Did you know that many unbelievers discount God, because most Christians say that you can't understand God?
Well, unfortunately, it is true that most Christians say that. However, it is not true and I blame Christian Preachers, Priests, Teachers, etc. Why? Because the Bible is quite clear on who God is and why he does the things, he does. I can sit here and give you a long drawn out exhortation on what the Bible says, about God. But, I won't do that, because it comes down to only two thing, God Loves and Wants to Commune WITH YOU. What do you want?
You see, God created us, in his likeness, Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul. Before the Fall, God was able to bodily commune with man. In Genesis 3:8, God walked with Adam, in the garden, not in spirit, but completely, in bodily form. However, since the garden, he has been unable to completely commune with man, in his bodily form. He wants that so much.
After the fall, because of our sin, God is unable to be our presence, because it is against his nature. Therefore, the only way he can commune, with us, is through his Spirit. In the end, we will again be able to walk with him completely, in the Kingdom, the new heaven and new earth. But how do we get there from here?
For that reason, God dwelled Spiritually within the man Y'shua, who is called Jesus. Many say that Jesus is the Father, but that cannot be, because it would have been against God's nature, to dwell bodily, with man. The Bible tell us that Sin repulses God. Also, if God was Y'shua, it would also violate other parts of his nature, such as God cannot be sin, God cannot die, God cannot lie, which are three reasons Y'shua, could not be the Father.
Y'shua was made sin for us, on the cross. This would have violated God's nature, if he were God.
Y'shua died on the cross. This would have violated God's nature, because God cannot die.
If Y'shua was the Father, then he lied to his Apostles, when he told them that he did not know the time or day of his return. This would have violated God's nature, because God cannot lie.
When I say Y'shua was 100% God and 100% man, I mean that all men are 100% Body, 100% Spirit, 100% Mind and 100% Soul, speaking dimensionally. In the same way manner, Y'shua was 100% Man-Body, 100% God-Spirit, 100% Man-Mind and 100% Man-Soul. This doesn't mean he is a duality or that there are two Gods. God is Echad, one.
In God's dimension, his Body, Spirit, Soul and Mind has a separate but dependent working relationship. That is why he is called Elohim, Gods, in the Tanakh, the Old Testament. This is how God can dwell with all believers and not violate his sinless nature.
That's just part of what the scriptures say about God and his nature. Can you imagine what else is in the Bible, if you search it out?
... and that's what you'll find, When You Search For The Truth.