You Can't Make This Stuff Up!!!
We finished the Book of Esther, last night and in the only Biblical Book, where God is not mentioned one time, his salvation plan shines through.
If you start from the beginning of the Book of Esther and take the names and determine their meaning, as they are mentioned in chronological order and put the meanings in sentence form, you'll find the following:
I will be silent, poor and humble, a Lily, a dressing of God’s Love, Beautiful, Faithful, but Despised. The One who rides the ass, but crushed in the wine-press.
God will give the one to behold, to be emulated, but he will be plain, simple and unadorned.
This Illustrious One will be a Sleeping Lamb.
A Star will be his testimony to them on sea coast.
He will be Lofty!
He will be Worthy!
He will be Dignified!
He will be pure, one from the middle land, an intecessor, who will link two sides, a little man, but enlightened and one who will enlighten, renowned as one with a propensity, a natural inherent way of doing things, as the son of the right hand.
This Teacher of peace, that Yahweh will establish, will be praised and lifted up. May the teaching prophet preserve the crown of love and partnership.
A Bright Star, but the Father is his might.
A Blaze of Fire for the servants of the beautiful one, in their wine-press, will practice strict religious or moral behavior.
He is magnificent, a double, an image of his Father, dispersing inheritance to the Sons of the Lofty and Exalted one, which is given by faithful prayer, given forth to the light, by the pouring out.
The enticed will be gathered. The fruitful shall be drawn/gathered up to Yah.
The Lion of the decree will be raised above all.
He will be the lion of the banners.
The Lion is sufficient. He is strong as the wind and strong with the Spirit.