Thursday, March 30, 2017

Jeremiah or Zechariah? Shedding Light On Apparent Bible Contradictions.

Did you know that there is an apparent contradiction in Matthew 27:9? In the English and some Greek translations, dated approximately, within the 4th century AD, Matthew appears to quote Jeremiah saying,

“Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value.”
However, when avid Bible readers start searching out the references, they find that Jeremiah didn’t say anything like that. Further investigation would reveal that Zechariah actually said it, in Zechariah 11:12. This little tidbit leaves Atheist and other servants of Satan to foam at the mouth saying, “See, the Bible isn’t inerrant.” and “As a matter of fact, the Bible has many errors, in it. Therefore, it cannot be the Word of God.” Well, they would have a point, if the English translation was, in fact, the true Word of God.

Unfortunately, the English translators refused to search for the earliest transcripts and reconcile their beliefs to the true Word of God. Instead, they manipulated the English bible to match their own cultural and personal beliefs.
Anyway, what is the truth? The truth is that the earliest Greek and Aramaic transcripts didn’t mention a name, at all. The earliest version of the Bible says,

“Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the Prophet who said, “I took thirty silver coins, the price of The Precious One on which they of the children of Israel had agreed.”
Most likely, the name of Jeremiah was added by some well meaning scribe, in order to help readers, but instead, resulted in another roadblock for some Christians, to have to fend against.

And that's what you're find When You Search For The Truth.

Friday, March 24, 2017

How Did Judas Really Die? Shedding Light On Apparent Bible Contradictions.

Did you know that there are two apparently conflicting accounts, of Judas's death, in the Bible?

In Matthew 27:3-5, Matthew tells us that Judas hung himself after betraying Jesus. However, in Acts 1:16-19, Luke tells us that Judas fell headlong and his guts burst out.  

Which one is correct? Can both of them be correct?  

As always, the truth is found in the details. Unfortunately there are many Christians that will proclaim that both are true, without having an explanation, for the apparent conflict. There are also Atheist and Nonbelievers that disingenuously use this apparent contradiction, as a tool to lead uninformed Bible readers, away from the faith. So, what is the truth?  

Well, a reading of the Greek in Matthew, reveals that after Judas' guilt got too much for him, he tried to returned the 30 pieces of silver, for betraying Y'shua, Jesus, back to the chief priests. In turn, the priests, unable to put the money back in the treasury, due to the law, bought a burial place in the nearby Potters Field, for strangers. A reading of the Greek shows that most English translations properly interpreted Matthew. 

As for Acts 1, most English Translations go like this: 

"Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his insides gushed out."

The NIV and Berean Bibles actually put Judas' name in the verse, solidifying the apparent contradiction.

However, a closer look at the Greek, behind these translations, reveals what the actual verse says.

"Now, therefore, they purchased a piece of ground, out of the unrighteous reward and it came to pass, he was put head first into it, with a crack, and all his bowels gushed out."

Now, what is the whole story? As in Matthew, Judas went and hung himself, most likely hanging there for days. His body would begin to decompose and swell from the gases inside. Once found, he barely was recognizable and his body was most likely turned in, as a dead stranger. They would have taken his body and thrown it into the Potters Field, for strangers. This swelled up and decomposing body would have cracked and split wide open, upon hitting the bottom of the grave. Much care would not have been given to an already unclean body. 

So, in reality, the true scriptures are correct and complimentary to each other.

This is another great example of why serious Bible readers should get back to the original Scriptures, in order to find the real truth of God's Word, instead of reading someone else's erroneous translation.

And that's what you're find When You Search For The Truth.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Incredible Expanding.....Earth? Another Bible First!

Did you know that the earth is expanding? Yes, scientists estimated the average growth change in Earth's radius to be 0.004 inches (0.1 millimeters). The reasons, as why this is happening, are included what is called, “The Expanding Earth Theory”. Most scientists have concluded that the core of the earth is most likely growing in size. I find this very amusing, since it wasn’t too long ago that Atheists and other non-believers and even some “Christians” made fun of literal Bible believers, for believing Isaiah 5:14, where it states, “The Underworld enlarges itself.” They laughed and poked fun at literalists, for the mere thought that the earth is growing in size. Well, lo and behold, the earth doth grow and now it’s the scientists, atheists, non-literalist, etc., that has to eat their own words and admit that the Bible, once again, got it correct, and was the first to do so.

…and that’s what you’ll find, When You Search For The Truth.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Just A Coincidence? Or Design?

Did you know that the oxygen level, within our air, is just enough to support combustion and human life?

Science has shown us that our air contains 20.9% oxygen. Other studies have shown that fire combustion can be initiated at approximately 16% oxygen, but cannot develop into and actually sustain fire, until the oxygen level rises to 18.9%. However, optimal usable combustion does not occur until oxygen level rises to, you guessed it, 20.9%. Another amazing scientific discovery is the if you raise the oxygen level to between 21.9% and 30%, combustion becomes unstable and explosive.

The other interesting thing is that the minimum oxygen concentration for human breathing is 19.5 percent. Below that brain and body cells began to die. For humans and many animals to sustain normal functions, the percentage of oxygen in our breathing environment must be within a small range. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, determined the optimal breathing range to be between 19.5 and 23.5 percent oxygen. As a matter of fact, once a human begins breathing oxygen levels above 23.5%, numerous health issues arise. With all that said, there are human activities, such as jet pilots, divers, etc. that breath higher levels of oxygen, but they require special training to do so.
Isn't amazing that our oxygen levels are exactly what we need to survive and propagate? You have to decide whether it's coincidence or design?