Thursday, October 3, 2019

Is It Pierced Or Is It Wounded? The Rest Of The Story.

The Rabbinic Jews Say:

He Was Wounded Because Of Our Transgressions….

and that this verse can be anyone, including the Nation of Israel.

The Christians Say:

He Was Pierced For Our Trangressions….

and obviously points to Y'shua/Jesus, because he has been the only one pierced and claimed to be the Messiah.

However, both are correct, but neither gives the complete story.

To be honest, this debate has raged from long before English was even a language. It all comes down the original Hebrew word, CHALAL, translated as 'Wounded' by the Rabbinical Jews and as 'Pierced', by English speaking Christians. With that said, a simple look into both a Jewish Lexicon Condcordance and a Christian Lexicon Concordance reveals that the Hebrew word, CHALAL, means to be wounded, as if by being bored through and through. Otherwords, it means Pierced. But, that's not the whole story.

Our account takes us to another debate, which has been going on since the writing of Epistles of Paul, concerning the Gospel of Y'shua/Jesus.

In II Corinthians 5:21 and Galations 3:13, the Apostle Paul started an outcry, resulting in this two thousand year old debate. He stated that Y''shua/Jesus was made sin or a curse for us, so through his punishment upon the cross, so we would be made clean in God's eyes. 

Jews say that it's nowhere in the Tanakh, Old Testament, and that it's just one of the many lies Paul made up, while creating Christianity in his own image.

Most Christians, even supposed scholars, futilely debate this, but can not come up with the exact language and it's location, within the Holy Scriptures, to refute the Jews. Paraphrasing is the common response from the most learned Chrisitian Scholars. Paul was paraphrasing, revealing that most Christian Scholars have gotten bogged down in the English translations, while ignoring the Hebrew at the most basic level. 

How can you say that? 

Because, a further investigation reveals that Paul's exact words were indeed within the pages of the Jewish Scriptures, within the famous Isaiah 53. You guessed it, the same Isaiah 53:5, with which we started off this post. If you look in the same Lexicons, mentioned above, we find out that the primary meaning of the original Hebrew word 'CHALAL' is actually ."allowed himself to be made profane, iniquity, sin"

Therefore, based on the writings of a first century Pharisee, the Apostle Paul and of course the actually meaning of the text, we now know that Isaiah 53:5 goes like this:

He Became Profane/Iniquity/Sin, Through Boring Wounds, For Our Transgressions, 

Allowed Himself To Be Crushed/Smited For Our Depravity And Punished. 

His Wounds/Stripes Brings Peace And Healing. 

Regardless, It Still Points To Y’shua Ha Mashiach. Amen!!!



  1. Hi Keith,
    whatever is said, by the whosoever, the fact that Y'shua was without sin, yet made to be sin makes sense when we realise that the sin was in the flesh. It was the 'fleshly body' that was crucified, and as Jesus was the first born of God's Spirit then what was crucified represented our sins, because until mankind is born of God's Spirit they are sinful.

    1. The scriptures agree with you, Brenda and that’s the most important thing. It just amazes me that there has been years of arguing between Christians and Jews as to the meaning of the word, when the primary meaning of the word “Made sin”.

  2. Brenda, you said, “the sin was in the flesh”.
    Tell me, which sin was in the flesh ?
    And what do you mean by ‘the flesh’ ?
    Do you mean your sins which you commit ? Are they in the flesh ? or what ?
    Or, do you mean the meat, the flesh ?

    My Bible said, ‘The SOUL that sinneth shall surely die’ Eze. 18:20.
    It doesn’t say, the flesh that sinneth shall surely die.
    It’s the SOUL which does the sinning, and it is the soul which needs to be conformed to the Spirit of the Lord.

  3. Keith,
    If it DOESN’T actually say, Isaiah 53:5 “But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed,” then it is a lie, and a deception.

    Likewise 2 Cor. 5:21 “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
    Gal. 3:13 “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us--for it is written, ‘CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE”.

    Again, if it doesn’t say that, then you believe a lie.

    You should believe the Bible my friend.
    And throw that Jewish garbage in the rubbish bin.

    You said, “and that it's just one of the many lies Paul made up, while creating Christianity in his own image.”

    From where did you get that idea ?
    Paul didn’t make up any lies.

    The Bible is the WORD of God; the Bible is NOT the word of Paul.
    Do you think that I, or we believe in a man called Paul ? You gotta be kidding Keith.

    OK, I’ll tell you again. The Bible is the Word of God, and it is NOT the word of a man called Paul or anyone else, otherwise the Bible would be called the WORD of MEN.

    Keith, I can see that you don’t believe the Word of God at all.
    No wonder why you believe that Jewish rubbish.
    Well my friend, you need to believe in the Bible, otherwise it is impossible for you to understand anything of God, or from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Paul, you just said the the same thing that I just said in the post and you called me andthe Apostle Paul, liars.

  4. Because all of mankind have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, that is why the human body does not live forever. Sinful man has the carnal mind and has to learn from the Holy Spirit in order to be reconciled back to God. The crucifixion of Christ was showing us that it is carnal man that has to be made 'dead' and we have to become a new creation, being born again of the Spirit that was in Y'shua and learn God's ways through the mind of Christ.
    Y'shua was not born of carnal man, as we were, it was the Holy Spirit that descended upon Mary that He was born of:-
    Luke ch. 1 v. 35 'The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.'

    1. Hey Brenda, yes I agree with what you have written. However, the scriptures show that the body is more than just flesh. The flesh with carnal mind is the result of us losing our dimensionality in the garden. Y’shua still have his earthly flesh, with the dimensionality regained. He still has the stripes and wounds of his crucifixion as a testimony.

  5. Hi Keith, yes, but the crucifixion was representing the carnal part of mankind being destroyed. There had to be a sacrifice. Y'shua had to return to the Father, and then just as He said, the Father would send the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us so that we could become children of God too.

    1. Brenda, I was addressing the fact that our flesh is carnal, because of our loss of the God Dimension. That's what this whole exercise is all regaining our spiritual dimensionality. Remember, in the end, we don't get new bodies. We get transformed bodies, after the likeness of our Messiah. Phillipians 20-21 tells us this:

      "For our community in heaven, from which also we patiently wait with great care and perseverance for the deliverer and savior Lord Messiah Y’shua, who transforms the body, our low estate, to be conformed to the body, of his glory, by the exertion of supernatural power, he will exert, subjecting everything to himself."

      The crucifixion did not destroy the carnal mind. It removed the death bonds upon our eternal soul.

  6. It's difficult to understand one another's thoughts sometimes Keith, what I meant regarding my views on this is that we had to be transformed into God's image, and the crucifixion represents the curse coming on sinful man.

  7. As we are the body of Christ on earth, we also have the mind of Christ. There has always been something in 1 Corinthians ch. 15 v.47:- The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven.' that is showing me the difference between the two Adams, and the significance of the crucifixion.

  8. Brenda, I agree that our written word sometimes falls short of conveying what we intended to say. I am guilty all the time of this. That's why I get very wordy, at times. :-) LOL Honestly, I looked at our conversation as a way the Spirit tends to tidy up our thoughts.

    As for the difference between the first Adam and the second, we are in agreement. However, I thought you segued into the nature of man and the flesh, when you said,

    "Because all of mankind have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, that is why the human body does not live forever..."

    I was just adding my thoughts as to Messiah's and our flesh. At the time of his visitation and the cross, his and our flesh were the same, with one exception. We made our flesh corrupt by giving into our carnal mind, where the Messiah did not, thereby making his flesh a perfect sacrifice, a perfect scapegoat, to which to place our sins upon.

    Because he died unjustly for our sins, he was raised back into life. Because he was faithful until that unjust death, he was rewarded with an uncorrupted flesh.

  9. God made Him Who knew no sin to be sin. This is what I was referring to Keith. When He became like us on earth He became sin. He had to learn obedience through the things He suffered, and we have to also. The Spirit and life is acquired when we act on that Word spoken to us and are not just hearers of that Word, being transformed into God's image by having His thoughts and learning His ways. I am learning every day, and my trials are definately strengthening me.

  10. I agree Brenda. Y'shua had to be one of us, a human, in order that his sacrifice would be valid and acceptable to God. Otherwise, why go through all this, if God didn't required a perfect sacrifice?

    Attempting to perfect ourselves, on a daily basis, is a futile process, if perfection is our goal. However, we continue to strive for perfection, only to show us daily that perfection is unobtainable, without the Blood of the Messiah. Our daily strive for renewal/perfection is to transform our minds, in order to achieve a close relationship with the Will and Word of God.

    This is what Paul meant in II Corinthians 3:18 and Romans 12:2.

    We are to be transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

    Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    Our bodily transformation is done, in twinkling of an eye, when the Lord comes back for us.

  11. The more I am spoken to and changed by that living Word the more I want to be conformed to it, as I know that God's thoughts are for our welfare and not to harm us. Beautiful!

  12. We can not perfect ourselves Keith, it is acting on the Word that is spoken to us which has the power to change us, for then we live according to the way we should as children of God. 'Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it'.
    Just as an earthly father teaches a child how they should be, so too our Heavenly Father instructs us through His living Word.

  13. Hi Brenda, I’m sure that you would agree that perfecting ourselves and attempting to perfect ourselves are two different things. One is obtainable while the other is not. The difference is a mindset. We need to set our mind on the thoughts of God, even though obtaining equality with God is unobtainable. It’s the difference between walking with God and walking as God. In our lives we should be walking with God, on our way to becoming Sons of God.The Word of God is our path.

  14. Hi Keith,
    Philippians ch. 2 v.12 and 13 are two good verses regarding our responsibility in our walk:-
    'Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good purpose.…'
    Once we have been born of the Holy Spirit then God (Who is Spirit) is working within us. I love How we are lead into all truth by the Holy Spirit.

  15. Yes, those are great encouraging passages to point out our daily walk. Everyday, we should desire to walk according to God's Word. Y'shua said, "Be Perfect!" However, everyday every one of us, though we walk with God, find that we fall short of the Glory of God, because through our free will, we don't tap into God's Spirit. Some days are better than others, it's an ebb and flow process. To fill in those gaps, we need to Blood of the Messiah.

    It made me smile, when I read the last part of your comment.

    "I love How we are lead into all truth by the Holy Spirit."

    Oh I love the fact that God's Spirit is eager to leads us down many paths revealing himself to us. It's amazing how we start crawling, in our pursuit of God, but now we are running so hard, it hard to keep up with him. :-).

  16. what's that saying Keith..... ? We have to run the race if we want to win it :-) we grow from being a babe in CHRIST to maturity in Him.

  17. I think that you both are running so fast and have left my Father the Lord Jesus Christ long way back, even to the point of giving Him another name and call Him Y'shua instead of Jesus.

    To me it sounds like spiritual fruit salad.
    Do you think by running faster that you get there quicker ?
    And where are you going to run to ?

  18. You should run to the Lord Jesus Christ, and when you get there, you would be complete in Him.
    And NO ! Y'shua can't do anything for you, only Jesus can.

  19. Honestly, I did think that Paul had a supernatural insight into the "Jesus was made sin" thing. Now, after seeing what Isaiah 53:5 actually says, it's clear that all Paul was doing was reading what was actually there. I think it's so clear that this present age is what Daniel was talking about in Daniel 12:4 and John in Revelation 22:10. I do believe that we will hear more of this type of stuff as we grow closer to the end. Exciting times.

  20. Hi Keith, Fascinating post! Praise God that through His love for us, Jesus Christ took on the form of a humble servant, willing to become our sin to pay the price we could not pay, to reconcile sinful man to Holy God.
    God bless you,

  21. Chris, yes it’s very clear that what Paul saw was actually written in Hebrew. I don’t understand why translators translate it the way they do other than a possible Ulterior motive. Also, I agree that it’s possible that this is what Daniel and John were talking about for the end times.

  22. Hi Laurie, yes Praise God for Y’shua’s faithful obedience on the cross. Praise God that his sacrifice was sufficient. One of my greatest hopes is that everyone will see that the Messiah was who he said he was, according to the scriptures. Amen!

  23. Paul, still praying for you, my friend.

  24. I have joined you in prayer for Paul too Keith.

  25. Hey bro, even though I fully understand your post, you must have been tired when you wrote it. Great Post as always, but I highly recommend rewriting it. It does make me want to see if the rest of Isaiah 53 differs from the NIV. Thanks and keep it up. I enjoy your posts.

  26. Thanks, William! I see what you mean. Yes, I was tired, but I should have proofread it. No excuse. Thanks again, for the feedback. I'll fix it. I will get around to doing a word for word for Isaiah 53.

  27. Hey Brenda, there is strength in numbers. :-) We are powerful in the Lord. I appreciate you and I'm sure Paul will eventually appreciate you.

    1. Where two agree as touching anything on earth it will be done for us by our Father in Heaven. God is not a man that He should lie.

  28. Strength in numbers ?
    Absolutely NOT !
    If you would know the God of the Bible, then you would know that it is actually the opposite.

    And no Keith, I don’t get upset if you pray for me.
    Why should I ?
    I think it is very nice for you to pray for me, but who is going to listen to your prayer ?
    Do you think that Yahweh will listen to your prayer ?
    Or perhaps Jehovah ?

    You are praying to the wrong god who has NO ears to hear, he is a useless god, my friend.
    Whether you pray the MAGIC formula in Jesus name or not, makes absolutely no difference.

    You see Keith, my Father the Lord Jesus Christ has already prayed for me, and it is His prayer which counts for me, in fact the only prayer which counts for me (John 17:9 and John 17:20).
    Any other prayer is nice if they pray for my good, and if they pray for bad, or for my destruction, then who is going to listen ?
    Your god ?
    I don’t think so.

    And woe to those who pray for my destruction; remember, it is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ who loves me and who shelters me from all of my adversaries.

  29. Well, Paul, once again, you’re wrong. There are many verses where we are directed to pray in numbers. My favorite is II Corinthians 1:11.

    You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.

    Please read your Bible, Paul.

  30. Keith, I have to ask you again, to whom do you pray ?
    Is it to Yahweh, or to Jehovah, or perhaps to Allah or Krishna ?

    If you or Brenda, or anyone else doesn't know to which God to pray, then you have a severe spiritual problem my friend.

    I think it is most important to KNOW your God that He is the creator of heaven and earth before you can pray to Him.

    Imagine, you pay to your god Krishna, will he hear you ?
    What about you pray to an imaginary god by whatever name you give him, can he answer your prayer ?
    I think you are deluding yourself and wasting your time my friend.

    That brings me to my question; why are you refusing to pray to my Father the Lord Jesus Christ who after all created the heavens and the earth ? WHY ?

    I know, because you don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you believe in another god called Yahweh. And then you pray the MAGIC formula “IN JESUS NAME”.

    Well, there is always REPENTANCE left.
    Oops ! that dirty word again :-)

  31. Paul, it doesn’t matter how you put it or what your beliefs are, there is only one God and that is YHWH, Yah. The HaYah Asher HaYah, the I Am

  32. Yes Keith, it does matter.
    In fact, it is the ONLY thing that matters.
    If you are wrong on the one who created the heavens and the earth, and don’t worship Him ONLY, then you have become an apostate, an idolater, and a pagan and you stand condemned before my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, because you have NOT believed in Him.

    OK. I say it again, ‘you have NOT believed in the ONLY ONE whom God has sent’.

    Obviously, my Father the Lord Jesus Christ did NOT reveal His Name “YHWH” to you, otherwise you would know his one and ONLY Name.

    Keith, you don’t have to invent a name for the Lord God out of the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves. You are just like the Jehovah's Witness cult, whether you call him Yahweh or Jehovah, or Allah makes no difference.

  33. Hey Keith, did you know, the Jehovah's Witness cult did exactly the same as you do.
    My Father the Lord Jesus Christ never revealed His ONE and only Name “YHWH” to them, so they said the same as you, that the Bible is incorrect and mistranslated.
    Then they invented their own bible and called it, the New World Translation.

    That happens with everyone who doesn’t believe in my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, basically they are antichrist.

    You see, there is only the TRUTH (John 14:6) and that is Jesus Christ, or the LIE which is the devil (2 Cor. 4:4) and anyone who is in between is IGNORANCE and his brother DECEPTION.

  34. Paul, did you know the Catholic Church did exactly what you’re doing...changing the scriptures? It’s time to get back to what the Bible actually says.

  35. I do NOT change the Scriptures, I BELIEVE the Scriptures and I represent the Scriptures.
    The Scriptures are only the Bible, the 66 books and NOTHING else !

    Any other books are NOT the Word of God, if you quote them or teach from them, then you present the doctrines of man, and of devils.

  36. And yet, you deliberately deny what they plainly say, Paul.

  37. ‘Deny what THEY plainly say’, do you mean the Catholic Church ?

    Yes I deny what the Catholic Church says, just the same as I deny what you are saying.
    They and you don’t believe the written Word of God the Bible as it is plainly written.
    You even said that the Bible is a miss-transliteration, and therefore you quoting from the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves, which is obviously NOT the Bible.

  38. Paul, The Bible is the Word of God. What you have in your hands is not. You can deliberately misconstrue what I say, but you'll never change the truth. It's time to get back to the actual Word of God. Still praying for you, my friend.

  39. What !
    I have THREE Bibles in front of me, the KJV, NASB and the NIV, and you are saying that those are NOT Bibles.
    Every Christian considers those three Bibles to be the Word of God.

    But NOT you.
    You claim the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves to be your bible the word of god; maybe for you, but surely not for us who know the Lord, the God who created the heavens and the earth and everything in it.

  40. Keith,

    Go back and look at this part again. This is not an insult or a negative comment but hopefully will add to the point:

    "His Wounds/Stripes Brings Peace And Healing."

    There is a little piece that may be inaccurate but makes it even more passionate. See if you can figure out what I mean.

  41. Hey Tim, Peace Stripes is healing is the only other way to interpret Shalom chabbuwrah rapha. Either way it comes out the same. However, if the Spirit has given you a different insight, please share.

  42. Haha. Automatically thought I was going to disagree huh?

    The word you are using chet, beth, resh together means stripe, not stripes. He was whipped and beaten so bad his skin was not left. Meaning his action was total, no gaps. What he did was total commitment. He didn't look human.

    So next time get it right. Haha.

  43. Good Catch Tim!! I didn’t think you were disagreeing. I though you were going to add to conversation and you did. Thanks!

  44. Also, Tim, your point also reminds me that the men, on the road to ammaus, Mary, the morning of Y'shua's resurrection and Peter and the Apostles didn't recgonize him, which supports your thought that he didn't look human.

  45. I believe the whole of that chapter is speaking about focusing on the scriptures, which are the Word of God spoken by Jesus Who was sent to speak that Word at that time, and for we in the future not focusing on the person speaking to us but on that Word.

    Verse 16 states:-' but they were KEPT from recognising him. (all things are possible with God)

    Verse 32 states:-They said to one another, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking with us on the road and opening the Scriptures to us'

  46. Brenda, you threw me for a second. It took me a second to realized you went to Luke 24 on us. :-) LOL I see where you get that and I concur.

    I really like what you said,

    "...the Word of God spoken by Jesus Who was sent to speak that Word at that time, and for we in the future not focusing on the person speaking to us but on that Word."

    With all reverence to our Lord Y'shua, God does want us to center on his Word, not anything else. For if we center on his Word, the Honor and Glory, which God has bestowed upon Y'shua, will become quite evidence. As seen in the church today, we can become obsessed with Y'shua that we don't understand or know his Word. A great example is our friend Paul.

    1. Glad you understood what I was getting over to you Keith, sometimes it is very difficult to interact through texts,instead of vocal interaction, and I should have stated which chapter in the Bible I was referring to.:-)
      After reading your answer to my last comment twice I have to say that I agree with everything you have said in it. I also agree that the name of our Lord is Y'shua, it is just that many people call Him by the English translation. The name of the Biblical people, I believe, was always given according to what they did, as in YHWH SAVES - Y'SHUA.

  47. I can't help to point out that the word used in Luke 24:31 for opened, is dianoigō, which means "having their eyes opened for the first time, as a newborn." Only by having our eyes opened as a newborn Christian can we see the truth of the scriptures.

    1. That is right Chris, until I was born of God's Spirit I was not a child of God. Once being born again we are gradually growing from being a 'babe' in Christ to maturing in Him through the enlightening of the Word by the Holy Spirit leading us into all truth.

    2. 'Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come'
      2 Corinthians ch. 5 v.17

    3. It's God's plain and simple truth. Cling to the truth, Brenda. It's my manta till the day I die.

  48. I’m amazed that all of you claim to be born again, having their eyes opened like new born Christians, and still believing in two or more gods.

    And DON’T say that you believe in one God, that is your rhetoric, your religious cliche.
    If you would know my heavenly Father’s one and only Name, then you would call Him by His one and only Name in the Bible, and you wouldn’t try to pervert His one and only Name which is JESUS.

  49. And to top it off, there is absolutely nowhere mentioned in the Bible about a Lord Y’shua.
    Absolutely NOWHERE !
    Those lies are NOT in the Bible.

    In the Bible is the Name JESUS mentioned over 980 times, but NOT ONE TIME is Y,shua mentioned in the New Testament.

    Over 980 times is the Name Jesus mentioned; therefore the name Y’shua is a fake name, perhaps, only mentioned in the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves.
    You mention the name Y’shua because you are ashamed of His ONE and ONLY Name Jesus.

  50. Deception !
    Once the deception has been conceived, all reasoning has been surrendered by the individuals and Satan uses Scripture metaphors to justify and strengthen his stronghold to keep his subjects under a strong delusion.
    When the Name of God has been divided, the only Name of God which is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12) has become uncertain and God now has begot many names, and even titles and descriptions have now become NAMES for their gods who are many, unknown and fluctuating concepts.
    All rationality has become subject under Satan's power of deception and supported by Scriptural metaphors.
    Metaphors have become realities and are subject to every wind of doctrine.
    Paul G.

  51. While we are UNDER HEAVEN, Jesus (Y'SHUA) is the only name BY WHICH we MUST be saved. Thank You Father for sending Your only begotten Son, and making HIM our Lord, to enable us to be reconciled back to You through the leading and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT, which Y'shua said YOU would send.
    God bless all with the truth.

  52. Brenda, you just proved the point which I have made, last comment.
    I really wonder whether you read comments, or do you just gloss over them ?

    It would be a lot better if you would think before you talk.

  53. I am glad you agree with the scriptures I have spoken about Paul, as the scriptures are the only truth we can use as we grow spiritually. I will always interact with other bloggers but will never get into foolish arguments .

  54. No Brenda, you don’t need to put words into my mouth, I’m an old boy and I have learned to speak for myself.

    Brenda, you need to deal with those foolish statements, “Thank You Father for sending Your only begotten Son, and making HIM our Lord, to enable us to be reconciled back to You through the leading and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT, which Y'shua said YOU would send.”

    As I have said many times before, that statements like that are very foolish statements leading the ignorant into deception to think that there is a Father and another person called the Son, and the Father would make the Son your Lord, etc. etc.

    Look Brenda, that is a lie, a deception.
    Just as I have said, “Deception !
    Once the deception has been conceived, all reasoning has been surrendered by the individuals and Satan uses Scripture metaphors to justify and strengthen his stronghold to keep his subjects under a strong delusion.
    When the Name of God has been divided, the only Name of God which is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12) has become uncertain and God now has begot many names, and even titles and descriptions have now become NAMES for their gods who are many, unknown and fluctuating concepts.
    All rationality has become subject under Satan's power of deception and supported by Scriptural metaphors.
    Metaphors have become realities and are subject to every wind of doctrine.
    Paul G.”

  55. Hi Keith and Chris, just in case you miss them because of all Paul's comments, I have left replies to your comments.


  56. Hey Brenda, I am definitely slow but eventually get to where I’m going. :-) LOL as I have said in the past and I’m sure that you agree, it doesn’t matter whether you say Jesus or Y’shua, it’s the same person. I like using Y’shua because it constantly remind me that it means, Yah= YHWH, Gadol Ehyeh/Hayah (The Great I Am) and Shua = Saves/ Salvation.

    1. Hi Keith,
      join the 'club' for being slow, but as we know, there is a time for everything', and no one can ever take the 'TRUTH' away from what is written.

  57. Paul, what Brenda has said is according to the scriptures. Don’t you think it’s time to read them? God is standing by and waiting to help you. My prayer, every night, is for your eyes to be opened to the leading of God spirit. Shalom, my Friend

  58. Keith, you said, “it doesn’t matter whether you say Jesus or Y’shua, it’s the same person”

    If the Bible, yes Keith, the Bible calls my Father the Lord Jesus Christ over 980 times JESUS, and NOT ONCE Y’shua, then why do you give my Father another name which is NOT WRITTEN in the Bible.

    Yes Keith, it’s NOT there, read it !
    Every intelligent believer who believes in Jesus will not accept another name. Because there is NO OTHER name given under heaven and on earth.
    If it says JESUS, then it doesn't mean Y’shua !

    I think that you are trying to pervert His ONE and ONLY Name JESUS.

  59. If it matters, Paul, you would be going straight to hell, Jesus is not his God Given Name. However, God is great enough to know who you are referring to.

  60. Keith, when the Bible said over 980 times that His Name is Jesus, then His Name is JESUS, and NOT Y'shua.

  61. And Keith, It is your CONFESSION which matters, and what you like to think.

  62. Oops, I meant to say, 'and NOT what you like to think'.

  63. Paul, you said,

    "No Brenda, you don’t need to put words into my mouth, I’m an old boy and I have learned to speak for myself."

    That's right. You are speaking for yourself, not Jesus or God.

  64. Jesus or God.
    What do you mean By that ?

    Yes, I do speak for my Father the Lord God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth Jesus Christ.

    If you would believe in Him, then you would believe in His Word which is the Bible.

  65. Hello Keith,

    If I may ask, what is the source for the quote from the 1st century Pharisee? Thank you.

    1. Jesse, I am so sorry in my delay in getting back to you. I have been so busy. No excuse. Just the fact. As for the first century Pharisee, it is Paul. Paul was a Pharisee. I apologize if my writing style did not make that clear. Shalom
