Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Sole Purpose Of The Law



  1. I believe it.

    But why did it have to be this way?

    1. Hi Sandy!! It all comes down to that pesky “Free Will” question,...”Does God Make Man A Mindless Servant Or A Willing Participant, With The Freedom To Choose Their Own Destiny?” What a Great Way to get a Faithful Companion, one who chooses to be your servant, out of Love and Faithfulness.

  2. Hi Keith, yes the scriptures clearly state this.

  3. Hi Brenda, and yet there are many Rabbinical Jews that disagree with your statement, unfortunately. This is a burden upon my heart.

  4. I believe there are many messianic Jews and if we pray for all others then they will come to the One mediator between man and God - Y'shua. God wants all to be saved, and how can He not get what He wants. He has a way of achieving all He wants, and the love that He has conquers all that the the spiritual enemy has. I pray in the Spirit many times regarding what the Lord reveals to me in His Word.

  5. Unfortunately, God doesn’t get what he wants...that all come to salvation through Y’shua. But, Praise Yah, that he still went through it all, in order to bring the Remnant back. Amen!!!

  6. All we can do is pray for all men everywhere to come to the knowledge of salvation through Y'shua
