Sunday, April 21, 2019

Is This Truly A Great Day?

Truly, this day marks a Great Day in the History Of Humanity. This is the day when the Salvation of Humanity became a reality for all who will trust in God, that he provided the true Passover Lamb, thereby causing the Angel of Death to pass over us, giving us Life Everlasting with God.

This Passover Lamb committed himself to us and freely and obediently went to the alter of God and gave his life, as a ransom for all.

Then, three days later, on the Feast Of First Fruits, he raised our Messiah from the Grave validating the Word of God and Y’shua/Jesus as the Promised Salvational Lamb Of God and setting us up as Joint Heirs in the Kingdom of God. Truly, a great day!

However, let us commit ourselves to celebrate everyday, as this day, for our Messiah is the Passover Lamb and God is our Savior everyday. Amen!


  1. Hi Keith,
    that is right. Salvation is not just about one day, it is about having our daily manna every day in order to learn God's ways and know His thoughts (by having our minds renewed in Christ) as we journey to the Promised land.

  2. The same power (Spirit of God) that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that will give life to believers' mortal bodies living in their hearts. Blessings to you and all praise and glory to the One Who deserves our praises and thanks.

  3. May we give thanks and praise to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, daily, for He was the perfect atoning sacrifice, and no one comes to the Father but by Him.
    God bless,

  4. Hi Keith, “giving us Life Everlasting with God.”

    Tell me, can they die again ?
    And how do they know that they have that Everlasting Life ?
    Do they think they have Everlasting Life because they believe in God ? or what ?
    Even the demons believe in God and they tremble !
    Do you think that the demons have Everlasting Life ?

    I think all of you ought to make your calling and election sure.
    Believing in Santa Claus does NOT give you Everlasting Life.

  5. Hi Rosel, Yes, we are in agreement, according to the scriptures. Again, Amen!

  6. A Big Amen, Laurie. I am so glad that God didn't throw us out with the bath water and he perfectly designed a provision so we could be reconciled back to him, through trusting in the perfect sacrfice of his Son, Our Loving Messiah, Y'shua/Jesus. Amen!

  7. Hi Paul, as you know, we all have everlasting life. The Bible clearly indicates that we will live it, within the presence of God (Paradise) or outside the presence of God (Hell).

    Can they die again?

    I'm not quite clear on your question. Can who die again? The Bible tells us that Man has an appointment with death and then there will be the separation or judgement. However, it appears that not all humans have to die, ie: Enoch, Elijah and possibly those alive at the time of the Messiah's return.

    How do they know that they have that Everlasting Life ?

    The presence of the Holy Spirit gives us that assurance. Whosoever has the Son of God, has the Spirit of God. Whosoever has the Spirit, has the Testimony of the Messiah Y'shua/Jesus within them. Whosoever has the Testimony of the Messiah Y'shua/Jesus fully trusts in his name and thereby knows that they have perpetual or eternal life with God. 1 John 5.

    Do they think they have Everlasting Life because they believe in God ? or what ?

    As you said in your previous comment, the demons believe. Thereby, belief that gives eternal life must be more than simple belief. As in my post and throughout the Bible, this belief must be accompanied by trust and commitment in the salvation given by God alone, for God is our Savior. No one else can make that claim.

    Do you think that the demons have Everlasting Life ?

    Yes, they will live it, out of the presence of God.

    You are so correct that salvation is much more than belief. You must step out on that belief and live it. It's all about Agape, a committed love for God, through his perfect model, the Messiah, Y'shua/Jesus.

  8. No, no, no my friend !
    Obviously you don’t know of what “Life” my Father the Lord Jesus Christ is talking about.
    And neither can you.

    You see, I and my Father the Lord Jesus Christ are talking about another Life, apart from the life which you and your friends and everybody else have received.
    That Life is a FREE gift from my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, and that FREE gift is given to only His children.
    And my Father the Lord Jesus Christ gives that gift ONLY to His children, to those who were DEAD in their sins and trespasses.

    And as you know, DEAD people can do absolutely nothing !
    They cannot CALL on the Name of the Lord, because they are DEAD.
    They cannot BELIEVE in the Lord, because they are DEAD.
    They cannot stretch forth their hands to receive, because they are DEAD, they can do absolutely NOTHING !

    And to make it worse, they don’t even know that they are DEAD, because they are DEAD.

    Just as the Bible said, ‘In death is NO knowledge, and neither is there remembrance’.

    Keith, you cannot know what I am talking about, NOT, unless you would have been born again.
    Only those who have been born again, they would know what I am talking about, and surely they would give me an AMEN.

  9. Hi Keith, I’m late again, as usual...hope you had a nice weekend celebrating again and always the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus. By His finished work we receive mercy and grace. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog....I have been prevented from blogging, one thing after another, the latest being a very nasty cold...but hopefully tonight 😊 peace of Jesus be upon you, without Him there is constant contentiousness and strife, but His peace is perfect and complete ❤️

  10. Hi Susan, It's never too late. Had a great weekend. I know what you mean by things getting in the way. Things have been super busy here and before I know it, a couple of weeks have passed. Shalom Tamiym Hayah Y'shua Ha Mashiach. May your peace become complete in Messiah Y'shua.
