Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Biblically Supported Representation Of The God-Y'shua Relationship

Did you know that the original Biblical scriptures do not support the traditional view of the Godhead Trinity? Now, before you start throwing things, at me, please look at the following evidence.

God is one. Deut. 6:4

Y'shua/Jesus did not know the mind of God. Matt. 24:36; Mark 13:32

Y'shua/Jesus was made sin, for us, on the cross. This cannot be done by God, because it's against his nature. 2 Corinthians 5:21

Y'shua/Jesus was the Son of God and the Son of Man. Even though a God/Son is within God's nature, but being a man cannot be done by God, because it's against his nature. Luke 1:35, Mark 14:62

Now comes the conundrum.

The scriptures clearly show that Y'shua/Jesus has the fullness of God dwelling within him. Col. 2:9 and allowed himself, to be worshipped. Matt 14:33, 28:9; Heb. 1:6

So who is the Y'shua/Jesus, that we worship, for giving himself, as the ultimate payment, for our sins?

As seen in the picture below, Y'shua has an exclusive 100% Body of a Man, 100% Mind of a Man and 100% Soul of a Man, while his Spirit is 100% God.

As Psalm 82:6 and Y'shua's/Jesus' explanation, in John 10:34-35 shows, as the Word of God comes upon you, the more you'll become like God, not a God, but God-Like. In the same way, the Word of God manifested, came into being, as the man, Y'shua/Jesus. Therefore, Y'shua/Jesus was 100% man, able to be the one and only righteous redeemer and perfect sacrifice, within the lineage of man, with the fullness of God dwelling within him.

I honestly believe that the first one, in the Bible, that fully understood this, was Thomas, when he proclaimed, in John 20:28, that Y'shua/Jesus is his Lord and his God.

... and that's what you'll find, When You Search For The Truth.


  1. That is right Keith,
    and Jesus had to learn obedience (to God) through the things He suffered.(Hebrews ch. 5 v. 8). Luke ch. 2 also speaks about Jesus growing in wisdom, the grace of God being on Him.
    A wonderful example of how we should be in Him.

  2. I totally agree, Brenda. I thought it was time to present an illustration for people, like Paul, who appear to be unable to understand what we have written.

  3. No Keith, that is just not true, in fact, faaar from the truth.

  4. Yes, God is one, but obviously you don't know which one.

  5. Paul, Other than the conclusion, what do you say is not true?

  6. Thanks for sharing this Keith. This was very helpful. God bless and keep you.

  7. Hi Sateigdra, You are more than welcome. We need to continue to edify one another with the truth.
