Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Yom Teruah, The Feast of Trumpets, Is The Beginning Of The End???

Did you know that the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), in Ancient Times, was understood, as the inauguration of a judgment process that began on that day and comes to completion on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)?  Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets starts tomorrow, at 6pm, on Rosh Hashanah, the new year and runs for three days. 

The Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah is a yearly memorial of judgement, repentance and forgiveness through the mercy of Yahweh / Yah Ehyeh, by his son, Jesus /Y'shua. On the final day, a shofar (trumpet) is blown, in a unique way. The purpose of the day of blowing the shofar, is to alert and call one to repentance for past sins before Yom Kippur. 

In times past, the shofar sounding was used to:

- give a signal during time of war (Judges 3:27).
- proclaim the start and end of the Jubilee year (Lev. 25:9).
- anoint a new king during coronation service (1 Kings 1:34).
- regather the outcasts of Israel (Isa. 27:13).
- warn the people of danger (Amos 3:6).
- declare the arrival of the Messiah (Zech. 9:14).

Why is this year any different?

Well, it is interesting to note that within this year, there culminates some notables occurrences.

It's the end of the 70 year generation of the present state of Israel and the Year of Jubilee. It was in 1947, that the UN passed a resolution to grant the land of Israel, to the Jews, as their homeland. According to Torah, God's Law, all possessions should return to it's rightful owner. As a side note, twenty years, after the UN Resolution to grant Israel its land, in 1967, Jerusalem was returned to it's rightful owner, Israel. That, too, was a Year of Jubilee.

On Sept. 23, 2017, for the first time in 2000 years, the astronomical signs of Revelation 12 will occur.
Could the rest of the chapter be too far away?

What does it all mean?

With the last 20 years having been the greatest timespan ever for natural and manmade disasters and wars and rumors of war, one cannot deny the possibilities.

...and that's what you'll learn, When You Search For The Truth.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Journey Into The Supernatural: The Seven Levels Of Scriptural Interpretation

Did you know that there are, at least, seven levels of scriptural interpretation? While other religious books have multiple levels of interpretation, the Bible sets itself way above the competition, showing that it is not only a Holy Book, but a supernatural message system, from God, himself.

While I will not take you into the weeds, I would like to show those who are interested, the seven levels, that is there, to help us dig deep into the Word of God, in order to edify ourselves and others. They are:

Literal: This is where you take the words in their usual or most basic sense, without metaphor or allegory. Reading, at the literal level, requires no special training. It says what it means and means what is says. Pretty straight-forward.

Metaphoric/Allegorical: Unfortunately, it is the level, which is most abused. It is a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance. It is close to the Model level, but usually not an accounting of an actual event.

For example: The scriptures refer to God as Elohim, which means, "Gods". This doesn't mean that God is multiple individual gods, but is a metaphorical reference to his multidimensionality. Another great example is how God has chosen to reveal himself, such as the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, A Great Fortress, a Rock, the Breath, etc. Again, it is not that God is multiple persons or gods, it is God's way of showing his multidimensionality to a lesser dimensional creature, such as us humans.

Modeling: Where the story is true, but has a multidimensional depth, which has a different literal message. A great example of this is the story of Melchizedek. The story of Melchizedek is a real historical event, but points to the Messiah. Genesis 14, Hebrews 7. While Melchizedek was a real person, his attributes reveal the Messiah. You can also go to Melchizedek: King of Salem for the full story. 

Moralistic/Legalistic: A moral, ethical or legalistic teaching through literal straight-forward, allegorical or other means. Examples are Y'shua/Jesus' parables, Sermon on the Mount, The Law, etc.

In my opinion, the next three are BIGGIES. This is where the Bible goes light years beyond other supposed holy books and their claims of being from God.

Prophetic: Where the story or interpretation is prophetic, the foretelling of a future person or event. Another super example of this level can be found in Daniel chapter nine, where Daniel gives the exact day of the Messiah's first coming. Read about it here at: Daniel Foretold The Exact Date Of The Messiah's First Coming

Codal: One of my favorites, for it shows God goes above and beyond to reward the diligent reader. It also a fulfillment of God's promise to the Remnant, found in Proverbs 25:2.

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.

It's a scriptural excerpt where the individual words, when put together, gives a message, to the reader. A great example of this one can be found within the genealogy of Genesis 5. Go to the following link for a great example. Supernatural Messages Embedded Within The Scriptures Biblical Codes are part of this level, but one must remember the literal first level, before indulging.

Personal: This is where God speaks to us and gives us a personal message through his scriptures. Even though Peter warns us, 2 Peter 1, about personal interpretations of the scriptures, an in-depth reading of his warning shows that scripture must interpret scripture. Therefore, your personal message must not go outside or go against the literal interpretation.

Now, have fun. But, remember, as we dig deeper into God's Word, remember Acts 17:11. 

Received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if it is true.

...and that's what you'll find, When You Search For The Truth.