Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Sukkot, The Feast Of Tabernacles, The True Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Did you know that today, Sukkot, the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles, is this true date of Y’shua’s/Jesus’ birth? Check it out! Until the Roman Emperor Constantine introduced paganism into the church, around 350 A.D., the early church celebrated the birth of the Messiah on the correct Holy Day, appointed by God.

Today, the Remnant of God, true believers, are beginning to shun the paganism, within the church and are making the move back to the appointed holy days.

Today, beginning at 6 PM, the Remnant of God begins observing Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacle‘s, which celebrates the initial fulfillment of God dwelling with us, within The anointed one, the Messiah, Y’shua/Jesus and pointing towards the in time, when God dwells with us forever, in the kingdom of God. During the seven days, we are reminded that God Spirit began to dwell with us, personally, at the time of Y’shua/Jesus and continues to dwell with us, until his promised return.

... and that’s what you’ll find When You Search For The Truth.


  1. Sukkot seems like such a fun celebration due to the fees and camping outside!

  2. Hi Keith,
    I have never thought much of the traditional 'Christmas', especially in these times when it appears that Jesus has been taken out of the celebration completely and 'Santa' is the main figure. It is not coincidence that if you turn these letters around it becomes 'Satan' is it. The substitute that is nothing to do with the Messiah and is all about the riches of this world and what kids tell their parents to buy them.
    Keep on teaching.

  3. Chag Sameach! Did I miss your Yom Kippur Post?

  4. I agree Brandon. All of God‘s feasts are a celebration, especially Sukkot. As you know, it’s a great time to teach the children about God coming to tabernacle with us.

  5. I agree Brenda. I’m a purist. I think that anything that is not of God is of Satan. However, I am sure that there are many people that would call us radical because we espouse that opinion. I praise God that you didn’t have dig yourself out of the tradition?

  6. Chag Sameach, Anonymous! In a word, life got in the way. I will follow up with a Yom Kippur post.

  7. Hi Keith, nice post, but not true !

    Where in the Bible did the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ celebrated the birthday of Jesus ?
    Or the observance of any feasts ?

    That is only religious information to lead the ignorant back to observe religious festivals and rituals.

    As it is with ALL ‘modern-day pagans’ (as I call them), they don’t want to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, they prefer to observe festivals and all the rest of religious rubbish in order to satisfy their guilt feelings.

    On the broad road to destruction people cling to everything which sound good, but they just don’t want to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

  8. Hi Paul, Yes, the feasts are referenced as observed, in the New Testament. The following are the Tanakh, Old Testament Commandments and the B’rit Hadashah, New Testament observance.

    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:5
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Matthew 26:2-19; Mark 14:12-16; Luke 2:41-42; Luke 22:1-20; John 2:13-23; John 6:4; John 13:1-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-29

    Feast of Unleavened Bread
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:6-8
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Matthew 26:17; Mark 14:12; Luke 2:41-42, Luke 22:1-7; Acts 20:6; 1 Corinthians 5:6-8

    Feast of Pentecost
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:15-22
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Acts 2:1-21; Acts 20:16; 1 Corinthians 16:8

    Feast of Trumpets
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:23-25
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Matthew 24:30-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 11:15

    Day of Atonement
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:26-32
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Acts 27:9

    Feast of Tabernacles
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:33-43
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: John 7:1-14; Acts 18:21

    You are correct, and I agree that we must not fall back into ritualistic observances of the feasts. However, in order to better understand God‘s will and his plan, observing the feasts will assist you in your walk with God and growing closer to him.

  9. Paul,

    You completely missed the point of this post. Keith never said that we need to practice these feasts. But they are signs of Christ in the OT. They may mark times and seasons for us, those who are waiting for the second coming on earth.

    And then again, you agreed with the post completely as well at the same time. Keith is saying that we celebrate Christmas with the pagans, which he thinks is wrong to do. You just said the same thing. All he did was give you the original date of His birth.

    Do you post just to disagree even when you agree or do you not read anything?

  10. Well my friend, I have asked you, “Where in the Bible did the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ celebrated the birthday of Jesus ?
    Or the observance of any feasts ?

    And did you actually read those verses that you have quoted and have thought about it ?
    The Church of the Old Testament is NOT the Church of the New Testament.

    You said, “Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Matthew 24:30-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 11:15”

    What on earth are you talking about ?
    Not one of those verses that you have quoted are any Church observance in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    (Acts 15:28) It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: (29) You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.

  11. Tim, Keith said, "the early church celebrated the birth of the Messiah on the correct Holy Day, appointed by God."

    Is that true ?

  12. Paul, This is why you need to learn your Hebrew roots.

    In Matthew 24:30-31, what is the last trump that you think Y'shua was referencing?

    Or in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and Revelation 11:15, what do you think Paul was referencing?

    It was a Jewish audience and they knew exactly what Y'shua/Jesus and Paul was referencing.

    As for your question to Tim, Yes, it's true. Look it up. John was born 9 months after his father's Abijah priestly course was completed, which was around the 14th of Nisan, Passover.

    We also know that Mary became pregnant six months after Elizabeth, John's mother. Therefore, Y'shua/Jesus was born six months after John, on the 15th of Tishri, The Feast of Tabernacles.

    The early church knew this. They were very big on genealogies.

    Emperor Constantine changed this when he became a Christian and introduced paganism into the church, around 300 AD. He actually went about killing both Jews and Gentiles, who continued to follow the Jewish calendar.

  13. Paul, as Keith and Tim have said, the feasts are not obligatory observances, as the pagans observe, they are mile markers, road posts, pointers, etc. that point to the Messiah.

  14. Paul,

    That is a good question. Only historical evidence can tell us that answer. That doesn't mean it had to be in the Bible to be true, historically speaking. Now, Keith also provided his scriptural source and now can decide its reliability.

    I personally do not know if they celebrated his birthday or not. However, I am sure His mom (Mary) knew. And maybe she had a birthday party each year. We don't know, but, just because the Bible does not state it does not mean it is not true, historically speaking.

  15. Thanks for the Biblical reference Keith.

  16. That’s a good point, anonymous. Observing or even just recognizing the historical or prophecy aspect of the feasts is similar to knowing your and your wife’s ancestral line. You know how you came to be and where you came from, but it really doesn’t define who you are today. That comes directly from your parents and the path you are on. It does, however, help you relate to your parents and why they guide you the way that they do. Does that make sense?

  17. You are welcome, Tim. We are on the same page, somewhat, with this one.

  18. Look Keith, NOT one born again believer in Jesus Christ has his roots in Hebrew, NO Keith NOT even one.
    Everyone without exception who is born again is a NEW creation.
    Old things have passed away and behold ALL things are NEW. Their roots are in Christ Jesus their Lord and only God and they do not search for roots they do not have.

    And that includes the Jews, a Jew who is in Christ has no longer his roots in Hebrew or in Moses and he does NOT turn back to his former ways of living and practice.

    (2 Cor. 3:15-16) “But to this day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their heart; but whenever a person turns to the Lord Jesus Christ, the veil is taken away.”

    Only Christians, or the modern-day pagans (as I call them) who don’t know God search for their roots in their idolatry and UNBELIEF of the Hebrews. Whether you call that Hebrew roots or not makes no difference.

    Matthew 24:31 is the trumpet which I am sounding, but obviously none of you have ears to hear, otherwise you would repent from all that religious rubbish and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and be saved.

    Concerning the birth of Jesus Christ:
    We all know when Jesus was born, we also can do the math. But the question was “Where in the Bible did the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ celebrated the birthday of Jesus ?”

  19. Thank you anonymous, I know what Tim and Keith are saying.

  20. Tim, you said, “I personally do not know if they celebrated his birthday or not. However, I am sure His mom (Mary) knew. And maybe she had a birthday party each year. We don't know, but, just because the Bible does not state it does not mean it is not true, historically speaking.”

    Well Tim, if you don’t know it, then listen to those who DO know it, or just simply believe what the Bible says.

    The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ did NOT practice birthday keeping, not even of their Lord.

  21. Paul, how do you know that no one celebrated any birthdays?

    Do you celebrate Christmas Paul?

    What does "Paul" mean?

    I'm sorry. I forgot you don't answer my questions.

  22. Tim,
    To celebrate birthday is a family matter and not a Church matter.
    No, I do not celebrate Christmas. Why should I ?
    Celebrate the egg laying bunny-rabbits and a lying deceiving Santa-klaus ? I don’t think so.

  23. Paul, You continually look at Gods's Ways, from a carnal mind, as disobedience. As anonymous wrote, these feasts are mile markers, sign posts that mark our way along God Timeline. They are to be looked at, in the same way children celebrate each mile closer to their vacation destination. It's the same way that you celebrate getting home, after a long day of work. They are not necessary or required to get to our destination, but only reminders that our destination is near. They are a kind of a reminder of the Great Celebration, that will occur, when the Bridegroom takes us home.

    “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son." Matthew 22:2

    Don't you have a similar joy in your heart? The kind of joy that makes a dog go crazy when his master returns home every day. The kind that makes your tears well up. The kind that makes you get goosebumps, when you realize God is near or read something that God planted for you to find within his Word, that cannot be explained naturally, the kind that says, "Be still. I Am Here."

    There's a song called, " I can only imagine." It goes,

    "I can only imagine what it will be like
    When I walk, by your side
    I can only imagine what my eyes will see
    When you face is before me
    I can only imagine
    I can only imagine
    Surrounded by You glory
    What will my heart feel
    Will I dance for you Jesus
    Or in awe of You be still
    Will I stand in your presence
    Or to my knees will I fall
    Will I sing hallelujah
    Will I be able to speak at all
    I can only imagine
    I can only imagine
    I can only imagine when that day comes
    When I find myself standing in the Son
    I can only imagine when all I would do is forever
    Forever worship You
    I can only imagine
    I can only imagine"

    Why is your heart so hardened against God's ordinances, that even Y'shua/Jesus, himself, obeyed? I understand being against the pagan celebrations, but God's.

    Bottom line: I have wrote the truth. I testify as part of God's Remnant. Now, It is your responsibility to actually go back into the scriptures, to see if it is actually true. Acts 17:11.

    Finally, if you decide not to believe, it really doesn't matter as far as your salvation. No! It's just that you will miss out on really getting to know God, instead of just knowing about God.

    Shabbat Shalom, my friend. I hope to see you onY'shua/Jesus' right side, as his coming. Hope to see you at the Southern Gate.

  24. Paul,
    Thank you for your answer. I sincerely appreciated it and respect it.

    To celebrate those days does not mean you have to do what they do. I celebrate Christmas only because of what it means to me. I do not celebrate a bunny,I celebrate the resurrection. I don't have a problem with the dates and Christians celebrating them with the right frame of mine. Same as our national holidays. I see nothing wrong with them. I would rather have Christians take pagan holidays than pagans taking over our dates.

    But to say that churches don't celebrate birthdays only families do is just an opinion. After all my church is my family, family of God. But I can respect your opinion on this.

  25. Hi Keith. My name is Chris and I live in Colorado Springs. I’ll get a google account soon and be official. Ha ha.

  26. Paul, If you know what they are saying, then quit being a putz and grow up. It’s one thing to know what they are saying, another to understand and completely different thing to be an antagonistic jerk about it. Act like you have a brain.

  27. Hi Chris. It’s good to know your name. Thanks for joining in the conversation, my brother.

  28. Keith, that’s very nice my friend and I don’t have a problem with that.
    All unbelievers talk exactly like that. They all think that they look with their spiritual mind and anyone else is looking with their carnal mind.
    Even the foolish virgins thought that they were looking with their spiritual mind at their god and bridegroom.
    And do you know what the true God and Bridegroom will tell them ? Would you like me to remind you ?

    You said, “look at God's Ways,’ and ‘along God Timeline.’ and ‘God's ordinances,’ and ‘as part of God's Remnant.’ and ‘really getting to know God”

    Now, looking with your spiritual mind, please tell me, WHICH God are you talking about ?
    Are you talking about a god whose name is not mentioned in the Bible ?

    It seems to me that you are avoiding to mention the name of your god.

    Are you ashamed of God’s Name ? Or, do you really don’t know His ONE and only Name ?

    ALL pagans use the TITLE “God” to promote their own god or gods.
    They think that they can hide their false gods behind the TITLE “God” and hope that no one would expose their false god to be the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4 and Rev. 12:9) which is Satan.

    Remember, his servants, Satan’s servants masquerade themselves as children of light.
    They also believe in “God”, but they don’t, or rarely mention his name, and when they mention his name it is always a name which is NOT in the Bible. Or they deliberately deceive and say that the TITLES are his name in hope that nobody would expose that their god and father actually is the devil just as the Lord Jesus Christ has said in John 8:44.

    You see my friend, there is NO middle road. Either you believe that Jesus Christ ALONE is the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20), or you believe that the Devil is the true god (2 Cor. 4:4).

    Now, the same is with the TITLE “Father”, either the Lord Jesus Christ is your Father who is in heaven or Satan is your father just as the Lord Jesus has said in John 8:44 and there is NO other option.

    Remember, ONE TRUE God Jesus Christ, and ONE false god the Devil no matter what name you give him.

    And for that reason the Lord Jesus Christ has summoned all of you to REPENT and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone and then you shall be saved, believe NOT and you shall be damned.

  29. Tim, Christmas is all about bunny rabbids and Santa claus, it has nothing to do with my Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    You said, “I celebrate the resurrection.”

    Where in the Bible did the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ celebrated the resurrection on a particular day ?

  30. Chris, it seems to me that you are in darkness and don’t know what either one of us is saying.
    It doesn’t need intelligence to make a stupid remark.

  31. Paul, It shows your intelligence and maturity level, when you act the way you do. Look at your remarks and your tone. If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black, I don’t know what is.

  32. Paul Christmas and Easter are different, you know that right? There are no bunnies at Christmas, at least here in the US. But anyway I don't use Santa Claus. I don't talk about bunnies. I talk about the Lord those days.

    And where does it say it the Bible that they didn't set aside that day? The Epistles remind us of the resurrection all the time. The church met and took communion as a rememberance. As I said before just it is not mentioned in the Bible does not mean it didn't happen historically. It's your opinion that it didn't happen. It also doesn't make it wrong to set aside a day. Even in the OT God told us ti set aside one day for Sabbath. Days of rememberance have always been a part of human history.

  33. No Tim, Christmas and Easter are the same. In fact the Lord Jesus Christ HATES ALL your appointed festivals, they are NOT acceptable in His sight.
    Whether you think so or not makes no difference and neither will the Lord Jesus Christ listen to your prayers.

    Just believe what the Lord Jesus Christ is saying.

    (Isaiah 1:14) “I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts, they have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them.”

  34. Is communion one of those feasts?

  35. Paul, Context, brother, context. Look at Isaiah 1:14, in context. In Isaiah 1:9, he's clearly talking to those, who are not of the Remnant, those who are not of Gods Holy People. You can't continue to make doctrine based on one verse. Also, look at the verses I gave you earlier. They, including Y'shua/Jesus, were celebrated the feasts, in the New Testament.

  36. Jesus had a Passover meal. And it's in the Bible.

  37. Yes Tim, INCLUDING comunion.
    Why is it so difficult for all of you to believe what the Lord Jesus Christ is saying ?

    I know that none of you can hear the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, but what amazes me is, that you can’t even read His written Word and believe it.

    When the Lord Jesus Christ said that He hates ALL of your appointed feasts, festivals, rituals and church practices, that’s exactly what He means. ALL ! not some of them, but ALL ! the LOT !

    Were in the Bible did they have communion ?
    The answer to that is, NOWHERE !
    Communion is a church ritual for those who don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to satisfy their religious guilt feelings.
    Well, it’s actually worse than what I have said.
    But plainly the Lord Jesus Christ hates ALL of your religious practices and so do I.

    Whatever the Bible says what you should do; you don’t do, and whatever the Bible says NOT to do; that is what you do.

  38. Keith, when you read the Bible then the Lord Jesus Christ is talking to YOU and about YOU and about YOUR condition and not about somebody else.

    And what makes you think that YOU are the Remnant ?
    Is that your own self assessment and opinion ?

    And how do you know who are God’s Holy people ?

    Do you think that God’s Holy people would believe in a false god called Jehovah ? or Yahweh ?
    And do you think that God’s Holy people would pray to an unbiblical god called Yahweh THROUGH a man called Y’shua ?
    And neither would God’s Holy people worship the god of this world Yahweh THROUGH a man called Y’shua.
    No my friend, you have NO idea who God’s Holy people are.

    OK, I will show you who God’s Holy people are.
    Open your Bible at Matthew 28:9 ‘And they took hold of the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ and WORSHIPED Him.’
    Those are the Remnant of the true God Jesus Christ, and they will NOT transgress the first and the second commandment of the Lord or any other commandments of the Lord.

    Now tell me, Isaiah 1:9 WHO is the Lord of hosts ?
    And which Lord of hosts did the Remnant worship in (Mat. 28:9) ?

    Well my friend, I think it is time for you to REPENT and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and then you shall be saved, YOU and your household.

  39. Acts 20:7
    1 Corinthians 11:27
    Luke 24:30
    Matthew 26:26
    Acts 2:46
    John 6:56

    What do you think all of that means? Jesus told us to do it. He said DO THIS in remembrance of me.

    You tell us not to listen to OT rituals and yet your biggest argument is to listen to the first two commandments. Do you see how ridiculous you sound?

    Do you go to church at all? Because if you do then you're having a ritual. You must sit at home all day and not do anything. Once you do, then you have either put something above God or you're practicing a ritual. Which is it Paul?

    Or maybe their was no church in the Bible?

    Or maybe Christians didn't meet?

    Do you go out into all the world Paul?

  40. Tim, you said, “Jesus told us to do it. He said DO THIS in remembrance of me.”

    Then why don’t you do it ?

    You said, “You tell us not to listen to OT rituals and yet your biggest argument is to listen to the first two commandments.”

    I did not say that Tim.
    It seems to me that you read my comments the same way as you read your Bible.

    OK. I tell you again, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth hates ALL YOUR rituals.

    You are living in the New Testament (covenant) and NOT in the Old Testament, therefore the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking about your practices and rituals and whatever else you do.

    If you transgress the first two commandments then everything else concerning church practice and rituals and beliefs and your gods and doctrines etc. are a burden to Him and He hates them with a passion just the same as I do.

    Not only that, if you do NOT repent and still persist in your own ways and believe in your own ‘Jesus’, you will perish just like the rest of ALL unbelievers.

    Well, just look in your church assembly, young people are dying from cancers and illnesses of the worst kind and of mental illnesses etc. and yet your god is not even able to save to the utmost.

    Where is your god ? is he sleeping ? or can’t he hear your prayer ?
    Or perhaps, is it that you believe and call the wrong god, the god of this world ?

    Can you see, all that is because you are transgressing the first commandment of the Lord.
    And for that reason I have been saying that the doctrine of God is the most important doctrine there is. If you transgress that doctrine, then everything else is empty and useless religion which the the Lord Jesus Christ hates just as He has said in Isaiah 1 and in numerous other places.

  41. Paul,

    You have misjudged me, my church, and most Christians in that post. You also showed hypocrisy, judgment, and contradictions. You have just posted the epitome of who you are.

    I talk to Jesus before I go to work every morning with communion. Yes, I talk directly to Him. You judged me unrighteously.

    You are a hypocrite because you told me to do it but you don't do it because if you did then you would be practicing a feast. You can't have it both ways. Jesus said to do it. And said he will feast with me when he returns.

    You just contradicted yourself because you said you didn't tell us to listen to the 1st two amendments and then turned around and told us we transgress them. And that is not the first time you have said that.

    There are people I'm my church who are healed all the time. There are people who are delivered from addictions, poverty, depression, all the time. My father being healed from a deadly cancer being one of them.

    You have no idea what you are saying. How can God hate my taking of communion when he told me to do it? I never said I do any OT ritual. But I know Jesus was the actual goal of all of them.

  42. Paul said, "Those are the Remnant of the true God Jesus Christ, and they will NOT transgress the first and the second commandment of the Lord or any other commandments of the Lord. "

    Then Paul said, "I did not say that Tim."

    Paul said, "Yes Tim, INCLUDING comunion."

    Then Paul said, "Then why don’t you do it?"

    Paul has said in the past, "I do not quote scripture".

    Then Paul said, "(Isaiah 1:14) “I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts, they have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them.”

    Let those who have ears let the hear. Even satan quote scripture and tell us what God said. But that is deception. Paul does not know that he has the wool pulled over his eyes. And that makes him a wolf in sheep's clothing. Anyone who reads these posts can understand what is happening. He says we don't call out Jesus. Well listen...Jesus is Lord and Savior. He is my LORD and my SAVIOR. I am saved by His grace, cleansed by His blood.

    Are you listening people?

  43. ***commandments, not amendments...I've been teaching too long.

  44. Paul, Lord tells us that those who seek the LORD lack no good thing. Therefore, nothing that you can say, which is not according to the Bible, will nourish us, so we don’t seek it.

  45. Hey Chris. David also goes on to say, “Fear YHWH, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing.” Paul clearly does not fear the Lord and I agree that we lack nothing.

  46. Paul, we are the Remnant, because we Shabbat in the Lord. He tabernacles with us daily and make himself known and we walk with him in his Word. That’s how we know we are the Remnant, not following some man made doctrine such as yours. The Lord is always waiting for you. Shalom!

  47. Keith, so you think that YOU are the Remnant because YOU do something ?

    Of Course you think that everything is about YOU :-) perhaps like the trinity ‘ME’, ‘MYSELF’ and ‘I’ :-)

    You said, “He tabernacles with us daily and make himself known and we walk with him in his Word.”

    Tell me, with WHOM do you walk in his Word ?

    Is it that you walk with one of your favorite gods called ‘Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh’ ? or is it Yahweh or perhaps Jehovah ?
    Or do you walk THROUGH a man called Y’shua with a god called Yahweh ? Please tell me so that I know.

    And if the Lord God the Almighty would have made Himself known to you, surely you would call Him by His Name just as I do.

  48. Chris, tell us in which god (God) do you believe, and what is his (His) name ?

  49. No one answer him. You know what he is doing. We all including him know the answer. It's just his game of "change the topic".

    Plus, he skipped over the things he was just called out on...again.

  50. Well Keith, those are legitimate questions: if your Father who is in heaven has made Himself known to you, you would at least know His ONE and only Name.
    That would be exactly the same as in your earthly life, if your natural father would have made himself known to you, you surely would know his name, NOT names, but NAME.
    And if you don’t know his name, then perhaps your mother doesn’t know who your father is.

    As it is in most churches, they don’t tell their congregations who their heavenly Father is, and for that reason they call their priest “FATHER” Peter or whatever. Or their Pope ‘Holy Father’ which the Lord forbid in His Word the Bible that you should NOT call anyone Father, for you have only one Father who is in heaven (Mat. 23:8-10).

    And NO ! there is NOT one Father who is in heaven and ONE Son who is on earth.

    There is only ONE God and that IS the Father (1 Cor. 8:6) who is in heaven and MANY sons who are on earth, and His FIRST son was Adam (Luke 3:38).
    In the beginning, there wasn’t a Father and a son as those deceived assemblies will tell you.
    To the contrary, in the beginning was GOD alone and beside Him was ON other.

    And yes, that God is my Father who is in heaven Jesus Christ.

    So, when you sit next to your sacred pagan Christmas tree and practice your religion which the Lord Jesus Christ hates (Isaiah 1) then remember that the Lord of hosts calls you to repentance.

    Well, it seems to me that your god does NOT tell you the truth.
    My God, the Lord Jesus Christ said that he cannot tell the truth, he is a liar from the beginning (Genesis) and lying is his native tongue.

    So then why do you practice a religion which the Lord Jesus Christ hates ?

    Sitting around a decorated tree and lying to your children, that is what the Lord Jesus hates and it matters NOT how cleverly you disguise your detestable religious festivals.
    But the Lord Jesus Christ seeks those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth.

  51. Keith,

    Did the church actually celebrate Jesus birth or just recognize the date?

  52. Hey Tim. As you know, the first recorded celebration of the birth of the Messiah was in the mid fourth century. However, there is a collection of anti-Christian Jewish folklore titled The Story about Shim’on Kefa (Aggadta DeShim’on Kefa that has its origins around 60 AD. These stories indicate that the Messianic Jews were celebrating the birth of Christ on the Feast of Tabernacles.

  53. Keith,

    The Christian in me is saying YAHOO!! YEEHAW! But the historian in me is asking, is that a reliable source? You said it yourself, it is folklore. However, most folklore is grounded in some historical basis. I can agree with the date completely. If John was born around Passover then six months later Jesus was born would make it around Septemberish. But if it is anti-Christian writings then these can't be trusted, or could be treated like any Gnostic writings---something to throw people off.

    I want to say they celebrated His birth. I can believe they did. I am pretty sure they knew when if they heard the same things you and I have and understand that all the OT is pointing to Jesus. But in your posts you need to say this is based on a certain source or not. That is what atheists have a hard time with. They say we don't have credible sources and using folklore would not help. I enjoyed it. But even anti-Father people like Paul will not accept this. I truly thank you for the reference. I am reading it as I type.
    Sukkot birth

  54. Hey Tim, the link didn’t work. My thoughts on it being, why would the Jews bring it up, if the Messianic Jews weren’t doing it? It actually causes problems for the the Jewish hierarchy.

    As for the atheists and non-believers, such as Paul, my worries is not whether or not they accept the information as factual, but to get them out of their comfort zones and research for themselves. People, like Paul, as so steeped, in their traditions, that they miss the leading of God’s Spirit. It’s the Spirit’s responsibility to lead them to the truth. Your and I are only in the picture, because God wants us invested, in his will.

  55. Paul, when did I advocate that Christmas should be celebrated, in the manner that you indicated.


    This is the site I was looking at

  57. Keith, does it matter ?
    It’s NOT in the Bible !
    Those are only your speculations, man invented doctrines, rituals and church practices which the Lord Jesus Christ hates.
    And YES, I hate them to.

    Look my friend, it makes NO difference whether you celebrate a man's birthday or not, whether you sit beneath your luxuriant Christmas tree (1 Kings 14:23) or not makes absolutely NO difference.

    Just like Israel you have fallen away from the only true God Jesus Christ to another god whom you call Yahweh and you worship him.
    Under which place, pillar, Asherim and tree makes absolutely no difference.
    An apostate is an apostate no matter how nicely you dress them up.

    Concerning the Father, if the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is NOT your heavenly Father, then tell me, WHO then is YOUR father ?

    It is obvious that not one of you will tell me who your father is and we both know why.

    You see, if I claim that the Lord Jesus Christ is MY Father who is in heaven, then I do NOT deny my Father who is in heaven. But All of you deny that my Father is your Father, therefore you are denying the Father according to the Scriptures.

    That does not mean that you do not have a father, but then your father is the one Jesus spoke about in John 8:44.

    Yes my friend, I know that not many people love the truth (John 14:6), they rather believe the lie (2 Thes. 2:11).

  58. Keith,

    I agree that this could make them think, but you have to have the right audience. Most atheists and non-believers do not have that open mind. They are going to look at it and without "scientific explanation" or wrong interpretation with man-made doctrines they will not listen. But I liked it.

  59. Paul,

    Again, you miss the point of the whole post. Keith was just showing us the dates coincide with each other. He never said he celebrates anything. And even if he did I know he would have the right heart.

    Other "ceremonies" and/or feasts of the Christian----communion, baptism, and weddings. Did you ever get married Paul? If you did...shame on you for having a wedding. If you got married I hope you just took each other without any recognition by others. If not then, God hates your marriage. Have you ever been baptized Paul? God hates your baptism. And if He hates what you do, He must hate you.

    Now I do not believe that. I only said that to get you to think.

    Other things I hope you have never done Paul: sing your national anthem, go to any sporting event, celebrate an anniversary, vote, go see a play, go on a date, and so on. All of these could be considered a feast or a celebration. And if you can say you have never done these then you are either a liar or the most boring person God ever created. And if you have done these, then by your words you have sinned and need to repent.

  60. Tim,
    Keith does NOT miss the point, but you miss the point.
    Keith just don’t want to answer the Lord’s challenge, and neither does anyone of you.

  61. Paul,

    That's not what this post is about. Grow up some will you. Stop your pettiness. This post was just to share when Jesus' birth was. That's all. So yes, you missed the point. (I never said Keith did). You always make it into something else.

    We all believe in Jesus being the Savior and our the same time, even you. So, in the nicest way I can say quiet or stick to the topic or at least answer the questions that are posed to you as well if you are staying in this conversation.

  62. Paul, I stand by the truth of this post, which is supported by the Bible. I hope one day you will read it for yourself and allow the Spirit of God to lead you into all truth.

  63. Keith,
    No my friend, NO post is the truth.
    The TRUTH is what the Bible said, and more specifically what the Lord Jesus Christ has said in John 14:6, Jesus is the TRUTH !

    Santa Claus is NOT the truth, and Christmas keeping is Santa worship and luxuriant Christmas tree worship (1 Kings 14:23) and has absolutely nothing to do with the birthday of Jesus Christ.

    And the Church of Jesus Christ is NOT celebrating Sukkot The Feast Of Tabernacles or appointed holy days (as you have said) or any other festivals. That is all nonsense and going back to paganism and apostate Israel.

    That happens with everyone who has departed from the Lord Jesus Christ. They still like to keep or observe religious practices in order to have the appearance to believe in God.
    Yes, they believe in a god, but they do NOT believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    They really believe in a unbiblical god called Jehovah or Yahweh and use the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to glorify their own god, by whatever name they give to him.
    And for that reason, whatever they do is unacceptable to the God of all creation Jesus Christ.

  64. Do you even go to a church Paul?

  65. Oh, and Paul, I know Keith doesn't practice the tree and/or acknowledging santa Claus, so you're barking up the wrong tree again. Just another judgmental comment, another sin but you Paul, better repent.

  66. Keith,

    Help me search for Jewish dates as compared to date of Jesus' life. That would be interesting.

  67. Hey Tim, Are you talking about how the life of Y'shua falls on the Hebrew calendar? That would be an interesting project.

  68. I know the Ascension is also feast of booths/Tabernacles/Sukkot.

  69. Hey Tim, The Ascension is commemorated by the Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, Shavuot.

  70. I meant the transfiguration. I jumped ahead of myself.
