Saturday, April 11, 2020

Moshiach Chayah!! The Messiah Lives!!

5:59 PM

Silence and Darkness were the body’s only companions.

Possessing an eerie secluded existence, the figure laid motionless, looking forward only towards a decay that would accompany anyone else in his position.

Three days and three nights have passed, since his beating and the subsequent taking of his life.

Passed are the three days and three nights of ministering unto the spirits, who had gone before him.

Slowly, the ticking of the seconds that only Time and God are fully cognitive of, obediently and dutifully marched onward.

Then, within the darkness, a small but ever-growing light appears. The light grows, only noticed by the small inhabitants of such an abode. The shroud, which laid upon the beautifully hewed burial stone, began to rise. The light brilliantly and beautifully encompassed the figure underneath. And as soon as the Tower watchman cried out the beginning of a new day, within the walls of Jerusalem, the shroud fell flat to the stone.

The earth began to shake and the large stone, in front of the tombs sole opening, rolled back, to the astonishment of the startled garrison of Roman guards, who were there, guarding the tomb. Afraid, the guards scattered, leaving the spectacle to be viewed only by the purest of all creation.

From the innermost and deepest part of the grave to the highest heights of heaven, a voice rung out.

Moshiach Chayah!!

The Messiah Lives!!

B’ruch Attah Y’shua, B’nai Elohim, Bikkurim Qeber.

Blessed are you Y’shua, Son of God, the First Fruits of the Grave.

The Day Was 

The Beginning Of The Feast of First Fruits


The Resurrection Day of The Son Of God.


  1. Amen, and Glory be to God for the Resurrecrion of the Son of God, Who became the first of many brethren - by allowing all who believe to have eternal life.
