Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Right Heart...Right Spirit

Tonight, In Bible Study, We Studied John 6:40-46, Which Included The Verse Below. The Main Message Is:

If You Don’t Come To God, With The Right Heart/Spirit, You’ll Never Be Allowed To Draw Near And Perceive Who Y’Shua/Jesus Actually Is. 

Does This Explain What Y’Shua/Jesus Meant, When He Said, “Many Shall Say, ‘Lord, Lord’, But Few Shall Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven.”?


  1. Yes, it is what is inside a person that is the person itself, and God is the only One Who can see all that is within a person's heart and mind. That is why we must act on all that He instructs us as we go through our trials. Love God and love one another is one of the most important instructions we have from Him, and when we look at the Bible's interpretation of 'love' it is a true testing of our faith.

    1. Yes, we sell God short sometimes and don't recognize that he is supernatural and his abilities are so much more than ours.
