue the evil spirit or demon, God will give you over to your desires.

    Psalm 81:12,
    My people did not listen to My voice, And Israel did not obey Me. So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart, To walk in their own devices.

    Acts 7:42
    But God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the heavenly bodies,

    Acts 14:16
    In past generations, He let all nations go their own way.

    Romans 1:24
    Therefore God gave them up in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another.

    Romans 1:26
    For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.

    Job 8:4
    "If your sons sinned against Him, Then He delivered them into the power of their transgression.

  34. Brenda and Tim, I honestly believe that everyone, that is of the Remnant, has had a spirit encounter, as you have described.

    Interestingly, mine is similar to Tim's. When I was seven years old, I went through the action of accepting the Lord Jesus, as my savior. I followed him through the act of baptism. From seven until I was 35 yrs old, I thought I was truly saved. Was I? I now have my doubts.

    However, at the age of 35, an incident changed my life forever. A very good friend and brother in Christ (Tim) invited me to go with him and a few guys to a local Promise Keepers event. During that worship service, after praying, "I want to see you.", I was literally forced to my knees by what I know now as the Spirit of God and actually heard the Words, "I Am the Lord, your God. Rise and worship me, with uplifted hands. Lift your eyes and look to me and I will show you your path." With tears in my eyes, I stood and obeyed and have lived a Christ centered life since then, daily asking the Father to show me more, talk to me more, let me hear his voice. He hasn't let me down.

    That encounter still brings tears to my eyes, every time I recount it.

  35. Keith,
    That was the same day as mine. It's amazing how He said the same thing to both of us at the same time.

  36. Hey Tim, it also amazing that we never shared our experience with each other, especially since it was at the same time. To me, it’s more proof of our God and Savior. Praise God!

  37. Keith, you and Tim are going to find this hard to believe, but it was at the age of 35 that I came up out of the water of baptism, in Adelaide, speaking in a language I had never learned, speaking in tongues (or as it says in 1 Corinthians ch.14 v.2 - speaking mysteries in the Spirit to God).

    I have so much more I could speak about, as I believe you both have, but I know that there is a time for everything.
    Keith, I agree with what you have written in your comment as I always agree with scripture.

  38. I am very aware of the spiritual thief who is trying to rob us of all that God has for us in Y'shua (Jesus - as it is interpreted in the English language.) If it is alright with you I will just share a little song that I was given at one of my hard times of spiritual warfare when I was a very young believer - a babe in Christ.

    'Lord, take the devil from out of me
    for he's strong, oh so strong, can't You see. My heart wants You to rule, but here the devil - he sees a fool.
    So Lord, take the devil from out of me.
    Lord let Your Spirit rule over me. Feed with waters of life this dying tree. Let Your purifying fire fill my heart with Your desire. Let Your ever-loving Spirit rule over me. '

    As I grow in the Lord I still go through trials, but the only goal I seek is the promised land and eternal life with my wonderful Father and my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  39. Hey Brenda, I may be naïve, but I will always believe the testimony of those, who are 'the called'. What most call coincidence, I called confirmation.

    I like your prayer/song. It's a good prayer to remember during times of battle. I, too, go through intense bouts of spiritual warfare. Satan and his cohorts beat me up. Even though I fall flat on my face during some of these times, I know I am growing, because after each time, I look up to the God of my salvation and he continues to look down on me and asks, "I got you. Well, what did you learn this time?" I am continually growing in him, through his Spirit, by the Blood of Y'shua.

  40. I don't believe that ghost are for real, as depicted by modern day Hollywood and other sensationalist. However, I do believe in spirits. I believe that there is a spiritual battle going on behind the scenes of our daily lives. I believe that demonic possession is possible, but only if you allow it in.

    As for the sole been more in the body and spirit commingled, I can see that but I always thought that the spirit and soul or the same thing. I also thought that demons and evil spirits were the same also. Now I know better.

    I also find it amazing that Christians have similar spiritual experiences. God stuck me down when I was going astray and basically read me the riot act. Like Tim, it wasn't quite the voice of God, but more like strong thoughts. I was 25 when that happen. Does that mean that I was smarter sooner than Keith and Brenda? LOL LOL JK But it also turned me around. I often wonder if God knew my level of faith and decided to give me a quick kick in the @$$ because he had other plans for me?

  41. CORRECTION...I meant to say

    As for the soul beeing the body and spirit commingled, I can see that but I always thought that the spirit and soul or the same thing.

  42. Brenda, It's cool that God has given you the gift of tongues. Do you find that the interpreter is usually the same person or different people within your congregation? We have a few people with the gift of tongues. Early in my life, I found it weird that it was usually the same person interpreting the tongues. Now, some have the gift of tongues and some have the gift of interpretation. I have never seen one person have both gifts.

  43. Hi Chris,
    you are probably a lot smarter than me - ha ha! Don't forget that God uses the 'foolish' things to confound the wise :-) Sorry, you lured me into saying that. lol.

    Regarding the church gathering that I am going to now, I have not heard the gift of tongues operating there at all. However, it is called a community church and all people go there no matter what their 'denomination' - catholic, protestant, pentecostal etc, and they are a lovely, welcoming group of believers - and who knows what the future holds there. They allow people to share testimonies and pray what they feel to pray.

    I have only experienced about three churches where the gifts of tongues and interpretations operated, and those gifts came from separate people.
    However, after we came back from Australia, where I first experienced 'speaking in tongues', I was driving my car down a road. Suddenly I started to sing a song in 'tongues' (a language which I had never learned), which had about four verses in it. I asked the Lord to translate the song for me. Immediately I could sing the song in English. Was that 'tongues' and 'interpretation' by the same person? I can only answer 'yes' to that question as I have not another answer, and the scripture tells us that speaking in tongues is speaking mysteries to God in the Spirit and the words of the song were what I would have been saying to Him.

  44. By the way Chris - it is a spiritual battle that is going on, as spoken of in scripture, and although we can make many mistakes I believe that as long as we fix our eyes on the rhima Word spoken to us through the Holy Spirit, endeavouring not just to be hearers of that Word - but be 'doers' of it, then we shall gradually learn how to interpret what is of God and what is of the enemy.

  45. Keith, I really believe that trials produce 'perseverance'. I have never believed that anything is coincidence. As Romans ch.8 v.28 states:-

    'And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.'.....
    and who could not love God?

  46. Hey Chris, We are in agreement. As for being smarter, there are a lot of people smarter than me. LOL I also agree that the Remnant have similar spiritual experiences. It makes sense. We are in the same family, one with the Messiach/Messiah, with the same Father. As we get closer to God, he makes himself known.

    With that said, in case a Christian is reading this, I feel that it is important to note that not all Christians have had these close encounters with God. However, I also believe that if you keep persuing him, he will make himself known. It's a matter of a close relationship.

  47. Hey Brenda, It made me smile that you caught my Romans 8:28 reference, in my last comment. :-)

    I totally agree that trials produce perseverance, perseverance produces faith, faith produces a deep relational and loving commitment.

    As for "Who could not love God?", I believe it's a choice not to love God. It's definitely not a result of what God has done.

  48. Keith, that’s a nice incident that you had with “the Lord, your God”.

    What troubles me is that your language is candid as always and so is your testimony.

    You said, “I was literally forced to my knees by what I know now as the Spirit of God and actually heard the Words, "I Am the Lord, your God. Rise and worship me,

    Now tell me, WHO is that “Lord your God” who actually forced you to your knees and told you to “rise and worship Him” ?

    Is the ‘lord your god’ called Yahweh ? or is it Jehovah ?

    Did you actually worship a god called Yahweh ?

    Or did you actually worship a god called Yahweh THROUGH the one who said “I Am the Lord, your God. Rise and worship Me” ?

    Well my friend, I think we both know who the “I Am the LORD your God” is, don’t we ?

    Remember Matthew 28:9, we worship the Lord MY God Jesus Christ of Nazareth and any other is the devil.
    The Spirit of God calls ALL those who worship a god called Jehovah or Yahweh and every other name ‘APOSTATES’, which means that they have fallen away from the ONLY true God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20 and Jude 1:25) to other gods.

    But, let it be know to you that my God Jesus Christ of Nazareth has sent an ambassador to you so that you may rise up and repent and return to the “Lord your God” who has called you to worship Him alone and NOT another god called Yahweh.

  49. Let it go Keith. You know the answer and so do we.

  50. I wasn’t going to. We’ve been down that rabbit hole far too many times.

  51. Well, it’s better to answer now than later when you stand before the Lord of lords.

    There is only one saviour who can save you out of your rabbit hole and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Soon or later you need to deal with that false god called Yahweh.
    The sound of those questions will ever be before you till you turn away from that false god and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone and in NO other.

  52. Hi Keith,
    when I said 'Who could not love God' I was referring to when a person 'knows' Him. We can think we know God, and claim to love Him, but it is only when we truly begin to know Him through the mind of Christ that we see a love beyond the belief of the carnal mind. That is when we come to know that His thoughts are for our welfare and not to harm us - a very different 'welfare' to what the carnal mind desires.

    The more I come to know God through His Word, the more I come to love Him, and want to serve Him.

  53. Can someone tell me how anyone in their right mind can read their bible, have a spooky visit from someone claiming to be the author of the bible and then proclaim to be an ambassador for the author, when that author says things that are not in the bible?

    I know, I know...a long run on question, but seriously????? What a putz!!!!!

  54. Ask Muhammad, Joseph Smith. They will tell you how that is done.

  55. It's a lesson in how weak minded people can be. That's what I like about these posts. Acts 17:11 is constantly and persistently stressed. I honestly believe God wants us to be skeptics and not allow for people to lead us but to be guided God alone.

  56. be guided by God ALONE. He will lead us into all truth. Hear that, Paul. It is by God's guidance, not yours.

  57. OK. Chris, you said, “ be guided by God ALONE. He will lead us into all truth. Hear that, Paul. It is by God's guidance, not yours.”

    Tell me, WHEN will God lead you into all the truth ?

    Obviously, He hasn’t done it yet.
    And tell me WHICH God does guide you ?

    Is it the god of the Jehovah Witnesses, or is it Yahweh, Buddha, Krishna or Allah ?
    Or, perhaps you don’t know the creator of heaven and earth.

    All of them, just like you claim that GOD guides them.

  58. Hi Brenda, You said, "The more I come to know God through His Word, the more I come to love Him, and want to serve Him."

    Such a great way to say it. Knowing God can only be done through his Word.

  59. Tim and Chris, I gave up, a long time ago, trying to figure out how people, like Paul, could be so easily led astray, especially when the Word of God is there for all to read and understand. All I can say is that Satan has done a great job at muddying the waters, to entrap lazy people, who won't read the Word, for themselves.

  60. Paul, God Loves You and So Do We. That's why we refuse to go down your rabbit hole. We are interested in the truth, that comes from God's Word. Again, if you are interested, I know everyone here would love to engage you in a truthful exchange of ideas. God Bless You, my Friend.

  61. Keith, is that all you can say my friend :-)

    I wish you would give me a reasonable answer for the hope that supposed to be in you.
    I really mean an intelligent and REASONABLE answer and not an accusation of rabbit holes.

    OK. again, now tell me, WHO is that “Lord your God” who actually forced you to your knees and told you to “rise and worship Him” ?

    Well, my questions are legitimate my friend.

    It is reasonable to ask which God forced you down to your knees, especially when you claim that God does NOT force you to do anything.

    You said, “I know everyone here would love to engage you in a truthful exchange of ideas.”

    Do you mean ‘truthful exchange’ from those who pat your back and flatter with their lips ?

    I have been telling you the truth and I do not lie, perhaps if I would lie to you, you might also pat my back.

  62. Here's the thing Paul, we come here to talk and learn. Even if we don't agree we still take something away from the conversation and see if it is from God or not. We don't learn anything from you. Not because we don't hear you but because we've heard EVERYTHING you have said. You add nothing to the study if all you do is say the things you do. We get your idea. We understand what you think. We just plain disagree. We don't pat each other in the back to feel good, that's pride. When we agree and feel it is from God then we give HIM the praise.

    You don't answer the simple questions that would allow us to learn. And when we give full attention and ask you to expand you shun away and hide or turn it into your one issue rhetoric.

    We're tired of hearing it 5000 times each post. How does a thread about ghosts lead back into your personal hangups? No one is listening to what you say, clang clang. The word of God is not annoying! What you do is annoying. That should be a sign.

  63. Amen to your last comment to me Keith.
    There is only one road to God. He is like a beam of light. If we walk to the left or to the right it is we who walk in darkness. That is why it is important to seek the truth by walking in His ways, and the only way we can do that is through the Holy Spirit - Who leads us into ALL TRUTH. HALELUJAH!!!

  64. Hi Chris,
    have you thought about starting a blog? I know it is good to interact on everyone's blog, but it is also good to have one ourselves to express the fullness of what we believe.
    Just a thought:-)

  65. Well my friend Keith, have you become speechless ?
    Or is it that you just can’t answer the questions of the Lord ?
    It is better for you to answer them now than on the day of judgement.

    Remember the wise virgins and the foolish virgins, they both believed in God, but the foolish virgins didn’t really believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is that God, and for that reason the Lord Jesus rejected them and said, “depart from Me I NEVER knew you”.

    Did the Lord Jesus knew them ? Of course He knew them !
    He just didn’t want to know them because they believed in another called Yahweh and maligned His one and only Name ‘JESUS’ to Y’shua.

    Jesus said, if you confess Me before men, I will confess you before My Father who is in heaven, and if you deny Me, I will deny you before My Father who is in heaven, basically, “depart from Me, I never knew you”.

    And don’t even think for a moment that My Father who is in heaven Jesus Christ does not read all your posts and comments and for every careless word you speak you have to give account to my Father who is in heaven.

    Haven’t you read, that it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God ?

  66. See what I mean Paul? I knew exactly how you would answer. You skipped over the person that called you out and then went to accusations of Keith and straight back to your rhetoric. You must not be confident in what you think if you pass up actual conversations.

  67. Are you speechless Paul? You haven't answered yet.

  68. Paul, Regardless of who you believe in, (I suspect that it's not the God of the bible) one thing we appear to believe, is that the bible is the truth. Is that correct? Because that is what I believe and truth in, the BIBLE. Do you believe that the bible is the truth?

  69. Keith, I can see why you have lost your hair, if you have to deal with psychos like Paul. LOL

    Seriously, it would be hilarious if it wasn't a serious matter.

  70. Tim, LOL, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Paul G, Manson, I put them all in the same category. They all want to be "THE ONE WITH THE TRUTH". The all want to be "THE LEADER".

  71. Brenda, Thanks for your support. As soon as I get time, I plan on starting a blog or maybe be a contributor to a website. ;-)

  72. Paul, Since we have these evidences, both Biblical and Personal, the Lord tells us to purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God and His Word, which is the Lord Y'shua. You are always welcome here to discuss Biblical things, even speculation. However, unless you have a Biblical basis for your religious positions, don't expect a debate from me.

    You wrote, "I have been telling you the truth and I do not lie, perhaps if I would lie to you, you might also pat my back.". And yet we have shown you, time and time again, Biblical references, that you are lying and convey pseudo-truth. Again, if you wish to debate, feel free, but please use the Scriptures/Bible.

  73. Chris, you said, “Paul, Regardless of who you believe in, (I suspect that it's not the God of the bible)”

    I believe and KNOW that the God of the Bible is the Lord Jesus Christ and NO other beside the Lord Jesus Christ.

    And your god Jehovah is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) and the god of the Jehovah Witnesses.

    You said, “one thing we appear to believe, is that the bible is the truth. Is that correct?”

    Yes that is what it APPEARS that you believe.
    What you really mean is, the truth is what YOU think is the truth and perhaps what your church has taught you.

    However, the TRUTH is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6) and your god is certainly NOT the truth, in fact, the Lord Jesus Christ called your god a liar and the father of lies, it’s his native language (John 8:44-47).

    And yes, the Bible is the Word of God and it is TRUE, then why don’t you believe it ?

    You said, “Because that is what I believe and truth in, the BIBLE. Do you believe that the bible is the truth?”

    I don’t think that you believe anything that is written in the Bible.
    Tell me, WHO is the one and only God the creator of heaven and earth ?

    You said, “Keith, I can see why you have lost your hair, if you have to deal with psychos like Paul.”

    That alone exposes you of which one you are really born of.

  74. Keith, I always giving you the Bible verses and asking you the most important things from the Bible and yet you never give me a sensible answer, otherwise I would not ask you the same question over again.
    You are a master of avoiding to answer the truth.
    Even in your comment above, you are doing it again.

    You are just avoiding to state the truth.

  75. LOL, Chris, it looks like the ol hairline is receding northward, for you, too. :-) Thanks, for putting your picture in your profile. Honestly, it's nice to put a face on whom you are speaking. Now, if we can get Tim, Paul and William to post their pictures. I figure if I can post my ugly mug, other people should feel comfortable posting theirs. Oh well, to each their own.

    As for Paul being a little off the wall, I do agree, but I honestly believe that he believes what he says. However, I would hope that, one day, he would read the Bible, for himself and not follow the made up doctrines of others. I really believe he loves God. He's just mislead. I also agree that all who don't want to read the scriptures, for themselves, is sad. He may not believe me, but I do pray for him, practically every night. Thanks for being part of the Remnant.

  76. I think it is obvious and natural, that when someone doesn’t know his natural father, such a one does not like to expose himself to be a bastard (in the true sense bastard).

    The same is in the spiritual sense, someone who does not know who his Father is who is in heaven will claim any name to be his Father, or avoid it all together.

  77. I find it amazing that all cult members claim to be the Remnant.
    The Remnant of WHAT ??

    Well, let it be known to you, it is my Father who is in heaven Jesus Christ who determines who the Remnant is.

  78. Paul, We are simply on different levels of maturity. Until you're willing grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Y'shua/Jesus, which is the Word of God, we have absolutely no chance in seeing eye to eye. Man, I agape you. I really do. I even phileo you, for some reason. However, until you are willing to budge off of man's teachings, I honestly can only pray for you, pray that the Spirit of God will convict you. I am more than willing to start from the beginning and all of us can attest to the Biblicality of our beleifs, if you are willing. We could take it step by step. However, I am willing to do so, if you are cordial and polite and put your ego on hold. Your call.

  79. Tell me Keith, do the Jehovah Witnesses love God ?

    What about the Muslims, do they love God ?
    Well, they love God so much as to tie a bomb around their body and blow up their fellow men.

    So what does it mean to love God ?

    If you don’t love the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, you will love the god of this world which is the devil.

  80. Yes we are on different levels of maturity, but the problem is when someone thinks of himself to be more mature than the one they are talking to.

    It’s NOT a question of maturity, it a question of WHO believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and who does NOT.
    To acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT believing in Him.

  81. When two or more witnesses are needed, I am there. :-) LOL Do you really want me to chime in on Paul's spiritual maturity level? I think we all know the answer to that one. But seriously, I'm willing to address biblical issues one at a time. But I'm willing to bet that Paul won't come off that high horse and meet us halfway. I'm guessing of course. LOL

  82. Paul, You're being far too sensitive. You know that I didn't mean it that way. I'm just trying to offer a hand of reconciliation, to you. Would it make you feel better, if I said that you were more mature? Let's stop this now and start over. What do you say?

  83. Chris, you are only talking about non-biblical stuff, but saying nothing ! appart from insults.

    So I will ask you again, WHO is the God of the Bible ?
    Tell me His Name ?

  84. Well, let me think about that one. Let me see. The answer to that question would be God. What a putz.

  85. Well Keith, you need to reconcile with my Father who is in heaven Jesus Christ and not with me.
    I am only His representative, or His ambassador and I am NOT your enemy.

  86. Chris, James said, that even the demons believe in God and they tremble.

  87. My friend, we are all believers in the Lord Y'shua/Jesus. We all totally trust in the Lord. The only one that has a problem is you. Now, let's be nice. By the way, Chris is only pushing your buttons. Quit being so sensitive.

  88. Yes Paul you are right and you DEMONstrate that every time you open your mouth. But seriously Keith is right. I'm only pushing your button because you are such an easy mark. Lighten up dude!!!!!!! I love Jesus, Yes I do, I love Jesus, How about you? :-)

  89. I have asked a question, “WHO is the God of the Bible ?
    Tell me His Name ?

    Now, the answer to my question was, “Well, let me think about that one. Let me see. The answer to that question would be God. What a putz.”

    Well, would that be answering my question ?
    Tell me, would anyone who knows the God of the Bible give such a nonsensical answer ?

    That is just incomprehensible that an intelligent person can give such an answer.

    And to top it off, such people think of themselves to be smart and wise.

  90. Hello??? Anybody here???? Well, It looks like we exorcised that demon. 😂 LOL

  91. Oh, he snuck back in there on me. LOL

  92. Skipped me again Paul. You just can't handle any of my questions can you?

    And why do you lie? You said you never quote scripture yet you just told Keith you give him scripture as your answers.

    And once again Paul steals the thread.

    As I said Paul, God's words are not annoying, they give life. You are annoying and your words are condemnation. Start seeing the picture Mohammad.

  93. If you would love Jesus, you also would respect His ambassador, for Jesus said, if you would love Me, you would keep My commandments.

    So you are saying that the NAME of the God of the Bible is ‘God’ ?

    Do you know the difference between a tille and a name ?
    Or are you a little bit confused ?

  94. ... and yet you disrespect ambassador Tim, ambassador Keith, ambassador Brenda and yours truly. Your hypocrisy abounds.

  95. It is amazing Keith, that you have a lot of unbelieving christians who support and encourage you to believe in a false god called Yahweh.

    Seemingly all of you believe that lie just as it says in the Bible that God sent a strong delusion to believe the lie (2 Thes. 2:11).

    What is your church called, Yahweh Witnesses or what ? :-)
    I think that you are just like the Jehovah Witnesses who are disobedient to the Lord Jesus Christ who said, ‘YOU shall be MY Witnesses’ (JESUS WITNESSES) (Acts 1:8) and NOT Yahweh Witnesses.
    And I think that no one who believes in the true God is disobedient to the Lord Jesus Christ and confesses another god before the true God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20), or perhaps would you like me to say the ONLY true and great God our saviour Jesus Christ (Titus 2:10-13).

    Hiding behind a facade of cliches does not make you a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    To be a believer you need to repent and then believe only in the lord Jesus Christ and in NO other.

  96. Paul, when you say,

    “Seemingly all of you believe that lie just as it says in the Bible that God sent a strong delusion to believe the lie (2 Thes. 2:11). “

    You are engaging in speculation. I thought that you didn’t engage in speculation.

    You keep asking the same question and getting the same answer.

    Yes, for the gazillionth time, we believe in הָיָה, the one and only God, the God of the Bible. We believe that הָיָה sent his son to die for our sins. His name is Y’shua/Jesus. We live our lives, trusting in הָיָה through his son Y’Shia/Jesus according to his Word.

    That’s never going to change because of the evidence as we have discussed within this post. In case you never heard before, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

  97. So....are ghosts and spirits the same thing?

  98. Yes, Tim, There are such things as 👻 😂

  99. Well then let's talk about that. Are they the same thing?

  100. I honestly believe that ghosts, as we know them, fall into two categories, holy and demonic. They are the manifestations of demons, evil spirits and angels, anything from the spiritual realm. Even though I have never experienced one myself, I believe they are real and most of the time just beyond our senses.

  101. Notice Paul I have left you alone. But I have to say this conversation has been amusing!

  102. Keith, I do not speculate. And yes, I am asking the same question over again, because on that question depends ALL christianity.
    As I have said, if any man or woman errs on that question, than anything else matters not.

    You said, “Yes, for the gazillionth time, we believe in הָיָה, the one and only God, the God of the Bible.”

    Yes everybody is saying that, even the demons and the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons and the Yahweh Witnesses etc.
    Keith, can’t you see it, it’s just a nonsensical statement, it means absolutely NOTHING !

    You said, “We believe that הָיָה sent his son to die for our sins. His name is Y’shua/Jesus.”

    This is the same NONSENSICAL answer.
    God did NOT sent a son to die for our sins. From where did you get that nonsense ?
    And what kind of a useless god is that ?

    The truth is that my Father Jesus Christ who is in heaven came and caused Himself to be born into His own creation and died or laid down His life for His children and NOT for the devil's children.
    Well, that gives you something to think about.

    And NO ! for the gazillionth time, the Name of God is NOT Y’shua, but JESUS.

    You need to read your Bible, Isaiah 8:20 If anyone does NOT speak according to this Word (the Bible),that is because there is no light or no truth in them.

  103. Well Brandon, I am a gospel preacher and my preaching should NOT be amusing to you.

    My gospel supposed to cause you to repent of your evil and wicked ways, and you supposed to mourn and weep and wallow in ashes and then turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

    Obviously, if you are amused at my preaching, then I must do something drastically wrong.
    Perhaps my language is too nice and not clear enough for you, or perhaps should I preach like my older brother John ?
    He said, “You brood of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come ?” (Mat. 3:7). Or would you prefer the preaching of my Father who is in heaven Jesus Christ ? Matthew 23:33 “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?”

    Well Brandon, does that also amuse you ?
    If the preaching of my brother John and my Father’s preaching did not cause you to repent; do you think that my preaching would make a difference ?

  104. Tim, Do you get the feeling that no matter what we say, he’ll change his position a little so he can be at a condescending position?

  105. Uhh...yes. That's because he doesn't know what he is talking about. Jesus specifically said eh was sent by His father and there he goes saying it isn't said. And he never answers me...fear????

    Watch this Keith...

    Paul, what does Sarah's name mean?

    Now he's thinking, "Oh no, what does it mean? Is this is a trick question? I could try to make up an answer. Oh, what do I do? I know.... WHAT GOD ARE YOU REFERRING TO?

    Anyway, I would like to see a chart or illustration added to your post that shows the differences between the types of spiritual creatures. That would be neat. Plus, do you think there is an hierarchy of both angels and demons? Now, make sure you use biblical references in English, otherwise I don't want to here any of it.

    Paul won't answer. Paul won't answer. Paul won't answer. Horrible that I have to revert to being a 3rd grader to actually have him answer me.

  106. Paul, Do you even know what speculation means? Also you said that “My gospel supposed to cause you to repent of your evil and wicked ways,” That’s right. You preach your gospel not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  107. Very well said Chris.
    Galatians ch. 1 vs. 6-8 states:-

    'am astonished how quickly you are deserting the One Who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— which is not even a gospel. Evidently some people are troubling you and trying to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a divine curse!…

    Surely anyone would be foolish, and obviously have the wrong spirit within them, to desert 'the One Who called us by the grace of Christ' through distorting the gospel of Christ.

    I would never want to desert my heavenly Father Who called me by the grace of Christ.

  108. Amen!!!! Chris and Brenda. Amen!!!!

  109. Well, well, well :-) There is not one of you who is preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please show me in only one of your comments where you have preached the gospel ?
    Just go back and read all your comments and then show me where you have preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    I’m sure that not one of you even knows what the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is and that is to your shame.


    Well, keep on patting each other's back, that surely is not preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    And remember, Colossians 1:23 the gospel which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul was made a minister.

  110. Paul,
    The topic is about ghosts and spirits. We preach the gospel each day we live by our own individual lives (words and actions). When people need to see Christ we hope and pray that we are the witness that we need to be. None of us are perfect, not even you Paul. But again, this topic is about ghosts and spirits. It is only for us to discuss our feelings on one side topic. You keep missing the point of blogs. is how it works: one person creates a blog to discuss issues that are on their mind. Others go to the blog and read. If they like it they have the option of leaving a comment about how it made them feel or think. If they didn't like it they can point out why they are in opposition or add some ideas of their own. OR you have the option of just BEING quiet. But, see, here is how YOU think blogs are: Someone creates a blog and then you come by and change the topic to your blog issues, even if they have NOTHING to do with the given topic. You tried it with Susan and she shut you down.

    We want you to discuss issues with us. We are 100% open to any opposition, as you can definitely see from my site. There have been plenty of times I have disagreed with Keith. We discuss it. But you don't discuss anything.

  111. Paul, I totally agree with Tim about the purpose of blogs. You do appear to lack the ability to relate. As for the Gospel, the Good News, I went back on a few posts, including yours. We gave you the gospel, as laid out in 1 Cor 15, John 3, multiple times, where as you didn’t once. You continue to espouse the one and only mantra you appear to know, that Jesus is the Father.

  112. God wants ALL to be saved. It is whether we choose to listen to Him or not through that Word, and believe it. That is our choice. Unfortunately for those who follow a doctrine that does not comply with what is written, they can not grow in the Spirit and remain in the flesh.

  113. I agree Brenda! How can you be saved without believing the Word? How can you expect to get to know God intimately, without believing in and living God‘s Word?

  114. That is right Keith,
    every written Word in the scriptures come together and make sense. We learn line upon line and precept upon precept, and this is what enables us to grow as children of God (Jesus being the first of many brethren).

  115. O My O My ! Not one of you knows what the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is :-(
    Surely that is a shame for those who think that they believe in God and claim to read the Bible.

    Your preaching is useless and look what my Father the Lord Jesus Christ said, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel around on sea and land to make one proselyte (convert); and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.” Matthew 23:15.

    Well, that is the preaching of my Father who is in heaven, the one that you deny to be your Father who is in heaven. The one you deny to be the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it. The one you deny that He is the only true God and eternal life. The one you deny to be the ONLY God and saviour etc.

    Yes, it is you who demotes my Father who is in heaven to a mere man and proclaims ANOTHER in His place by the name of Yahweh (not in the Bible) and Jehovah.
    And it is you who diminish my Father’s ONLY Name ‘JESUS’ with another name like Y’shua etc. etc.

    Keith, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT quoting a Scripture passage.
    What do you think, did all the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ went around and quoted Bible verses ?
    Of course not ! they preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT the false gospel that ALL of you are preaching.
    All of you are preaching another gospel which is mentioned in 2 Cor. 11:3-4.
    Therefore you need to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE and then you shall be saved, believe NOT, and you shall be damned.

    OK. then, I will explain to you the TRUE gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ so that all of you are without excuse on the day of judgement.

    The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is ‘JESUS CHRIST preached’.
    Now, do you understand that ?
    The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT Yahweh preached. That is a FALSE gospel !
    The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT Jehovah preached. That is a FALSE gospel !
    The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the TRINITY (the three person gods) preached. That is a FALSE gospel ! Another gospel ! (2 Cor. 11:2-4)

    The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is just that, Jesus Christ ALONE preached in ALL things and at all times just as I do.
    The gospel of GOD, is Jesus Christ portrayed as that ‘GOD’.
    The gospel of the Kingdom, is Jesus Christ portrayed as the KING in His Kingdom.
    The gospel of creation, is Jesus Christ portrayed as the creator.
    The gospel of salvation, is Jesus Christ portrayed as the only saviour.
    Can you see, it is JESUS Christ alone who IS the gospel.
    JESUS is the good news and not your ungodly ideas and preaching.

    Look my friend, you need to repent.
    It’s not bad news for you my friend, it only sounds bad for those who are stiff necked; and for all those with a willing heart it’s good news :-)

  116. Paul never answered me. Imagine that.

    I think we need to explore more about the difference between soul and spirit. I see the scripture you used Hebrews 4:12 as saying that the difference is how we live. We can live by our souls or we can live by our spirit. Most people do not know how to do that but God's word is so concise and sharp it can show us how we live. I hope I said that right; typing from phone and it's frustrated me with many typos.

    Oh yeah....Paul never answered me.

  117. Paul, Whatever happens, we conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether Y’shua/Jesus comes and sees us or only hears about us in his absence, He will know that we stand firm in one spirit, contending as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose us. We are told that this is a sign to you that you will be destroyed, and that we will be saved — and that by God. Phil 1:27-28

    As for Y’shua/Jesus quoting scriptures, he did it all the time, especially when confronting Satan and his followers. Another great example that you don’t know your Bible.

  118. Tim, I believe that there are two spirits within us.l, our original individual spirit and whatever Spirit we decide to allow to influence us, whether that be God’s Spirit or Satan’s. We are being battled over. It’s a unique situation where we decide who gets our soul,which I believe is our body and spirit. Your thoughts?

    1. I disagree to a point. I think we are three separate beings. I think we have a body that we use to interact with this world, physically. I think we have a soul that we use to interact with each other, mentally, emotionally. I think we have a spirit that we use to interact with God, worshipfully. Now, I think they all can be used in all the ways I mentioned like dancing as a form of worship (physical act with worshipful spirit) and others ways of course, but the each being in us has a purpose. This spirit separates us from the animals.

      When Hebrews says God's word is that sharp it means it is able to separate our soulish minds and desires with that of what God desires and our spirit. Our soul is what needs saved. Our spirit is of God. Our bodies decay and have to be resurrected.

  119. Brenda, There is a Old Jewish saying taught by the rabbi’s. When the Messiah comes, he will not only interpret the Word of God, but the letters, yods and tittles, even the spaces between them. What separates those, who know of God and those who know and persue God, is our desire to search out a matter, which God has concealed for his children..

  120. Amen Keith,
    and we have to be born of God's Spirit to learn His ways, the same Spirit that Y'shua, Jesus, was born of. There is a time for everything.

  121. I always thought of the our body as being the physical frame work to harness the soul and spirit.

    The soul is what God has designed to make each unique in our own way but also the soul changes either good or bad like building good character or takin on bad habits which form a poor character are souls is the software our body the hardware.

    Then our spirit is the part we shouldn't be able to understand as it was created in Gods image, it ruach it the breath of God in us its the unique code of communication that's constantly being upload downloaded and our soul is interpreting so that it can be brought forth and viewed from the hardware (body). If you look at the Hebrew words that ruach derive (arach,rachah,yarach) from they all have something significant in the meaning is something that follows a common repeating circular path.
    I see this as a behavior of Gods spirit in his word with design and patterns that repeat from beginning to end I also observe this to be true in my life before and after being a believer when I was not a believer I could not get rid of poor and bad behaviors the repaeated them selves even though my body paid the price and my soul longed for away out. When I became a believer a new code was downloaded and good patterns and behaviors are what my soul portray.

  122. Hi Brandon,
    can I ask you 'What is it that you find 'amusing' about my comment.'

  123. I should have stated that was to Paul.

  124. Yes, I find that what Paul does not accept is that Jesus is the One mediator between man and God, and that just as He was born not of man when He was sent to earth but of the Spirit of God. There is a vast difference between us being born of the flesh and born of the Spirit. When we are born of the Spirit we are taught by the Holy Spirit Who leads us into all truth, and we have the mind of Christ.

    As John 1 vs.12 and 13 states:-
    'But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God — children born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but born of God.…'

    This shows that we have to 'become' children of God. It is the spirit within us that defines this.

  125. Obviously Brenda, if the Lord Jesus Christ would have made Himself known to you, you would not make such a statement.
    In plain language, you don’t know God, for, if you would know God, you would believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is THE ONLY GOD and beside Him is NO other.
    NO other mediator ! NO other mediator between YOU and God.

    For those who have come to know God do NOT need a mediator anymore, a mediator is only for those who don’t know God like you.
    And for that reason Jesus said that you will die in your sins, ‘if you do NOT believe that I am He’ (John 8:24), ‘you will die in your sins. And noticed, “the He” is written with a capital “H”, meaning (God Almighty). And NO ! it does NOT mean ‘one of the gods’ as the trinitarians think.

    Look Brenda, it is actually worse than that. The Scriptures said, that the wrath of God is on ALL those who do NOT KNOW God (2 Thes. 1:8).
    It says, ‘KNOW God’ and NOT know about God. Everybody knows about God, but only to them that the Lord Jesus Christ has made Himself known to, KNOW God (John 14:21) and the rest don’t know God.

    And for that reason you need to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved from this evil and wicked world of useless religions.

    Brenda, I’m NOT your enemy, I am only telling you the truth, all the other guys are speaking out of ignorance because they do not know the Lord Jesus Christ just like you.

    But, as for you, you need to make every effort to enter through the narrow gate which are only few who will find it.

  126. Paul,
    you are preaching another Jesus other than the One Who is WRITTEN in the scriptures.
    John ch.8 v.26 states:-
    'I have much to say about you and much to judge. But the One who sent Me is truthful, and what I have heard from Him, I tell the world.'

    In the Spirit two can be one, not only as I have said before but as Jesus says:-
    'I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.'
    John ch. 17 vs. 20, 21.

  127. Brenda, the ‘Jesus’ (2 Cor. 11:3-4) that you are preaching is NOT “LORD”, meaning, is NOT the Lord God the Almighty but subservient to another god whom you are calling Yahweh (not mentioned in the Bible).

    As I have said many times, that the ‘Jesus’ who I am preaching is the Christ, the only God who is Spirit (John 4:24) who caused Himself to be born into His own creation (Emanuel).

    The Lord Jesus Christ is NOT sent by someone else, another god as you suppose, those are metaphoric statements.
    And neither is there one god in heaven and another god one on earth, as you have said.
    And neither is there a Father and a Son, and both of them are each a god (deity) who make up one big GOD. That would be trinitarian thinking, confused and elogic thinking.

    Look Brenda, you need to be honest, even blind Freddy can see that you don’t know who the Lord God is, and mere speculation is just not good enough.

    If you would really know God, then why don’t you ask Him ?
    Remember, God is NOT dead ! He rose on the third day and He surely is alive. He even appeared to me nearly two thousand years after His resurrection, and my testimony is true and I do not lie.

    As for John ch. 17, I have been explaining that to you many times. Why is it that you can’t hear ? Perhaps you should ask the Lord Jesus Christ to open your ears, and also, buy some eye salve so that you would be able to see.

  128. No more to be said at the moment Paul, as you keep saying the same thing and refuse to go by scripture.

  129. Happy Chanukah Everyone, sorry for being incognito, but I’ve been really sick for the past two weeks, with a very bad cold.

    I agree Brenda. Paul, the scriptures testify against you and your false Jesus doctrine. John 3:17 says:

    “For God did not SEND his Son into the world that he may judge the world, but that the world may be saved THROUGH him.

    and 1 John 4:9 says:

    “This is how God showed his love among us: He SENT his one and only Son into the world that we might live THROUGH him.”

    It’s written in plain English.

  130. Hi Keith, welcome back, and may God keep your eyes upon His precious Word, and bring you through all that the enemy tries to inflict upon you.
    I agree with every word you have written in your last comment. Just because I know you like to be informed :-) I have put a new post up referring to this. Happy Chanukah.

  131. Keith, there has to be something wrong with you, if you don’t understand a plain Scriptural statement like, “For God did not SEND his Son into the world that he may judge the world, but that the world may be saved THROUGH him.”

    OK. I say it again, there has to be something really wrong with you and anyone else who can NOT understand that plain statement.
    Or is it that you deliberately WILL NOT understand that statement ?

    It is utterly absurd for intelligent people who claim to know God can NOT understand such a plain statement.

    I think that even if the Lord Jesus Christ would explain it face to face to you, you would stiffen your neck and refuse to believe it.

    You said, “This is how God showed his love among us: He SENT his one and only Son into the world that we might live THROUGH him.”

    So please tell me, if you claim to understand that simple statement. WHICH God sent His Son into the world ?
    Is it Jehovah ?
    Or is it Buddha ?
    Or perhaps Allah, did he sent his son into the world.

    Ahh, I think you mean that Yahweh sent his son into the world.
    OK. then, show it to me in the Bible where Yahweh sent his son ?

    Remember, I do NOT believe in Santa Claus, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ who is GOD over every other god (Rom. 9:5).

  132. Here we go again, you let him change the topic. He manipulates the thread every time.

    We all know he is wrong. I fail to understand why you keep trying to have the same conversation all the time with him.

    He is wrong. He has been deceived. He doesn't get it. You can pray all you want for him, but these conversations only turn people away because he is too judgmental and condescending.

    Again, we know he is wrong about this incessant topic of his.

    He is wrong.
    He is wrong.
    He is wrong.

    No more needs to be said.

    I am begging you to please be like Elsa and just LET IT GO, LET IT GO....

  133. “For God did not SEND his Son into the world that he may judge the world, but that the world may be saved THROUGH him.”

    Well, let’s just look at that statement and what you believe it means.

    So you think that an unknowable god by the name of Yahweh (not in the Bible) sent a son.

    What kind of a son did this god called Yahweh send ?
    Was this god Yahweh incapable of saving the world by himself ?
    Did this god called Yahweh sent an earthly man to save the world THROUGH a man ?

    Well, the God of the Bible does ALL THINGS ALONE ! (Isaiah 44:24), He certainly does NOT save THROUGH a man as you think, and neither does He need a help to do things.

    Just look what He has said, (Ex. 4:11) the Lord God of the Bible makes deaf, dumb and blind. And look, He put them to death and bring them to life, and He wounds and heals them (Deut. 32:39). He even sent them a DELUSION to believe the lie (2 Thes. 2:11) and there is much more.

    No no my friend, you greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.

  134. Well my friend, I can really see that you hate the doctrine of God who teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty the creator of heaven and earth.

    You seem to be just like the unbelieving Jews who said, “You being a MAN make Yourself out to BE God.” (John 10:33).
    And for that reason they tried to murder Him and all of His disciples because He claimed to be ‘GOD’ just as the Scriptures said.

    Look my friend, there is only one way, and that is to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE and in NO other.

  135. Brandon,
    I like what you said about the difference between soul and spirit.

  136. Well my good friend, have you become speechless ?
    Or is it that you believe in your friend Tim ? :-(

    Remember, him whom you obey is your lord.
    You see, you cannot obey Tim and the Lord Jesus Christ just the same as you cannot serve TWO masters.
    If you obey the Lord Jesus Christ, then the whole world is against you just as they are against the Lord Jesus Christ, and if you obey Tim then obviously you will pat each other's back and encourage each other’s deception.

    But, if the Son will set you free, you will be free indeed :-)

  137. You are absolutely right Tim, we have all said the same to he who is arguing with scripture - IT IS WRITTEN. No more to be said, we must not be tempted into repeating the Word of God when one refuses to accept it.

  138. :-) Well Brenda, it is also WRITTEN that you should have NO other god next to the LORD your God; look, “Exodus 20:1-3 ‘I am the Lord your God. You shall have NO other gods before Me.’

    Can you see that the LORD does NOT want you to believe in a god called Yahweh.
    And the ‘LORD’, is the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT a lord called Yahweh.
    Remember, 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 Many lords, but for US is but ONE LORD !
    1 Corinthians 8:6 ONE LORD, Jesus Christ.
    Revelation 17:14 Jesus Christ is the LORD of lords and the KING of kings.

    And it is this ‘LORD’ who is Jesus Christ who detests that you or anyone else is having another god and lord next to Him; especially a god who saves THROUGH another god.
    Remember, IT IS WRITTEN, Isaiah 44:24 I am the LORD, I make ALL things ALONE !

  139. Keith,

    Do you think angels and demons have souls? Are they just spirits? How would your idea fit in with your topi

  140. Paul, God tells us that because we have preserved the Word of God, he also will keep us from the hour of testing. That same Word of God tells us no temptation can overtake us but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. If you are a child of God, he has given you an avenue of escape, which n this case is the truthfulness of the Word of God. All I can say to you is read the Word of God for yourself.

  141. Tim, the Spirit of God leads us along the path which he wishes us to follow. Whether it be irritating or not, I don’t believe that we should give up on a lost soul such as Paul, even if he is delusional and won’t read the word of God, for himself. That is why all responses to him will include the word of God. That is how Y’shua has taught us to fight the temptation and false doctrines of Satan. I think we are more than capable of carrying on more than one conversation in a thread.

  142. That's the point, he doesn't carry two conversations. If that is the case then we should just go ahead and throw our every post we have and just argue with him about who Jesus is.

    Pray for him, all the time. Go to his site and talk to him. You started a good conversation and only half of it we can learn from because of what he does...and here we are talking about him again...see what I mean?

    Capable? Probably.
    Desirable? Not at all.

    Let him have his say, but why keep arguing the same thing?

    Am I bald? Yes. Do people keep having to ask me that?'s been covered.

  143. Tim, as far as your question concerning spirits and souls within angels, I believe that if we allow ourselves to look at the big picture, we can see that maybe their body is different from the flesh that we dwell in presently. If Y’shua’s post resurrection body is any indication, then yes, I believe that angels have a soul and spirit.

  144. Tim, that is why, if you’ve noticed, I have ignored his comments or responded with just Scripture and allow the Spirit to argue with him.

  145. To ignore my comments is not very nice my friend :-(
    That is the same as ignoring the comments of the Lord Jesus Christ, the one I am representing.
    Remember, I am speaking in the Name of the Lord which is Jesus Christ to all of you, and to ignore me is ignoring the one who has sent me to you.

    This things must be said, and there is no easy way of saying it, for a time is here when people will not put up with sound doctrines; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

    You said, “ because we have preserved the Word of God,”

    You don’t need to preserve the Word of God, you need to preach and do what the Lord Jesus Christ requires from everyone of you and that is to turn away from any false gods and believe in Him ALONE.

  146. Tim, To Expound a little bit on our discussion, we are four dimensional beings, but we were not created as such. Different sources tell us that we were created as beings of light and with the breath of God. I believe we lost both of those at the fall. Your thoughts?

  147. Paul, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say that I ignored your comments I read everybody’s comments What I meant to say is that I ignore and disregard any comments that is not supported by the Scriptures. It’s quite simple, antiscripture equals antichrist

  148. Keith, you don’t and you never respond with Scriptures.
    You always respond with remarks and rarely you quote a Scripture statement which is mainly a metaphoric statement without saying what the statement actually means.

    Because you highlight the word “THROUGH”, that does not mean that you understand the statement.
    To the contrary, you highlight the metaphor, teaching and preaching something contrary to sound intelligents and the teaching of Scriptures.

    Just think, as if there would be a god called Yahweh who saves THROUGH someone else. How pathetic does that sound ?
    The Bible doesn’t teach that kind of nonsense.

    And also, that is an insult to the true God (1 John 5:20) who is our ONLY God and saviour (Jude 1:25).
    Just read the Scriptures and believe it !

    I think, before you can understand ANY OTHER doctrine of the Bible, you need to understand the doctrine of God, and for that you need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    What is the point for you to speculate whether angels and demons have a soul ?
    That question alone will tell you that you have absolutely no understanding of the Scriptures and no insight into the realm of the spirit.

    You see, first you need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and then ALL the rest will be made known to you by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, for a man must be taught by God (John 6:45).

  149. Keith,

    So you're very close in saying that God has a soul too, by your first definition 150 posts ago. I wonder if that is the same then as us. I always thought only created beings had souls since they had choices with their thoughts and actions but I guess God has thoughts and actions too. But then again, he cannot sin, so is still considered a soul?

  150. Hey Tim, yes, I do believe that God has a soul, as I understand correctly what a soul is. I don’t think having a soul necessarily equates with having the ability to sin, even though if God has the ability to sin, in my mind, that makes him even more awesome than before, for he has chosen to be perfect and holy through his own free will, rather than his innate nature. That also brings up Y’shua and his ability to sin, in his human form, in the desert. It wouldn’t have been a temptation, if Y’shus didn’t have the ability to sin. Again, I believe that’s what makes Y’shua so awesome and great.

  151. Paul, if you go back on 99 percent of my comments to you, you’ll find scripture intertwined with my comment. I began doing this because God told me how to deal with you. Continually put out the scripture is how you deal with Satan. Y’shua showed us this example, in his spiritual battle with Satan, in the desert. Matthew 4. Once again, it shows your lack of knowledge of Scripture or your deliberate denial of Scripture.

  152. Keith,

    I like what you his human form. See, to me that makes God different. Since Jesus was in human form then he had the ability to sin! This is why I feel scripture says he lowered himself is not just geographically but in terms of dimensional; allowing himself to have the ability, so yes, to me I think having a soul does cause the ability to sin. God who is perfect can not sin... of course then you get some who at this point will say then He is not omnipotent...blah, blah, bah. It's not that he couldn't but it wouldn't be Him. I don't know if he has a soul or not but I would say no. Angels I can see having one because they are created and are imperfect. Man was made in His image but became a living soul. Angels I feel have free will but will their souls perish in any way? Or will their spirit perish since they are spirit? Now, that's a deep question.

  153. Keith, I’m a representative of the God of the Bible Jesus Christ, so then tell me, WHICH god told you how to deal with me ?

    And what do you think, do I wrestle against flesh and blood ?

    And don’t say that you believe the Bible, when obviously you try to change the NAME of God JESUS Christ to an unbiblical name like “Yshuah”.

    Tell me, which god told you to change the one and only Name of God which is far above all other names ? (Acts 4:12 and Phil. 2:9).

    Don’t you know, that if you discredit an ambassador of a nation, then you discredit the nation who sent him ? including his King ?

  154. Paul, You said, "I’m a representative of the God of the Bible Jesus Christ, so then tell me, WHICH god told you how to deal with me ?"

    No, you are not. Quit lying and misrepresenting yourself.

    You also wrote, "And what do you think, do I wrestle against flesh and blood ?"

    No, I don't think you wrestle, at all. You have clearly given yourself over to Satan and anything antiscriptural.

    You are clearly being deceptive and you are ignorant of the scriptures.

    Finally, you said, "Don’t you know, that if you discredit an ambassador of a nation, then you discredit the nation who sent him ? including his King ? "

    No, again, that is not true, especially when the representative is doing or acting the complete opposite the King told him to do. We honor the king and his gift of the Kingdom, through his son, but we clearly reject any representative that is clearly drunk with his own antiscriptural message.

  155. Tim, we are in agreement. I do accept and have taught, for many years, that God doesn't sin due to his nature. However, our conversation has open my mind to the possibility that God is sinless and holy, not necessarily because of his sinless nature, but his sovereign choice to be sinless and holy. I honestly never looked at it from that point of view. As I mentioned earlier, God having the sovereignty of his free choice, which results in his sinless nature elevates him higher in my mind.

    As far as your comment about man being created and then became a soulful being, that coincides with what I was saying about man's loss of dimensionality after the fall. We lost both the breath of God and the bodies of light that caused us to dropped from our godlike existence. I believe that we regain that existence after the rapture. Great conversation!

  156. Chris and Brenda, we are in agreement. I couldn't say it any better.

    Paul. You are clearly not a representative of the scriptures or God. I hate to continue to pile on, but how can you be a representative of God especially as Chris said, "when the representative is doing or acting the complete opposite the King told him to do." ?

  157. Chris, I just read your comment again. I believe you hit the nail on the head. Paul is drunk. When you are drunk, you act differently than the way you are supposed to act. Paul is clearly drunk with his own doctrine, that anyone who reads the Bible, for themselves, can clearly see. The good thing about that is his doctrine is so clearly anti-scriptural, all one has to do is look it up in the Bible, as Acts 17:11 says to do.

  158. Tim,Keith

    I would have to agree it seems that God can sin. When he created things he was pleased that he made it Good. Through out the scriptures God's nature is revealed as getting rid of the bad and magnifying and promoting the good. what if he made something bad do you think he would have been pleased, never. that's why he is always angered when evil is present. If he ever made the choice to do wrong I think he would self distruct, it is only because of his goodness that life exists soul spirit heart body all exists because everything he created he made Good and is pleasing, though in a fallen state he wont let go of what he plans to do with it.

  159. Kind of like matter and antimatter. :-)

  160. Yes, surely, ALL of you are in total agreement which each other just like in the days of Noah. They also, just like you were congratulating each other and ridiculed the messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ till it was too late to repent of their unbelief and their evil and wicked ways.

    Even though, Noah quoted the Bible to those pagans, especially John 1:3-10 and Galatians 1:15-20 that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who created ALL things and that nothing came into being apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    But also, those wicked wretches refused to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and claimed that their god Yahweh created the world THROUGH a man called Y’shuah.

    Patiently Noah preached the gospel to those wretches and they continuously hardened their hearts till it was too late and the door was closed to them and all of them perished in destruction.

    And then the Lord Jesus Christ told those wretches, “I Am the WAY (John 14:6), and I Am the door (John 10:9) and any man has to enter by Me.
    But they did NOT understand until the flood came and took them all away (Mat. 24:39) and so will the coming of the Son of Man be.

    1. Anyone else have this Bible? It needs to be taken off the shelf or sold as fiction.

  161. Chris, I am talking about my King, King Jesus whom I represent.

    Tell me, which king do you represent ?

  162. Yes Keith, I know that you all are in agreement with each other, just as the Lord Jesus Christ has said, the kingdom of this world is not divided, otherwise it would not stand.

    I think that none of you can completely act opposite to what your king has told you to do and to say, otherwise you would not oppose my King, King Jesus Christ of Nazareth of whom I am an representative.

    Jesus made that clear to those who claimed to believe in Him (John 8:31) and to which king they really belong (John 8:44).

    Perhaps, just as Brandon has said, “I would have to agree it seems that God can sin.”
    What more do I need to say ?

  163. Paul, again you show that you don't read. Keith and I are not agreeing 100% here. We agree on the premise and the possibility but I don't see the soul and the spirit the same way he does.

    I believe the two are separate. body soul spirit

    But even if we do agree it's because scripture confirms what we say.

    You said, "what more do I need to say". We're still waiting on you to actually add to the conversation. So far you haven't.

  164. Paul continually says the same things over and over, and never actually gets into a scriptural discussion. He has come over to my blog again, but I do not mind. Discussions can be good, but where something is repeated over and over and a person has answered the person who repeats and repeats the same thing, quite often there is nothing else can be said about the topic.

  165. It seems to me that all of you like to talk about religious nonsense which profits you absolutely nothing.
    And the reason is that you don’t want to face the truth (John 14:6) which is Jesus Christ my Lord and my only God.
    And obviously the devil is putting your own fingers in your own ears so that you are unable to hear the Word of the Lord my God and my Father Jesus Christ.

    And yes, I do present the same God over and over again, because any other god is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), in plain words, it is SATAN !

    There are NOT TWO entities and both are God (Deity). There is only YOUR god Yahweh who is the god of this world because you worship him, and then there is my God and my Father Jesus Christ and I honour Him alone and worship Him alone.

    And it is my Father who is speaking to you. Him, whom you do not know nor honour nor worship. You do not recognise His voice, but I do and I bear testimony to Him alone.
    It is Him who requires from you to repent, yes, publicly repent ! preferably in sackcloth and ashes, mourn and weep and then turn to the Lord Jesus Christ without restraint and be saved.

  166. Paul,

    What is the Holy Spirit? Please say more than just Jesus Christ. Can we start there? I don't expect you to answer me but this would at least be on topic and allow you to give your ideas.

  167. Tim, you are asking the wrong question.

    That only shows that you have no knowledge of God and that is to your shame (1 Cor. 15:34).

    You should have asked, WHO is the Holy Spirit.

  168. That's what I thought you would say. Why can't you just be a part of the conversation?

    Is the holy spirit a spirit or not?

  169. I think we must come to the realization that Paul has no knowledge of these things beyond what his cult leader tells him. This is the reason he diverts the conversation. No true disciple of Jesus Christ would act in the manner he does. It’s textbook cultism. Follow the mantra, ignore the facts. He’ll be jumping the next asteroid or leading the next mass suicide soon.

  170. I think this too Keith,
    I would rather be brainwashed by scriptural truth than the false doctrine of man.


  171. Alright Paul, I’ve had enough of you. I'm not buying anything you are saying. Even if you are right about Jesus being the father, to the exclusion of YHWH, his Father then what you say should be 100 percent of what it says in the Bible. It is not. You are a liar. You are a deceiver. You read things that are not in the Bible. It’s one thing to have a different interpretation of something in the Bible, but you change things to match your doctrine. Don’t you find that in the least suspect?

    Let’s look at what I have observed in my short time visiting this blog.

    1. You claim that Jesus told you that English came before Hebrew. This is absurd and downright mindboggling. Therefore, your Jesus is a liar.

    2. You claim that Jesus told you that the name of Jesus is the name of God, to the exclusion of the name of God that actually appears in the Bible over 5000 times. Once again, your Jesus is a liar.

    3. You claim that Jesus told you to change the meaning of the words, “through his Son” and “God sent his Son “ to mean the opposite of what the English language says it means. Therefore, your Jesus is a liar and deciever.
    4. Your Jesus told you that Satan laid with Eve and had Cain. Once again, your Jesus is a liar.

    Your Jesus is a liar and deceiver. Since your Jesus says things that are not in the Bible, then I can only assume that it is not Jesus, the Son of God. If it's not the Son of God, then it's Satan. Get behind me Satan, for I will follow the one and only God and his Son.

    1. I agree with all you have said Chris, and say Amen to your final sentence. We do not receive another Jesus other than the one proclaimed in the scriptures.

  172. I agree Brenda. I don't know how to wrap my mind around anyone, who has the Bible, in their hands, can come to conclusions, that are blatantly antiscriptural.

  173. Chris, I agree. If you read further back into other comments, that Paul has made, you'll find many other antiscriptural comments.

  174. Hello all. I always thought of the father as the mind of God, Jesus was the body of God, and the Holy Spirit the spirit or intent of God. I agree that the soul could be the physical representation of the body mind and spirit. I think it is important to remember that there are at least two types of physical bodies, the spiritual and the flesh. I will have to think on this some more, but I like this conversation.

  175. Hey Cheryl. Long time no see. How is everything in Phoenix? I agree with your breakdown of God dimensionality. We also need to include the breath of God and the word of God among others. If people would only shun their cultural biases, they could see that all these are outward expressions of one God. Thanks again for your comments

  176. Well then, can you wrap your mind around the idea that a god called Yahweh which is so blatantly unbiblical and NOT FOUND in the Bible, created everything THROUGH a man called Y’shua (also NOT found in the Bible).

    Well, if that is not the epitome of Satan's deception, than what is ?
    There has to be something drastically wrong with all of you, that intelligent human beings will believe such blatant nonsense.

    The cult that you are representing is even worse than the Jehovah Witness cult.
    The Jehovah Witness cult claims that the God of the Bible is JEHOVAH, also NOT found in the Bible. But just like YOU, they also claim that they believe the Bible.
    At least they call Jesus 'JESUS' and they don’t try to pervert His Name.

    Why do they and YOU believe that which is NOT in the Bible ? (man made doctrines) ?

    Other Christian cults even claim that their god is THREE persons in one god. And they also claim to believe in the Bible. Even though it is NOT in the Bible, they still believe it. That is unthinkable :-o
    What next ?
    And to top it off, they ALL, without exception DEMOTE the Lord of glory Jesus Christ lower than their god who is NOT even mentioned in the Bible (apart from 2 Cor. 4:4).

    To those apostates the Lord Jesus Christ is ALWAYS the SECOND in their god economy, or the second string on the fiddle (so to speak).
    Don’t you know that when you deny the Lord Jesus Christ before men, He will deny YOU.

    (Mat. 10:33). Jesus said, “But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.”

  177. Paul, that’s a good speech to yourself.

  178. No my friend, that was for you :-) and of course to all your cult members.

    Remember I am speaking in the Name of the Lord who is the ONLY God (1 Tim. 1:17).

  179. I wonder why nobody has questioned Matthew 10:33 where the Lord Jesus said that He will deny you before His Father who is in heaven.

    Now tell me, does Jesus have a Father ? please think first before you answer that question ?

    And, do you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth and everything in it ?

    Please think again, does the creator of heaven and earth really have a Father ? :-)

  180. Paul,
    We don't question it because WE understand it. You're the one who keeps bringing it into questioning.

    You ONCE AGAIN never answered my question. So, I will ask again...

    Is the Holy Spirit a spirit or not? It's a simple question. It only requires a yes or no. Watch this: Yes.

    See how simple? With each post you put here you invalidate your beliefs more and more. If you would just be a part of the conversation you may accomplish something God wants you to do. But you're so bull headed God doesn't work through you anyway. Tell us what God has done through you.

  181. Paul, Since before the garden, your master has twisted gods words. Your past few comments shows who your master is. God has use us to shed light on your cult and doctrine, while your master uses you to twist God‘s word. Your mastor has no originality. He can only twist our words. If you had a mind that seeks the truth, you would recognize that.

  182. Paul, doesn’t Matthew 10:33–34 answer your question? Are you being rhetorical? Of course Jesus as a father. What is your point?

  183. Cheryl, I wish you didn’t ask him that question. He won’t answer it. He’ll just start on his cultish mantra. Jesus is the father, Jesus is the father,. If you look back at his comments, you’ll find that he doesn’t know how to engage in normal discussions.

    By the way, I just received a weird comment email from my blog about moving from Phoenix to Austin. Was that you? I can’t seem to find the comment on the blog. In the email, it slso said it was from me. Weird!

  184. Cheryl, we have shown Paul multiple scriptures that reference Jesus speaking about His Father, but he will not accept what the scriptures say. I do believe though, as the scriptures say, that God's Word can not go out and return to Him void.

  185. :-) Hmm, that’s the response that I have expected :-)

    Again, NO Scripture explanation, only rude remarks.
    That happens with all cult members once they have been exposed.
    They don’t think what the Scriptures actually says and means. They just follow their leaders perverted explanation in a ancient language of which he pretends to be an expert.

    Perhaps, just like my Father the Lord Jesus Christ has said, ‘that the blind leads the blind and both will fall into a pit.

  186. Keith, you said, “He’ll just start on his cultish mantra. Jesus is the father, Jesus is the father,.”

    Well well my friend, is seems to me that you really have a problem with my Father the Lord Jesus Christ when He said, “I and the Father are ONE” (John 10:30).

    Noticed, My Father didn’t say that He and the Father are TWO.
    But NO ! to the contrary, He said, “he who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9).

    And remember our brother Isaiah called my Father the EVERLASTING Father (Isa. 9:6) :-)

    Oops ! I nearly forgot, you think that in ancient Hebrew it means something different than what it is WRITTEN in the Bible, don’t you ?

  187. Hi Cheryl, and welcome to the Word of God Jesus Christ the Mighty God as our brother Isaiah has said (Isa. 9:6).

    You said, “Of course Jesus has a father.”

    And WHO exactly is His Father ?

  188. Skipped me again Paul. Never answered my question.

    We give you scripture all the time.

    You are the most irritating and hypocritical person I've ever talked to. You claim no one in the OT knew God's name yet they called upon his name, they were able to take the name of God in vain, they built a temple where he placed his name, just to name a few incidences. How could they do that if they did not know his name?

    You claim the words like "El" or "yah" are not in the Bible yet you did not acknowledge Eleazar, Elijah, Elisha, Michael, Gabriel, Daniel, Ezekiel--- all meaning God is or of God.

    You won't answer my questions because you know you're wrong.

    Insults are only insults when you have nothing left to stand on. They are saying the truth because they have proven beyond a doubt how wrong you are. You say you want to debate. Well challenge has been accepted but you don't answer anything you are proven to be wrong about. It's hard to have a battle of wits when you are unarmed.

    How about not skipping me Colonel Sanders and actually engaging me?

    Now you all watch, he won't answer me but will try and talk around all of this.

    The insults you think you hear are the least of what could be said about you.

    What's 1+1+1? 3. See I can answer you.
    What's 1*1*1? You can't answer that because you know you're wrong.

    You think all the people I the Bible spoke English but Jesus even said talitha koum NOT ENGLISH. Names were even mentioned that they had meaning, Jacob means to deceive. Do you say "don't Jacob me"? Uh know because Jacob is another language.

    This is just tip of iceberg. I've been holding back because I think talking to you is ridiculously mind numbing. But if that is all you have then you need to go to school and learn more.

  189. Hi Paul. Thanks! The word of God is a passion for all Christians. It’s a love letter from God himself. To answer your question, God the father, Yahweh, is the father of Jesus. This shows up many times in the Old Testament. You can easily miss it in the English Bible. However, if you read in most prologues of the Bible, you will find that Yahweh has been replaced with LORD, in contrast to Lord. Do you have a concordance? You can easily look it up and find this out. If you don’t have a concordance, you can find them online. I hope this helps you, as you grow in the Lord.
